Kuwl's Deja Vue All Over Again

Curious how you do with the side lighting. I've done tests with it before and never really saw much of a difference.

I would position the side lights a little lower and a little closer to get more penetration into the lower half of your plant which is the whole purpose to side lighting. The pictures may be distorting how much sidelight you're getting but that's what it looks like from the pic.
Putting them up I was thinking more of a dome than direct side lighting.
I could put new hooks on the ceiling to hang them closer but would have to adjust the light level.
They at 100% cause the light adj screw is really hard to get to on these old TS1000's and a real pain to adjust.
Will check it tomorrow.
🎄Merry Christmas & Happy New Year🎅

Week 2 in flower.
Doing well, so are plants, pretty much.
54 degrees here WoW!! It happens once in a while, these higher Dec. temps.

Flowers showing up, lots of them :)
Light is at 100% and 14 in above.
I think I will have to do some LST on the LSD plant in the back right side.
Cleaned out the rez tank for the new batch of nutrients.
Didn't need it but wanted to put in totaly fresh nutes.
Tank water was perfectly clear.
No problems but for a few tri-leaves near the bottoms of all
4 plants also showing other problems on lower leafs.
Not to worried about it tho.
Will check for light leaks again tonight cause I don't know what would cause it.
Leaves still look like they need something, maybe MP?, not sure.
Everything is on schedule for Wk 2 and looking forward to more of them flowers popping in wk 3.
I also added 1 tsp per gal of H202 along with the regular feeding of
5/2.5/10/2.5 PT/FP/B/MP PPM 900 PH 5.8
( For some odd reason my tap water went from 7.2 to 8.0 )

Leaf Trouble Charts

Couple of Pics
Could be a potasium deficiency but what do I add or do I have to buy it.
🎄Merry Christmas & Happy New Year🎅

Week 2 in flower.
Doing well, so are plants, pretty much.
54 degrees here WoW!! It happens once in a while, these higher Dec. temps.

Flowers showing up, lots of them :)
Light is at 100% and 14 in above.
I think I will have to do some LST on the LSD plant in the back right side.
Cleaned out the rez tank for the new batch of nutrients.
Didn't need it but wanted to put in totaly fresh nutes.
Tank water was perfectly clear.
No problems but for a few tri-leaves near the bottoms of all
4 plants also showing other problems on lower leafs.
Not to worried about it tho.
Will check for light leaks again tonight cause I don't know what would cause it.
Leaves still look like they need something, maybe MP?, not sure.
Everything is on schedule for Wk 2 and looking forward to more of them flowers popping in wk 3.
I also added 1 tsp per gal of H202 along with the regular feeding of
5/2.5/10/2.5 PT/FP/B/MP PPM 900 PH 5.8
( For some odd reason my tap water went from 7.2 to 8.0 )

Leaf Trouble Charts
View attachment 35365View attachment 35366

Couple of Pics
View attachment 35367View attachment 35368
Could be a potasium deficiency but what do I add or do I have to buy it.
Update on light leak:
Found it!!! Dam little heater light (Red)
I taped it when I put the heater in there but not good enough.
I crept down the dark cellar stairs blind as a bat using radar in my head
to find my way to the cave. As I entered carefully, I felt my way around, careful
not to crash into anything. Did not "see" any light, just total darkness.
I figured maybe the light is low because the tri-leaves were low on the plant.
Only the very bottom ones so I crouched down like a ninja to see what I could see.
A lil spec of red caught my eye and I reached over to feel where it was coming from.
Burned my hand and found it! Tape covered it but somehow not totally so a lil bit leaked out.
Felt around for the drawer where I kept the electrical tape and tried to tape it but could not.
I picked it up and turned the heater around so the light faced the back wall till morning when I can fix it.
Backed my way out of the room and left the cellar with a sigh of relief that I didn't mess up. lol
Eveything good now :)

