Observers' 2x4 Space

sorry, did u have a bad trip?
Could have been better, but could've been worse?
Idk i got all fkd up and lost in a snowstorm in the middle of Portland Maine. Thrown out of our Uber and didnt know where we were cause we only just moved there a few weeks prior.
This was new years so the lights and shit were wild and i was just tripping balls. Didnt like it.
Could have been better, but could've been worse?
Idk i got all fkd up and lost in a snowstorm in the middle of Portland Maine. Thrown out of our Uber and didnt know where we were cause we only just moved there a few weeks prior.
This was new years so the lights and shit were wild and i was just tripping balls. Didnt like it.


You gotta be in you're room, safe, comfortable, to trip.
Drip system has basically been a "failure" so far, adjustments needed, not even gettig the seeds to pop lmao.

Not using the drip system for now of course, handwatering till they're ready for a schedule I suppose.

Little learning curve on the rw but I'm figuring it out.

Just a air line in the bucket, bubbling. Is all, and a fuck ton of 34% h2o2

Does not take much water at all.

Just mLs.


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Soaking cubes seems bad advice, unless you shake some WC out afterwards I suppose

Better to dip them in a solution for a few seconds.

My 2c, depends on the scenario to I suppose.

Wether clone or seed start
Algae likes the oxygen, but hypochlorous acid could/should take care of that
Mutation or so


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Getting more organized.

Probably should reset these RESs and do something else with this drip set up, taking their sweet time coming up

Unless I stalled em via dry out

Fuck around and Learn/experience/ try things with the 2x4 space.

Gonna get the 5x5 reset soon and do a "proper" grow.

Get back to breeding/cultivation and further educating my self, Growing.

One I snapped in half is still kickin.

Another kratky style cup, seeing what happens.


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not had too much time for the plants, family comes first.

maybe tomorrow i can spend some more time with them and maybe do those RES changes.

just giving them mLs of Solution a few times a day, for now.
F1: The Hybrid Harmony

Imagine two contrasting cannabis strains, like a high-THC indica and a low-THC, mold-resistant sativa. When you crossbreed them, you get the F1 generation. These first-generation hybrids are like beautiful blends of their parents, often showcasing:

  • Hybrid vigor: Boosted growth, yield, and resilience thanks to the combination of diverse genes.
  • Unpredictable traits: A mix of parental characteristics, with some dominant and others recessive, making each F1 plant unique.
Think of it as a mosaic painting, where each tile represents a gene from either parent. The F1 generation is a vibrant masterpiece of genetic diversity, but like any art form, it requires further refinement.

F2: Unveiling the Hidden Colors

Now, let's breed those F1 beauties amongst themselves. This creates the F2 generation, where the genetic mask comes off, revealing the hidden recessive traits:

  • Greater diversity: The F2 offspring exhibit a wider range of characteristics, showcasing all possible combinations of parental genes. Some might resemble grandparents, while others might display entirely new traits.
  • Stabilization challenges: Finding plants with consistent, desirable traits becomes trickier due to the increased genetic variability.
Imagine the mosaic now – it's a kaleidoscope of colors and patterns, some familiar, some unexpected. While the F2 generation offers exciting possibilities, it requires careful selection and further breeding to isolate and stabilize desired traits.

F3: Honing the Masterpiece

By selecting the best F2 plants and breeding them again, you enter the F3 generation. This is where the real sculpting begins:

  • Increased trait stability: With each generation, desirable traits become more fixed, allowing you to breed strains with predictable characteristics.
  • Line development: You can start to establish stable "lines" within your breeding project, ensuring consistent offspring with the desired qualities.
Think of the mosaic now – specific colors and patterns become prominent, forming a coherent picture. The F3 generation is where your artistic vision truly starts to take shape.

Backcrossing: Refinement with a Twist

Sometimes, you might want to fine-tune a specific trait from a parent plant. That's where backcrossing comes in:

  • Reintroduce desired traits: You breed an F1 or later generation plant back to one of its parents. This increases the presence of specific parental genes, allowing you to refine certain characteristics.
  • Maintain hybrid vigor: Unlike purebred crosses, backcrossing retains the benefits of hybrid vigor, making it a valuable tool for strain development.
Imagine the mosaic – you're adding specific tiles from the parent palette to enhance the overall artwork. Backcrossing allows you to make targeted adjustments while preserving the unique blend of your hybrid creation.
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