Observers' 2x4 Space

Passed defoliation point already need to do it again.

Don't feel like it rn lol


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Design Complete Observer. I will mail this week. All you should need is an octobubbler and two 1/2” slip pvc caps! IMG_4524.jpegIMG_4525.jpeg
From everything I think i learned about low pressure open ended drip systems it is crucial that each hose connected to the octobubbler is the same length so that each plant gets the same amount. Maybe someone with more plumbing experience can chime in because I’m definitely not positive about the feed tube length but that’s how I built mine 3+ years ago at the recommendation of an old head and all 96 tubes and 12 octobubblers are still watering within a couple milliliters of each other
More roots growing on top where it's covered.

Fast dry backs, vegetative steering.


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Doesn't even look like I removed much.

Could do more but time consuming.


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Deleted scene looking good, passed time to defoliate as well


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gotta keep up em

gets time consuming when they blow back up 3 days later
Wait for the opening act next week lol. Gonna be going from this
To sticks
That thin blue line running next to the trunk is a Bic lighter for reference
Wait for the opening act next week lol. Gonna be going from this
View attachment 24672
To sticks
View attachment 24673
That thin blue line running next to the trunk is a Bic lighter for reference

I’m not looking for a debate from anyone but when do you take them to “STICKS”? I honestly strip the girls around day 21 depending on strain and then depending on my laziness strip everything with a petiole everyday until chop!

Again I’m not saying this is right or wrong or left or straight it’s just how I was taught. Definitely not looking to debate though!

1 thing is for certain that it does is cut down on the amount of work the Dehuey has to do/ electric bill week 4-9 as well as amount of time trimming and that’s a fact Jack!

I’m not looking for a debate from anyone but when do you take them to “STICKS”? I honestly strip the girls around day 21 depending on strain and then depending on my laziness strip everything with a petiole everyday until chop!

Again I’m not saying this is right or wrong or left or straight it’s just how I was taught. Definitely not looking to debate though!

1 thing is for certain that it does is cut down on the amount of work the Dehuey has to do/ electric bill week 4-9 as well as amount of time trimming and that’s a fact Jack!
My last run is documented on the old site. Dirtbag's Method to growing to a better life. When I say stripping to sticks, that's what it looks like.

Your method may not be as severe, and like you, I'm not looking for a debate.

To each their own, you grown fine weed, mine is probably lesser than. I'm still learning after 20 years of growing as much as everyone else.

If you have a personal issue with me, take it to the direct messages so we can work it out.
My last run is documented on the old site. Dirtbag's Method to growing to a better life. When I say stripping to sticks, that's what it looks like.

Your method may not be as severe, and like you, I'm not looking for a debate.

To each their own, you grown fine weed, mine is probably lesser than. I'm still learning after 20 years of growing as much as everyone else.

If you have a personal issue with me, take it to the direct messages so we can work it out.
It was not meant at all to sound like I had an issue with you bud! I was trying to say I strip them pretty much to sticks as well. Sorry it sounded like that and I apologize if you took it that way!
I just didn’t want the many folks that don’t believe in defoliation to start putting their 2 cents in for days upon end.
It was not meant at all to sound like I had an issue with you bud! I was trying to say I strip them pretty much to sticks as well. Sorry it sounded like that and I apologize if you took it that way!
I just didn’t want the many folks that don’t believe in defoliation to start putting their 2 cents in for days upon end.
i misread. whiskey my guy. iykyk.

there's nothing like a solid strip tease that bushes out two weeks later, then a second strip and solid donkey dicks without VPD issues later.

pretty sure that's my problem right now, tbh. i'm on the verge of the first Big One. 78F/70%. once i take all those moisture dumps away i'll probably be looking at 80F/60% and VPD will be perfect. then after flip, give it three weeks, and it'll happen again.