Made some adjustments on the "side" lights decreased the angle to about 15 degrees and lowered them.
Adjusted the light levels also. Lux 55-65
Tank is clear as a bell with no gunk or partical problems.
LSD (Back Right Corner) is the stretch leader and will have to LST her soon.
The 2 Blues (Front and Back on Left Side) are gangely but the white (Right Front) is beefier.
I check with a paint stick to see how much they drink each day, with only 4 gallons in the tank
at a time, I stick it in to touch the bottom and mark it with a date.
It's pretty much an inch a day. I turn off the heater for about 4-5 hours a night
thinking that I might save a bit on the ol lectric bill. Also at about the same time the 6" fan
goes off too, not using the big 8" fan yet. The bubbler is on 12/12 same as the lights.
Rez Tank mixer is set for 4 times a day for 15 mins each time.
Exhaust fan set at 1, it might go up as the plant gets more flowers and needs the circulation of fresh air
which comes from the outside via a pipe through the cellar wall once used for the old oil tank.
Not sure if I will change rez tanks next feed or will add the the rez that's in there.
Good news is the tank water with nutes is clear and that's what I remember from the 1st time I used Auto Pots.
The difference is I am not using Zyme. I am strickly using Dyna Pro - Pro-Tekt, Foliage Pro, Mag Pro and Bloom.
I do put in Drip Clean .4 ml per gallon. but not sure I need it.
In the AP brochure is says 5.8 PH for soil and that's what I'm using so I'll stick to that.
I should have read that again before I started cause I did make a few mistakes like turning on the bubbler to soon.
Here's another pic
Whatever mistake you made it seems the girls didn't mind. Looking good! I like your side lighting position. It should get some much-needed light in the interior of the plant and, hopefully, you see some nice nugs form.

I did notice that what would usually be larf formed some decent small bud but, from the couple of times I tried it, I think it needed more PPFD as the light I used was only 80w. I wonder if you could set up a tent with bar lights mounted vertically for side lighting all around along with your top light. Say like a 650w top of canopy light with 150w lights mounted to all 4 walls. It would certainly get closer to mimicking the sun!

Of course, this wouldn't be as beneficial for ScrOGers like me as the light exposure we need is primarily from the top but for growers that free grow it could increase yields. Just wondering if the extra wattage would justify it.
Whatever mistake you made it seems the girls didn't mind. Looking good! I like your side lighting position. It should get some much-needed light in the interior of the plant and, hopefully, you see some nice nugs form.

I did notice that what would usually be larf formed some decent small bud but, from the couple of times I tried it, I think it needed more PPFD as the light I used was only 80w. I wonder if you could set up a tent with bar lights mounted vertically for side lighting all around along with your top light. Say like a 650w top of canopy light with 150w lights mounted to all 4 walls. It would certainly get closer to mimicking the sun!

Of course, this wouldn't be as beneficial for ScrOGers like me as the light exposure we need is primarily from the top but for growers that free grow it could increase yields. Just wondering if the extra wattage would justify it.
I tried in a tent once and got light burn on the buds and leaves also very tight quarters to move around in.

So far my electric is only bout $60 a month higher but I think it will go higher next month.
I have estimated the cost of my electric to the wieght of procuct and at the time was $50 an ounce,
not sure how accurate I was but at the time street weed was $250 per ounce, it's much cheaper now ($150-200)
but I think my end wieght is way up from then too.

I'll try this and wait and see how those lower branch buds do.
At least until my next electric bill comes in or I get massive bud growth.
I tried in a tent once and got light burn on the buds and leaves also very tight quarters to move around in.

So far my electric is only bout $60 a month higher but I think it will go higher next month.
I have estimated the cost of my electric to the wieght of procuct and at the time was $50 an ounce,
not sure how accurate I was but at the time street weed was $250 per ounce, it's much cheaper now ($150-200)
but I think my end wieght is way up from then too.

I'll try this and wait and see how those lower branch buds do.
At least until my next electric bill comes in or I get massive bud growth.
Your plants look great, nice green all around. We're close, I'm at 4 weeks in flower now and I'm running out of weed to smoke....yikes...I gave some away to family and friends and as I look with 2 months left before this crop is dried she's going to be tight. I can see some fast dried weed coming in my future if I don't cut back.

