Observers' 2x4 Space

If you're helmets stay on for too long, RH is too low.


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Got that Mr fulvic running now using 0.5 mL ATM

2000 gallons @ 0.5mL

ACIDS man, Acids.

Nice to have.

let's see if we can notice any Observable differences, wether it be lower E.C efficient, plant healthy/vigor/uptake etc.


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She starting to grow fast


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Need to make more seeds

I'ma start breeding my own genetics again


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More seeds/cubes down to Learn From/With


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90-110 ppm/0.2 E.C TAP
6.5mL 34% h2o2
5.5mL Ca(CIO)2 /Calcium hypochlorite
5mL Mr.Fulvic.

Another gelato-45 down.

Majority of these seeds/plants, need to be sorted by desirable traits and pick the winners, start breeding and stabilizing these genetics, the ones when I first started pollen chucking and getting into it.

Till I get some new/different genetics/plants to work with.


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Probably reset the 3gal "dwc" today
Put air stones in dwc, PPMs at 310, I'm leaving it for now, I've added a few mL of fulvic to and redosed h2o2 34% 18ml for the 3 gallons and 20ml of caCIO2 or so

And plant seems fine so not changing the water in dwc

Dosed res's back down to 5.4-5.5

Again, few mLs for the seedlings when I get to it in morning/afternoon and then few nore at night

Need to get on a proper water schedule



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RDWC & DWC both take learning and $$ which in my position I am not ready for so my coco hydro is where I'll stay for now, I'll just watch your Journey and learn more, Cheers Observer
Am.still up.

Res set was complete

I was sidetracked lol
Have you ever watched a Ted presentation on how to fall to sleep quickly? A guy I saw gave me a method that works pretty good. He used a stop watch and made us imagine the tic tok as we breath. inhale for 4 second and exhail for 4 seconds. First just go tiktok slowly in your brain as slow as a clock would for 15 - 30 seconds then work in the breathing. As you pay attention to your breathing and the timing of 1-2-3-4 exhail 1-2-3-4 inhail. I find I fall asleep pretty fast......never mind my explanation here it is.

Got that Mr fulvic running now using 0.5 mL ATM

2000 gallons @ 0.5mL

ACIDS man, Acids.

Nice to have.

let's see if we can notice any Observable differences, wether it be lower E.C efficient, plant healthy/vigor/uptake etc.
I use Flurolicious Plus or Diamond Nectar in my auto pots because of those acids and I swear it helps them stay green and healthy. I just searched for Mr. Fulvic up here but it doesn't look like its available. There are alternatives but I've liked sticking with 1 company for nute's and additives and the 2 above are both GH products. I think there's like 2% fulvic in the shit I use and I know I'm getting ripped off using it. I may try an alternative but I hate fking with success to save a few bucks. I'm so I or don't I
I use Flurolicious Plus or Diamond Nectar in my auto pots because of those acids and I swear it helps them stay green and healthy. I just searched for Mr. Fulvic up here but it doesn't look like its available. There are alternatives but I've liked sticking with 1 company for nute's and additives and the 2 above are both GH products. I think there's like 2% fulvic in the shit I use and I know I'm getting ripped off using it. I may try an alternative but I hate fking with success to save a few bucks. I'm so I or don't I
Well supposedly the source of the ingredients is super important and or how Mr fulvic is made and nothing is the exact same, or does as much at mr.f does supposedly?

I'll have to check one of his threads on ICMAG out, (bills nutri thread)

I will look at floralicuous and diamond nectar
Have you ever watched a Ted presentation on how to fall to sleep quickly? A guy I saw gave me a method that works pretty good. He used a stop watch and made us imagine the tic tok as we breath. inhale for 4 second and exhail for 4 seconds. First just go tiktok slowly in your brain as slow as a clock would for 15 - 30 seconds then work in the breathing. As you pay attention to your breathing and the timing of 1-2-3-4 exhail 1-2-3-4 inhail. I find I fall asleep pretty fast......never mind my explanation here it is.

I have not I'll check it out

I've always had sleep problems

Thanks man
Well supposedly the source of the ingredients is super important and or how Mr fulvic is made and nothing is the exact same, or does as much at mr.f does supposedly?

I'll have to check one of his threads on ICMAG out, (bills nutri thread)

I will look at floralicuous and diamond nectar
Go through it again***
These pop soon


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PPFD is a little high @ 25% Power, Too low at 5%, and not lowering the LEDs, and they cant go any higher 🤷‍♂️

keeping the tent rh at 60-75% by spraying 0ppm water here and there
huey shit out on me, ordering another one that fits better.

theyll just have to grow into it i suppose.
i have some more LSD coming, along with a DMT Cart and a free half gram of MDMA.

see what happens when i take some LSD, take some MDMA a little before peak, and then BLAST IT OFF with the DMT Cart.

Straight Ascension.


I Am an Experienced Psychonaut, b4 anyone is like "oh nooooo"

illl report back.
ok this was/is a HORRIBLE idea, lmao.
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