Observers' 2x4 Space

@Aqua Man

Hey man can you remind me about making a res with 34% h2o2, like how long will it be good for sitting in the corner ?

Good practices?

How often re-dose hypo acid/34%

3 days both?
They just appear from thin air like most bugs 🤣🤣

If you were organic id say keep em, but id get them under control since you're definitely very far from organic lol.
Seems to be draining off/out the pots.

Seems just the moms.

Ive been flooding pots in the sink with sprayer, I'm putting the moms to flower.
True true.
I was thinking he was still using the coco.
Well when you leave you're coco in a very small container and it's basically just roots, it basically can be/come hydro, where the roots are always in water, and the plant will/should be just fine with it given O2.

I was going to put it in the bucket and set it up for a hydro system, just a 3gallon bucket with nutrient solution and a pump to stir it and add o2 with a air line that runs into the pump and fuses with the water stream pumping out.

And SCRog her out in the flower space but don't have the room for that
Sometimes I let it sit in the run off over night and it doesn't dry out, not good practice but it can work.

Basically, bottom feeding
I've never had a coco grow without springtails. I don't know if they're attracted to it or come in with it or what, but I had them every time I ran coco. Never seemed to cause any problems, but annoying to see them. Was one of the reasons I ditched coco for wool.
I've not noticed or seen them AT ALL till I moved here and got set back up.

Now they are here on a few of the older coco plants.

I've read they can actually be beneficial on established plants, they go after any decaying organic matter, so any roots that aren't making it won't be there sitting around, just flush the springtails out and I've been lightly spraying with a 1/3 vinegar/water mix on the pots.

But yea fuck em, I don't want any bugs in my grow, "sterile".

I'm planning on moving to rockwool soon, but it seems to cost a little/bit more than coco.

Canopies look fine enough though so 🤷‍♂️
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