My grow cost me about $100/month in electrical costs with heater and lights and until you mentioned it I'd forgotten about the light on my heater....ooops not to worry I guess, its on a timer I only use it with lights on as I jumped and checked after reading your post.....you gave me a panic for a moment.....lights on my heater???........

our home is warm enough at night 66 -67f ish , I just need heat while lights are on to get day time temps up to 76 - 77f....I have to have my tent side doors open a bit to get the humidity down into the 50's and that's dropping the heat a few degrees .

Today / Tomorrow I'm going to drop some seeds into water to start my next crop. I let my perpetual grow get away from me and I'll have to budget my weed because of that faux pas. I eliminated my 2 - 3x4x5 grow closets cleaning up my shop to accommodate my new lathe but I have a 3x3 x6 to start them in although 6 plants will get tight in a 3x3
Your plants look great, nice green all around. We're close, I'm at 4 weeks in flower now and I'm running out of weed to smoke....yikes...I gave some away to family and friends and as I look with 2 months left before this crop is dried she's going to be tight. I can see some fast dried weed coming in my future if I don't cut back.

My grow cost me about $100/month in electrical costs with heater and lights and until you mentioned it I'd forgotten about the light on my heater....ooops not to worry I guess, its on a timer I only use it with lights on as I jumped and checked after reading your post.....you gave me a panic for a moment.....lights on my heater???........

our home is warm enough at night 66 -67f ish , I just need heat while lights are on to get day time temps up to 76 - 77f....I have to have my tent side doors open a bit to get the humidity down into the 50's and that's dropping the heat a few degrees .

Today / Tomorrow I'm going to drop some seeds into water to start my next crop. I let my perpetual grow get away from me and I'll have to budget my weed because of that faux pas. I eliminated my 2 - 3x4x5 grow closets cleaning up my shop to accommodate my new lathe but I have a 3x3 x6 to start them in although 6 plants will get tight in a 3x3
My cellar temp hovers around 63-64 daytime, not sure what it is at night but the sealed room is always warmer,
78 daytime and 68-70 at night. Humidity in there is currently 37-40 with steamer off.
I turned off the steamer as it was getting the room up there to 50-55%, they seem fine with the current hummi lvl.

LOL I did that also, gave some away but was carefull in the amount so I'm good till this crop is done and ready.
Some of the weed I got suks and not sure what to do with it as i don't like gummies, or other stuff I make with it, so much.
I've increased my smoking habits a bit, 2 in the morning and thru the day and one or two at night, but still plenty of product to go, lol.

I found potassium in the Pro-Tekt product so added 10 ml extra to the tank.
Trying to balance the nutes to what the plants need and want but still going by my chart.

I now turn off the heater for 4 hrs at night, same with the fans, except one 8" is off 12hrs and the other is off 4.
A problem I have noticed is the room temp is 78-80 and when I felt the temp in the pot water is felt warm so I
moved the 6" OC fan to ground lvl to keep the water in the valve system a bit cooler and turned down the heater.
I just checked the water temp with my laser temp gun thingy and it said 75 degrees, I just put the fan on it so I'll wait to check it later.

I've been thinking about perpetual but if this crop is as good as I expect I will be good for a year, I think lol.
If not I will put 8 plants in there and I have enough weed to get my through till next harvest for sure!

Ok going to post some pic's, dam nice weather we are having here!
My cellar temp hovers around 63-64 daytime, not sure what it is at night but the sealed room is always warmer,
78 daytime and 68-70 at night. Humidity in there is currently 37-40 with steamer off.
I turned off the steamer as it was getting the room up there to 50-55%, they seem fine with the current hummi lvl.

LOL I did that also, gave some away but was carefull in the amount so I'm good till this crop is done and ready.
Some of the weed I got suks and not sure what to do with it as i don't like gummies, or other stuff I make with it, so much.
I've increased my smoking habits a bit, 2 in the morning and thru the day and one or two at night, but still plenty of product to go, lol.

I found potassium in the Pro-Tekt product so added 10 ml extra to the tank.
Trying to balance the nutes to what the plants need and want but still going by my chart.

