Red's Thread ~ All things Cannabis

I remember a few weeks ago briefly talking to you about this and it just so happens I have an example now.
Bleached tips on flowers that are lower in the canopy while flowers higher are either not bleached at all or it's minimized.
I think high PPFD and hi intensity of far red does encourage it but I also now believe beam angle of diodes also plays a part now that I pay more attention to it. The perfect combo of the three and perhaps even other unknown variables gets the bleaching but if one factor is off a little, no bleaching.

I remember a few weeks ago briefly talking to you about this and it just so happens I have an example now.
Bleached tips on flowers that are lower in the canopy while flowers higher are either not bleached at all or it's minimized.
I think high PPFD and hi intensity of far red does encourage it but I also now believe beam angle of diodes also plays a part now that I pay more attention to it. The perfect combo of the three and perhaps even other unknown variables gets the bleaching but if one factor is off a little, no bleaching.

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What is the benefit of bleaching flower?
Well, they sell these things as 24 hour cure. You have to be very generous with the definition of cure to believe that.

I do not smoke the result. Harsh and dry.

Basically it removes all the water while locking in everything not water soluble. So all the cannabinoids stay, water and a significant amount of chlorophyll goes.

I think of this more as a quick method to get you to an extract. When I wash with ETOH, the result is very blonde and clean. Much better than a full spectrum oil that comes out very dark and lots of plant goodies in there.

It's just a fast clean way to process.

Funny just how light these buds are without any water. Like packing peanuts is the best way I can describe it. Still firm and takes up space, but density is very low.
I think Moe intentionally bleached his for an experiment to hopefully disprove a theory saying that the bleaching is all/much higher THC.
I grew a plant years ago under a 1000w hps, I didn't know about bleaching. I thought wow white crystals its gotta be potent. After drying I could wait to try and wtf nothing no taste or buzz... well that sucked.....It wasn't until I got to the Farm 20 years later I learned what I'd done.....not to be repeated I've done my testing.
I've had a few in my tent as well, I've gotten them down to all but dead by just putting the lower fan I have more directly on the top of the soil...

Keep us posted if you successfully eradicate them. I get very few now, also toning down my watering a bit I feel like has helped.

I'd say we both have them mild, I got another local bud that has a moderate amount he just put in yellow traps I think that stake into the soil...I'm out of touch with products to say specifically what he is trying
Yo! Have you tried a rootzone soak of Dr. Zymes for those gnats? I did 2 applications of dr zymes a week apart and no more gnats. I think it does kill the microbe colonies though right? So that sucks gotta build em up again.

This grow Im maxing out at 36-37 dli, and gonna rock 35-32 till harvest. I used to run 40DLI last grows and I too think it makes em a bit stressy. Do you think extra light makes the plant make more terpenes? Or is it just for adding weight?
Well, they sell these things as 24 hour cure. You have to be very generous with the definition of cure to believe that.

I do not smoke the result. Harsh and dry.

Basically it removes all the water while locking in everything not water soluble. So all the cannabinoids stay, water and a significant amount of chlorophyll goes.

I think of this more as a quick method to get you to an extract. When I wash with ETOH, the result is very blonde and clean. Much better than a full spectrum oil that comes out very dark and lots of plant goodies in there.

It's just a fast clean way to process.

Funny just how light these buds are without any water. Like packing peanuts is the best way I can describe it. Still firm and takes up space, but density is very low.
Much like what I want to dry sift .
Beneficial nematodes and sticky traps will kill your gnats.ordered mine from natures good guys.we always put nematodes and predator mites down in New dirt. We use the same pots and dirt over and over though.whenever we build a new one it gets the beficials.then we just add them every other run unless something comes up.
These roots were small and not a good indicator. On the next grow I’ll be growing alongside soil so the roots should fill the bucket and I’ll test then.

Frigging bugs already.

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If it is fungus gnats I recommend “General Hydroponics Defguard”. I probably spelled it wrong but it is an organic bacillus bacteria that eliminates any chance of a home for these things. I have found just a couple of treatments is all it takes.
What temp did you press at?
I've been a real slacker and have been putting off pressing for weeks now.
No good reason and basically out. Well out of rosin...🥴
If it is fungus gnats I recommend “General Hydroponics Defguard”. I probably spelled it wrong but it is an organic bacillus bacteria that eliminates any chance of a home for these things. I have found just a couple of treatments is all it takes.
^^ Good to see a second choice using BTI.
I use Mosquito Bits.
They are BTI and easy to use.
^^ Good to see a second choice using BTI.
I use Mosquito Bits.
They are BTI and easy to use.
Wonder if agent orange is the active ingredient?
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