Observers' 2x4 Space

I sometimes do the kratky method accidentally.

I reuse clear cups, put five holes in the bottom and put that in red cups. Depending on the size of the clear cup I get a air pocket below. So the water sits at the bottom and the roots grow out of the holes.

PITA at transplant time but the roots do go crazy. Might have to try a double clear cup one day. See how that goes using what you learn here. 🤔👍
Then it was worth posting my thoughts. 👍
structuring the root system, just how we try to structure the canopy.
i need to get a voltage meter and read that, and play with how much volts i can zap or shock the media with and see what happens

this isnt bullshit

can also stimulate the plants via electricity.

now im finally going to experiment with it or attempt to more so and see.


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Fuck yes this is what I was looking into to/needing a year or so ago

Fuck yes this is what I was looking into to/needing a year or so ago


“Naturally, you won’t get very far with just one of these. Like other energy harvesting concepts we’ve coveredin the past, such as vibratory wind generators, it would take a bunch of these working together to generate a useful amount of power. But given how cheap and quickly these printable TENGs can be produced, that doesn’t seem like it would be too much of a challenge.”
daughter got into my new seeeds

found the 3 out of 4 packs but they are all mixed up now, dont know what is what, so FUCK EM.
out of sight and out of mind, guess i wont have those.

just the 4 i planted, and hope those fucking WORK

otherwise, yea, my planned out run is fucked if those 4 seeds/plants dont fucking grow worth a fuck

im fuckin defeated

fucking fuck

daughter got into my new seeeds

found the 3 out of 4 packs but they are all mixed up now, dont know what is what, so FUCK EM.
out of sight and out of mind, guess i wont have those.

just the 4 i planted, and hope those fucking WORK

otherwise, yea, my planned out run is fucked if those 4 seeds/plants dont fucking grow worth a fuck

im fuckin defeated

fucking fuck

Fucking done with this shit for today already

so god damn fucking discouraging
These are already off to bad start too fucking fuck.

These are planted 12/30 and this is what they look like on the 7th

Man fuck this shit just got all fucking ruined fucking kids man god fucking damnit FUCK

I don't know if it's too wet, or too dry for them to get there Taproot through. Or why the fuck they are taking so long.

Fuck today


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Just be patient with the seedlings.
I don't know jack about RW but I do know without failure or shortcomings that success would never taste or feel so sweet.
Hang in there and give yourself and those around you a break.
These are already off to bad start too fucking fuck.

These are planted 12/30 and this is what they look like on the 7th

Man fuck this shit just got all fucking ruined fucking kids man god fucking damnit FUCK

I don't know if it's too wet, or too dry for them to get there Taproot through. Or why the fuck they are taking so long.

Fuck today
My fil attempted RW for months with your same results here and finally just gave up.
You were doing better with coco/perlite imo man.
My fil attempted RW for months with your same results here and finally just gave up.
You were doing better with coco/perlite imo man.
It's just the starting seeds part in it, I mostly get it and understand how rockwool works, and how to steer it.

I see,
This is a lot better than coco and perlite though, just a steeper learning curve at first.

Still got my next run, which will be coco+perl.

RW is a high-performance media, and works best with the proper tools and sensors, of course it can still be done without and I will.

Just frustrated about the seeds, had to let it out lol.

Nothing to give up on, been at this for barely a month and figured half of it out already, just not doing something quite right at the start, with getting that tap root out.

Sorry I may have taken that the wrong way kind of, day is already frustrating, kids man, lol.


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Just be patient with the seedlings.
I don't know jack about RW but I do know without failure or shortcomings that success would never taste or feel so sweet.
Hang in there and give yourself and those around you a break.
Thanks, I do need to be more patient, feel I'm starting to get the hang of it but yea a few adjustments needed, seeing how the seeds work in it, I think I was letting it get to dry and the Taproot was "splintering"

Like it was getting too dry/hard for the root to grow through the wool

Thank you guys for the kind words

I needa step back and just chill, focus.
Sorry I may have taken that the wrong way kind of, day is already frustrating, kids man, lol.
Haha i didnt mean anything by it man, youll figure it out. Just may need to stick with the coco/perl til you get the RW down solid.
Imo its good to always have a backup plan or a few save ur ass plants going in something you know how to grow well in.
Haha i didnt mean anything by it man, youll figure it out.
all good man, thats my issue.
Just may need to stick with the coco/perl til you get the RW down solid.
yea thats what i figured id do, 2x4 for the test/experiment/learing things to a T and then setting my 5x for a regular coco run
Imo its good to always have a backup plan or a few save ur ass plants going in something you know how to grow well in.
yea i should have just planted fuckin all of those new seeds lol. i was just holding on to them, didnt see the need, had high hopes for this next plan, of course it can still go to plan, im just overthinking it and stressing my self out more, haha.

just dont have those "premium" seeds now to pop more if these 4 do Fuck off, and dont know which is cant keep up with labels now

just being 2 critical/hard about it, upsetting, trying to keep things organized and in place, and kids....
@GoodShit97 ill have 60-70 cuts to take after i grow those moms out enough

straight to the 1gallon bags, filled about half way, only need 5 solo cups worth of media in each bag....or so

clone em in the 5x5 bags, veg for a little, and flip

gonna be another crazy ass jungle, actual corner to corner this time too as ill use fem clones and not reg seeds

“Naturally, you won’t get very far with just one of these. Like other energy harvesting concepts we’ve coveredin the past, such as vibratory wind generators, it would take a bunch of these working together to generate a useful amount of power. But given how cheap and quickly these printable TENGs can be produced, that doesn’t seem like it would be too much of a challenge.”
"Notably, the researchers took a new approach to generating the electric field in the pea patch. Instead of pulling it from the grid, they generated it on site using a triboelectric nanogenerator powered by harvested energy from wind and rainfall—an approach, they noted, that cost only US $40"

its not for harvesting energy to use in that sense, per se.

its to convert energy that is there/available and transfer that into electrifying the fields.

w/o changing the material and being able to print that, that 3d printed TENG, dont think itll go to far, but it also does not take alot of power at all to stimulate the plant

i just briefly glanced at it before i fell asleep, thought it was neat that someone 3d printed a small TENG basically, after i was reading that china paper about electroculture

both of these papers talk about electroculture, just different ways.
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