I now turn off the heater for 4 hrs at night, same with the fans, except one 8" is off 12hrs and the other is off 4.
A problem I have noticed is the room temp is 78-80 and when I felt the temp in the pot water is felt warm so I
moved the 6" OC fan to ground lvl to keep the water in the valve system a bit cooler and turned down the heater.
I just checked the water temp with my laser temp gun thingy and it said 75 degrees, I just put the fan on it so I'll wait to check it later.

I've been thinking about perpetual but if this crop is as good as I expect I will be good for a year, I think lol.
If not I will put 8 plants in there and I have enough weed to get my through till next harvest for sure!

Ok going to post some pic's, dam nice weather we are having here!
I didn't think about the heater heating up the water, I have a chiller I'm using to keep the supply temp stable and they go through so much so fast I don't think there's time to heat up much.......I had a leak and I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. All the pots where at the correct water level and I'd suck up a small puddle on the tent floor and the next day another puddle...wtf...the end line has a shut off valve that doesn't shut off 100% maybe its a just a 99% shut off valve ....lol , so I crimped it with a clip and no more leak....

I've been reading up on bio film and its a natural process we can't avoid, all we can do is maintain it by using h2o2, stuff like Hyclean, Florakleen, Biogaurd. I've been getting some caking of something and its normal. Regular cleaning and maintenance is all that can be done......its not something I need to chase for causes any longer. I started using 5ml/gal with my regular feed yesterday and I'll see if it helps slow the build up.
New Years Day will be Week 3 in Flower!

All is well in the grow room!
Well almost lol
I got some leaf problems in the lower part of the plant.
One QC B is not as healthy looking as the other one.
Water in the valve sys is @ 75 degrees and I don't think that's good.

I took out the tank with old nutes as it was only a few inches from the bottom and I think
the feed was slowing down to the pots for some reason.
Maybe the lesser the water lvl the lesser the pressure that feeds the system?
The water lvl's in the valve system looked a bit low to me.
So I changed out the tank to the new nute mix and ditched the old nutes.
Switching tanks makes it easier to change the nutes and maybe more accurate too.
I put 6 gallons in this time. They been drinking about 2" a day.
I use a measuring stick to mark and date it everyday.
I also take a PPM and PH measurement every day.
The only change from my feed chart is extra P and MP in the mix, this time.
PPM is 900 so not gonna increase yet but next feed will go up as B will increase.

Changes made include putting a fan on the ground (on 24 hrs) to cool the pots, lowering the light to
6-12" and maxing it to 100% (LUX is in the 90's in middle section 😟) crossing fingers on this,
changing the nute feed to make adustments for leaf color
and increasing exhaust fan to #2 (more fresh air) and I took them off of the plant roller stands.
Here's a bunch of pic's and another chart lol.
(I see problems better when viewing pic's + it gives me a referece where I'm at)
QC Blue, front left is gangely and not as full as the one behind it.
Here's the leaf problems. I hope the new nute feed remidies this.
The only plant Not having leaf problems is the QC White!
Last edited:
Your plants look great, nice green all around. We're close, I'm at 4 weeks in flower now and I'm running out of weed to smoke....yikes...I gave some away to family and friends and as I look with 2 months left before this crop is dried she's going to be tight. I can see some fast dried weed coming in my future if I don't cut back.

My grow cost me about $100/month in electrical costs with heater and lights and until you mentioned it I'd forgotten about the light on my heater....ooops not to worry I guess, its on a timer I only use it with lights on as I jumped and checked after reading your post.....you gave me a panic for a moment.....lights on my heater???........

our home is warm enough at night 66 -67f ish , I just need heat while lights are on to get day time temps up to 76 - 77f....I have to have my tent side doors open a bit to get the humidity down into the 50's and that's dropping the heat a few degrees .

