Observers' 2x4 Space

Must of popped when the light was off and = stretch
Now that they have the first leaf sets and the stem length I would start to increase the light little bit and introduce a bit of nutrition

Staying on top of this phase can really shorten your turnover and enhance the plants internode distance, especially those early ones that can help the plants get lots of runners later on

Maximizing each development phase has inherent advantage IMO later down the road
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Now that they have the first leaf sets and the stem length I would start to increase the light little bit and introduce a bit of nutrition
Sweet, I'm running 50-150ppms 0.1-0.3 EC, the rw seems very "sensitive" they are able to easily uptake water and such.

Fighting the tap for E.C points.
Staying on top of this phase can really shorten your turnover and enhance the plants internode distance, especially those early ones that can help the plants get lots of runners later on
Turned the light at 25% it seems a little too much, the heat is nice though, I might just need to volt down the drivers a tad if 25% is too much, or reduce the light on time by 30mins to an hour or so ?

numbers/PPFD wise it doesn't seem too high, but I can't accurately measure the PPFD too much with the phone apps....trying to learn to read the plants better and adjust for DLI.

According to tent buddy, see picture.

It looks like the stretch topped
Maximizing each development phase has inherent advantage IMO later down the road
Definitely agree.

Nice to hear from ya @Franksta

Few inches above seedling

Oxygen bubbles

So much h2o2 and hypochlorous acid in this res lol.....smells clean

Have not changed it out for at least 3 weeks now, just been topping up and redosing sterile chemistry so far, may change out next week


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It seems the pointy side down all the time, root goes straight down.


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Those strainers look better than the cups on a drip type system like that imo.
Hmm, maybe, I'll just rig the little black "net" cups to set in the middle of, or on top of some cubes in some red solos, like pic below?

Thought about it this way, gotta get the drippers to stay put
Might consider opening up the bottoms of those cups and maybe use some pointed scissors or something if they lag behind the more open ones
These little black net cups that came with the cubes?
I love em lol

I do have the bottoms cut off on the drip experiment cups
Circulation oxygen can get into the open types easier
Very underestimated


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Air RH: 65 %
Air Temp: 82.4 °F
Leaf Temp: 77.9 °F

VPD = 0.81 kPa
too many numbers for me to deal with, I aim for jungle conditions in cloning & veg, warm and moist and let it dry out more in flower. VPD, is fine and all but I have more jungle experience than technical so I go by the feel of things....kinda guru know arms out palms up humming a tune, feeling the aura & energy in the space. listening to my plants needs through their vibration in the air....hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm🧙‍♂️🧙‍♂️🧙‍♂️👽
Based on the information you provided, your current VPD is 0.66 kPa, which falls within the ideal range for early vegetative growth/propagation (0.4 kPa to 0.8 kPa). This indicates a healthy level of transpiration for your one-week-old cannabis seedlings.

Here's a breakdown of your current conditions:

  • VPD: 0.66 kPa (optimal range for early veg: 0.4-0.8 kPa)
  • Air RH: 70% (moderate, within acceptable range)
  • Air Temp: 84.2°F (slightly above ideal range: 80-85°F)
  • Leaf Temp: 79.7°F (slightly below ideal range: 80-85°F)
Overall, your current settings seem optimal for early vegetative growth. However, you may consider making some minor adjustments to further improve your seedlings' environment:

Option 1:

  • Slightly raise the air temperature: Aim for an air temperature closer to 82-83°F. This will help increase the leaf temperature towards the ideal range without significantly affecting the VPD. You can achieve this through adjustments to your grow light placement, ventilation, or using a heating mat.
Option 2:

  • Maintain current VPD and monitor leaf temperature: Keep the VPD at 0.66 kPa to ensure sufficient moisture retention for your young seedlings. Closely monitor the leaf temperature over the next few days. If it continues to remain below 80°F, consider gradually increasing the air temperature as mentioned in Option 1.
Additional Tips:

  • Observe your plants closely: Monitor your seedlings for any signs of stress or discomfort, such as wilting, discoloration, or stunted growth. These could indicate the need for further adjustments to your environment.
  • Experiment with VPD within the range: As your seedlings grow, you can experiment with slightly raising the VPD (up to 0.8 kPa) while observing the impact on their growth and leaf temperature. This can help you find the optimal balance for your specific situation.
  • Continue providing adequate light, humidity, and water: Ensure your plants receive sufficient light, maintain a moderate humidity level (around 60-70%), and water them regularly to keep the soil moist but not soggy.
By following these suggestions and monitoring your plants closely, you can ensure a healthy and thriving environment for your one-week-old cannabis seedlings. Remember, the ideal VPD can vary slightly depending on individual circumstances, so be prepared to adjust based on your specific setup and observations.

