New Grow - 4 Site RDWC Maiden Voyage

Exactly what your going through now, cal mag youll have about 7-8ml/gal by the time you do what Moe recommends. Id do exactly the same. They are calcium pigs
Got er done, was sitting at ~725, now at ~540 give or take. Thanks guys!

BTW, those photos are beautiful, especially the 2nd one, wow.
Edit; which plant is in the white 5 gal bucket?

Heck Smoke, I must have missed this question from you, don't remember seeing it.

I think that one in the small white bucket was the one in front right when I pulled it out to trim and train then put it back in the system. The two in the front were the only ones I could get out because the root balls in the back were too big.
Heck Smoke, I must have missed this question from you, don't remember seeing it.

I think that one in the small white bucket was the one in front right when I pulled it out to trim and train then put it back in the system. The two in the front were the only ones I could get out because the root balls in the back were too big.
Thanks i though it was one of the smaller ones I just wanted to see if she if she straightened out when you put her back in her original home.

Just looking at her in that white bucket she doesn't look happy imo

Edit: there is no sign to my eyes of a calcium def on that particular plant
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Edit: there is no sign to my eyes of a calcium def on that particular plant

Thanks bro, it was definitely showing on the two older plants. Lights should be on soon so I will check very shortly and see how they are doing this morning. Before lights out last night, they looked super happy and were praying pretty good.
Got in and took a look, everything is looking pretty good from what I can tell. I do believe they are starting to show the pre-flowers already, definitely making progress! They drank about 2 gallons overnight.

Took a short video and some closeups of those two in the front that are definitely showing the deficiency about as much as the older ones, perhaps a bit less but still visible.


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You want to make sure that going forward the problem is halted. These spots will not heal, but will not impact your grow overall if you have resolved things. I'm betting you have, but keep a close eye for new spots over the next 48.
Also if your PPMs are dropping, I'd hit them with the cal-mag again to bring it back up a little. It's using the calcium for new growth, and it was deficient before, so you have a little catch up to do. Adding the cal mag shifts the ratios in the right direction for this stage of growth.
Yes, it's working on a manual timer until I get a new phone which should be sometime next week.

ppm's had stayed almost exactly the same since I changed the res but dropped after I topped off two gallons of water this afternoon. I added 10 more ml of calmag to the res that brought it back up about 30 ppm, sitting about 540 if I remember right.

Got the net trellis installed and a bunch more branches trimmed off, raised the light some too.

I see calcium def on old growth, new looks great. Nice recovery.

Thanks bro, your advice always gets me out of trouble!

I ended up adding a total of 20 ml of calmag, 10 ml two different times because I could still see it progressing after I diluted the res. After the last 10 ml everything seemed to get back in line.
My wife says i sweat the details and she thinks everything looks good from the highway.

Just do what my wife does and you'll ve fine
Hey Mrs, if you need anything you know how to find me.
Well, @Moe, maybe I do need some advise. About 830 this morning, pH was 5.5 and I added just over 1 gal RO water. I adjusted up with 3ml pH Up and it rose to 5.8 and then stabilized at 5.6-5.7. When I got home from work it was back to between 5.4-5.5 and PPM is 450. I could probably add another gal of water easily. Should I do a repeat of pH Up?

I talked to @SweetLeafGrow and he suggested I post it here since he's never had this problem before.
Yes if it is trending down overnight let’s target 6-6.2 with this ph up adjustment. Then see where it stabilizes tomorrow.
I talked to @SweetLeafGrow and he suggested I post it here since he's never had this problem before.
Thanks Baby Doll 💞 Hint: Not you Moe;)

Thanks for the help Moe, when she said I've never had this, she means on this grow. The PH has been super stable until now, not sure what is happening with that.

I do like that it is dropping because the water will help bring that back up without adding anything, or at least not much.
You may have reached the end of your buffer. Just adjust manually until you get back and we can go a little deeper. Maybe see how they look and mix up a top off batch of agsil.
Thanks for the assist Moe. I will take a looksee when I get home and see where we are. I did not know there was such a thing as the "end of the buffer" so good learning experience here for me and Mrs. SweetLeaf. @MrsSweetLeaf is doing fantastic!

Now Imma wondering if she had to raise the light :coffee:
Yes, it's working on a manual timer until I get a new phone which should be sometime next week.

ppm's had stayed almost exactly the same since I changed the res but dropped after I topped off two gallons of water this afternoon. I added 10 more ml of calmag to the res that brought it back up about 30 ppm, sitting about 540 if I remember right.

Got the net trellis installed and a bunch more branches trimmed off, raised the light some too.

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Damn those are sexy lights !
Damn those are sexy lights !
They are sexy duds right now. Look nice hanging there, not really useful.


Not working right for SLG. There is an app to control them, I never had a single issue with it but SLG has had nothing but. Kinda frustrating. This is for sure a weak link on these lights. Until we get this worked out and we understand what went wrong, I would not recommend a purchase.
Until we get this worked out and we understand what went wrong, I would not recommend a purchase.
New phone supposed to be here this coming week, we will find out but I am pretty sure it's a very old phone that is responsible. I do think they have more than doubled in versions of iPhones since mine was manufactured. lol

BTW, that photo is nasty, I dunno where you get these but your analogies could use some work 🤣 although secretly, I will say it's a pretty good one🤣🤣🤣
Thanks for the assist Moe. I will take a looksee when I get home and see where we are. I did not know there was such a thing as the "end of the buffer" so good learning experience here for me and Mrs. SweetLeaf. @MrsSweetLeaf is doing fantastic!

Now Imma wondering if she had to raise the light :coffee:
No, I didn't raise the light, but I did check. Thank you @Moe.Red . I added a lot to raise the pH. It was shifting 6.0-6.1 last night and holding at 6.0 this morning. Glad my shift is almost over :ROFLMAO:
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