Today / Tomorrow I'm going to drop some seeds into water to start my next crop. I let my perpetual grow get away from me and I'll have to budget my weed because of that faux pas. I eliminated my 2 - 3x4x5 grow closets cleaning up my shop to accommodate my new lathe but I have a 3x3 x6 to start them in although 6 plants will get tight in a 3x3
Im vegging 6 plants in 3 gallon fabric pots in a 3x3 right now it can be done its tight. In two to three weeks will harvest flower tent by then the vegging plants will have out grown there welcome in the 3x3
Yellow/ dark green striping on leaves is mg def. IMO.
I spotted it in your first picture.
Add a little Epsom to your mix.
I got same thing going now on a few of mine.
DSC_0639 - Copy.JPG
^^ Mine right now^^
ya have not used epson salts yet.
I think it's one teaspoon per gallon
I have 6 gal in there atm so..... 6 tsp ?
I've seen teaspoon to tablespoon [ 3 teaspoons] per gallon.
I would go 1 teaspoon and see how they are in a week.

Your room looks great~!
Keep up the good grow~!
Im vegging 6 plants in 3 gallon fabric pots in a 3x3 right now it can be done its tight. In two to three weeks will harvest flower tent by then the vegging plants will have out grown there welcome in the 3x3
ya, at 6 -7 weeks I think they'll just make it before they out grow the space. I depends on this next harvest, I'm using far reds and I was hoping for an earlier finish but its not looking that way, instead of finishing early I think they're a bit behind in size and the progression of the flowers. At 1 month now they're just starting to fill in, I've had some crops buds a lot larger than these at the same age but different strains so we'll have to see how they develop.
ya, at 6 -7 weeks I think they'll just make it before they out grow the space. I depends on this next harvest, I'm using far reds and I was hoping for an earlier finish but its not looking that way, instead of finishing early I think they're a bit behind in size and the progression of the flowers. At 1 month now they're just starting to fill in, I've had some crops buds a lot larger than these at the same age but different strains so we'll have to see how they develop.
I picked up a couple of those far red pucks haven't used them yet will install in flower tent after harvest and give them a try
I picked up a couple of those far red pucks haven't used them yet will install in flower tent after harvest and give them a try
After I've been using them I read I should have broken the plants into longer lights on time. It said I should start on 12/12 then after 1 week go to 12.5/11.5...then 13/11after another week or 2, I can't remember. I started with 12.5 / 11.5 and that may be the reason they are not looking as far advanced as they could be.

Try that if you use them, I think its a good tip. just start 12/ 12 with 15 min far red at lights out, then a week or so later get the extra light on time with 12.5/11.5. I'm not going to fk with mine and try for 13 on this time but maybe the next time if I start right
After I've been using them I read I should have broken the plants into longer lights on time. It said I should start on 12/12 then after 1 week go to 12.5/11.5...then 13/11after another week or 2, I can't remember. I started with 12.5 / 11.5 and that may be the reason they are not looking as far advanced as they could be.

Try that if you use them, I think its a good tip. just start 12/ 12 with 15 min far red at lights out, then a week or so later get the extra light on time with 12.5/11.5. I'm not going to fk with mine and try for 13 on this time but maybe the next time if I start right
I grow autos my light schedule is 18/6
🎄Merry Christmas & Happy New Year🎅

Week 2 in flower.
Doing well, so are plants, pretty much.
54 degrees here WoW!! It happens once in a while, these higher Dec. temps.

Flowers showing up, lots of them :)
Light is at 100% and 14 in above.
I think I will have to do some LST on the LSD plant in the back right side.
Cleaned out the rez tank for the new batch of nutrients.
Didn't need it but wanted to put in totaly fresh nutes.
Tank water was perfectly clear.
No problems but for a few tri-leaves near the bottoms of all
4 plants also showing other problems on lower leafs.
Not to worried about it tho.
Will check for light leaks again tonight cause I don't know what would cause it.
Leaves still look like they need something, maybe MP?, not sure.
Everything is on schedule for Wk 2 and looking forward to more of them flowers popping in wk 3.
I also added 1 tsp per gal of H202 along with the regular feeding of
5/2.5/10/2.5 PT/FP/B/MP PPM 900 PH 5.8
( For some odd reason my tap water went from 7.2 to 8.0 )