Here are some additional details about VPD and its impact on plant growth:

  • VPD is the difference between the saturation vapor pressure (es) and the actual vapor pressure (ea).
  • es is the maximum amount of water vapor that the air can hold at a given temperature.
  • ea is the actual amount of water vapor present in the air.
  • The higher the VPD, the drier the air is.
  • This is because dry air has a lower capacity to hold water vapor, so it will readily absorb water from any available source, including plant leaves.
  • When the VPD is high, plants lose water through transpiration more rapidly.
  • This can lead to stress, reduced growth, and even death.
too many numbers for me to deal with, I aim for jungle conditions in cloning & veg, warm and moist and let it dry out more in flower. VPD, is fine and all but I have more jungle experience than technical so I go by the feel of things....kinda guru know arms out palms up humming a tune, feeling the aura & energy in the space. listening to my plants needs through their vibration in the air....hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm🧙‍♂️🧙‍♂️🧙‍♂️👽

i gotcha

im always chasing "perfection"

want every gear of the system to be well-oiled, maintained and monitored. Min-Maxing Variables.

now i just wanna check my ambient co2

helps me learn what exactly each thing "Is"/ Means.

i want them to drink as fast as healthily possible, my media to dry back as fast as i possibly can, push there metabolism all the way.
Sure can. A lot of people find it difficult to root clones in rockwool because they hold too much water. Same for seedlings. Need to keep them on the very dry side at first. Small feedings from the bottom only when they're lightweight, otherwise the roots don't explore or worse, can rot.
=) ty

i gotcha

im always chasing "perfection"

want every gear of the system to be well-oiled, maintained and monitored. Min-Maxing Variables.

now i just wanna check my ambient co2

helps me learn what exactly each thing "Is"/ Means.

i want them to drink as fast as healthily possible, my media to dry back as fast as i possibly can, push there metabolism all the way.
I know, you're young and want all the data you can handle, I'm old I just need the facts, skip the tech and hope for the best, too much shit in my head to try and remember #'s. The fact that I know the name Kardashian means I've been Brain washed by the media.
I know, you're young and want all the data you can handle, I'm old I just need the facts, skip the tech and hope for the best, too much shit in my head to try and remember #'s. The fact that I know the name Kardashian means I've been Brain washed by the media.
I see


It's got its drawbacks too, chasing tail sometimes over "correct" parameters instead of properly learning and diagnosing the Plant it's self via "properly" reading it, Im getting better at it but still lots to learn.

I like optimizing it as much as I possibly can, need more gear to do so consistently

It's fun.

I also hope to run my own little facility one day so I need to know all of it.
0 transplant shock

Loving this Rockwood stuff

Shit is growing fast, every few hours or so when I come check, some roots, on some have grown out longer.

Drip experiment uneven lol


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too many numbers for me to deal with, I aim for jungle conditions in cloning & veg, warm and moist and let it dry out more in flower. VPD, is fine and all but I have more jungle experience than technical so I go by the feel of things....kinda guru know arms out palms up humming a tune, feeling the aura & energy in the space. listening to my plants needs through their vibration in the air....hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm🧙‍♂️🧙‍♂️🧙‍♂️👽
You testing the last harvest PC? 😝
0 transplant shock

Loving this Rockwood stuff

Shit is growing fast, every few hours or so when I come check, some roots, on some have grown out longer.

Drip experiment uneven lol
well if i get 8 even going seeds/seedlings perhaps ill just have to redo the drip cups, need evenness/consistency across the board for that.
well if i get 8 even going seeds/seedlings perhaps ill just have to redo the drip cups, need evenness/consistency across the board for that.
First time I’ve seen rockwool clones put into red cup full of rockwool.

You do out on an interesting show! 👍
First time I’ve seen rockwool clones put into red cup full of rockwool.
i started some seeds in the little 1inch cubes, then stacked the 1inch cubes in the solos like a micro/scaled down cube-on-slab/rockwool slab grow, so i can learn it (auto-water/drip/timings and Rockwool), on the cheap.

as i want to start growing in rockwool and get away from coco, coco is cheaper though...RW is cleaner and more sterile...and a better media overall, a more "high-performance" media...more control, plant seems to be able to easily grow and uptake, not much resistance at all.

i am experimenting all different ways with it

You do out on an interesting show! 👍
haha tanks you
First time I’ve seen rockwool clones put into red cup full of rockwool.

You do out on an interesting show! 👍
i wanted to do clones but im not having success cloning the flowers.

so ima just start fresh from seeds, and try cloning in RW again with the veg plants

was overwatering and impatient, needed to foliar feed them too but ahhhhhhhhh
haha, not here anyways 😜

crazy seeing the roots longer after only a few hours

and perhaps i could make the environment even better/conducive to them but think im at a good point lol.
I’ve seen it in my clear cups. It’s why I double cup. I like checking root growth. 👍
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