we good. LJ is solid. my drunk ass is doing tobh troll cave shit because imma troll.
I run LEDs and run 85f and 75Rh until stretch is done and then basically keep F and Rh 10 points apart until chop but only drop 1-2 points each for the last 6 weeks and never get lower than 75f 60Rh. Again just the way I was taught! With High Rh and 10 fans circulating the air like a hurricane PM or Mold will not ever come into play and your yield and quality will increase. Again just my 2 cents but I have been running the same way since the day I started growing indoors.
I run LEDs and run 85f and 75Rh until stretch is done and then basically keep F and Rh 10 points apart until chop but only drop 1-2 points each for the last 6 weeks and never get lower than 75f 60Rh. Again just the way I was taught! With High Rh and 10 fans circulating the air like a hurricane PM or Mold will not ever come into play and your yield and quality will increase. Again just my 2 cents but I have been running the same way since the day I started growing indoors.
i think our styles are very similar, though i want my RH to be a bit lower. 65% is the money shot. but when you have a fucking typhoon running in your space for circulation, good luck mold! ain't nothing gonna take hold. every leaf dances, all the time.

i just like to ensure that the atmospheric pressure to let the girls breathe during lights on. when they breathe, it lets em metabolize. just wish i had a sealed room to run CO2 so running 80F+ would yield the real benefits. handicapped life sucks in some ways.
Handicap life might possibly be better than my OCD disability. I always plan to drop the Rh down closer to 60 but by the time I feel it should be I have already changed something else from the previous grow and try my hardest to only change 1 thing per grow so I don’t have to guess what hurt or helped when changing 2-3 things. I would like to say my room is sealed as tight as a frogs ass but I know it’s definitely not perfect in a 50+ year old building even though I have spent a fortune on spray foam and caulking!
My air circulation happens above the canopy level and is five 16” fans blowing at each other not oscillating to create somewhat of a redneck Vortex is how it was taught to me. Then there is five 6 inch fans oscillating pointed up from tray level to #1 make sure there is no low stagnant air below the canopy. #2 potentially bro science to push the co2 falling through the canopy back up and give the plants 2 breaths of said same co2. It takes me three 50# tanks per grow and it costs less than $100 but once you get it dialed in you can force feed the young ladies light and nutrients and they turn into productive women!
I spend less than $200 on salts per grow and run high fertigation/ 8 feedings per day. I will call BS on anyone saying high EC is the way and the light! I typically run between 1-1.5 EC the entire grow!
I spend less than $200 on salts per grow and run high fertigation/ 8 feedings per day. I will call BS on anyone saying high EC is the way and the light! I typically run between 1-1.5 EC the entire grow!
right there.

i mis-spoke -- not handicapped physically, but space wise. used to run much larger rooms over a decade ago. i'm space handicapped now (kinda). foot in mouth.

but 1 - 1.5 EC, pushing the girls even without CO2 is where its at in high fertigation. sure, you can run way higher but it's a waist when your runoff reads the same as the input.. just saying. 1-1.5 is about right, depending on stage of growth. in a bleeding edge style like this we're not concerned about veg so much as flower and in flower seeing output come out the same as input in DTW, that's the best we can hope.
I spend less than $200 on salts per grow and run high fertigation/ 8 feedings per day. I will call BS on anyone saying high EC is the way and the light! I typically run between 1-1.5 EC the entire grow!
Ain’t no reason to jam food down their throat if they can’t breathe enough and don’t have enough light💯

FYI all Food is cheap! CO2 and Light are expensive!
As long as runoff isn’t way higher than input as well as way lower you must be doing something right IMO
that's the coco talking. come to the dark side, join the rockwool clan :cool: you can still run DTW
My girls go in the flower room fully rooted in 1 gallon of coco and if they are over 15” tall they get fliped. 1 plant per square ft or 16 per light/4x4 tray. IMO nothing will help yield more than more plants. Unless you’re trying to put 200 solo cups in 1 tent! LMAO sorry observer😜
that's the coco talking. come to the dark side, join the rockwool clan :cool: you can still run DTW
I have thought about it but damn even a dumb ole fart like me can do very well in coco. I was definitely headed the rockwool way because I was so sick of 2 transplants and cleaning 96 pots each time. Now unfortunately I own 200+ fucking 1 gallon hydro farm square pots that need to go to the dump. The Floraflex 1 gallon quick fill compressed coco bricks are the only thing that kept me from the dark side honestly!
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