Leaf Trouble Charts
View attachment 35365View attachment 35366

Couple of Pics
View attachment 35367View attachment 35368
Could be a potasium deficiency but what do I add or do I have to buy it.
Do you ever add cal mag?.......I never did and I don't in veg but in flower starting week 3 because of that chart I've posted I feed 5ml/gal.....I'm not getting that typical leaf fading starting weeks 3-4 I see a lot of growers experiencing. Is it the cal mag? I'm not sure why the leaves fade and they did under hps as well but they don't seem to be now.
I grow autos my light schedule is 18/6
right right, I forget, old folks do that....lol....and we repeat things often too....lol...its a good thing I'm stoned all the time....these things would bother me if not...I hate fking up or forgetting shit but I'm old and that's expected....lol..
Do you ever add cal mag?.......I never did and I don't in veg but in flower starting week 3 because of that chart I've posted I feed 5ml/gal.....I'm not getting that typical leaf fading starting weeks 3-4 I see a lot of growers experiencing. Is it the cal mag? I'm not sure why the leaves fade and they did under hps as well but they don't seem to be now.
I have a bottle of cal mag its never been opened and yes i get the fade always afraid to lock up the plant
right right, I forget, old folks do that....lol....and we repeat things often too....lol...its a good thing I'm stoned all the time....these things would bother me if not...I hate fking up or forgetting shit but I'm old and that's expected....lol..
I attach sticky notes to computer screen
I have a bottle of cal mag its never been opened and yes i get the fade always afraid to lock up the plant
my chart man my chart, its why I started using it and seems to work...I was always afraid of it too but I used it at the wrong times ...according to my chart...lol.......well its not like its my chart it just sorta adopted it........graph.....lol1703964889350.png
my chart man my chart, its why I started using it and seems to work...I was always afraid of it too but I used it at the wrong times ...according to my chart...lol.......well its not like its my chart it just sorta adopted it........graph.....lolView attachment 36104
I add epsom salts every watering starting about 3 weeks from seed till harvest doesnt seem to hurt anything but i never added calcium
The plants largest demand for mg is when you flip it.
Therefore mg should be started 1-2 weeks before flip and till about week 5-6.
I am feeding 3-2-1 and that has mg in every feeding from the start and my plants still need more.
The plants largest demand for mg is when you flip it.
Therefore mg should be started 1-2 weeks before flip and till about week 5-6.
I am feeding 3-2-1 and that has mg in every feeding from the start and my plants still need more.
That's pretty much what I do
I try to follow my chart best I can but when things go side ways I try to use common sense at what the plant leafs are telling me.
This is my go to chart and as you can see it calls for Mag Pro from wk 3 onward building up to week 5 then decreasing till wk 8.
I think I lose my way around week 6 for some reason.
I'm keeping a closer eye on the flowers this time, seeding is my major concern, maybe I stress them out at some point Idk.
If they go to seed again I'm gonna thow em in the fire pit and burn em to the ground, lol


  • FeedChart.png
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That's pretty much what I do
I try to follow my chart best I can but when things go side ways I try to use common sense at what the plant leafs are telling me.
This is my go to chart and as you can see it calls for Mag Pro from wk 3 onward building up to week 5 then decreasing till wk 8.
I think I lose my way around week 6 for some reason.
I'm keeping a closer eye on the flowers this time, seeding is my major concern, maybe I stress them out at some point Idk.
If they go to seed again I'm gonna thow em in the fire pit and burn em to the ground, lol
Harvest the buds first than burn them LOL
Anyone got tips on how to train a Bully to get along with a kitten? lol
My Daughter found a 2 month old tabi and she cant keep it, she's moving.
She wants me to have it but Sky gets too excitable when she brought it over.
You seem pretty on track and with a lot more control this grow.
If you get seeds/herm I would tend to look at genetics.

I don't tape my meters or power bars and have never had a herm.
Anyone got tips on how to train a Bully to get along with a kitten? lol
My Daughter found a 2 month old tabi and she cant keep it, she's moving.
She wants me to have it but Sky gets too excitable when she brought it over.
Panda just looked at it and Shady here took an even closer look and let out a lil hissss. lol
There he is bothering me as I type.


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