Nesta’s World

Sorry for the delay. Been crazy busy. Here we are, about 30 days in the RDWC. Running 1.0 VPD/400PPM on 500 scale/5.8ph. Hoping to defol and drop a trellis this week. The Grape Gas (left) is far outpacing the Pluto (right).
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beautiful green and overall health

that boat shit cracks me the f up! lol

Exactly. Running it up through the top hole and barely having the tube enter the tent might work though.
just seeing this, this is what i did in veg and it worked out. humidifier fan needs to be on beast mode. the issue i had was with mold growing on the tube. thinking this out, i'm wondering if a black panty hose or something that thin that will let the moisture blow through but block most light from entering the hose... hm...

nice grow!
when are you scheduling the flip?
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