Was it AquaMan that once said on a former forum "no such thing as to much water, only a lack of oxigen". If it were solely the pots, the problem would be with all of them. Could those pots be improved? likely! But it isn't the problem. If you fill one of those pots with Georgia clay and one with Lush potting soil, what's gonna happen? Is it the pots fault that one will dry out in days while the other takes weeks to months? No, of course not. Plainly as I can say it, You have some $h!t soil. Just like I had some $h!t Jack's and it darn near killed my RDWC. IMHO, You have the same issue Moe, just in soil. Could be salt in the coco, could be a complete lack of nute, some sort of lockout? Who knows. What is as obvious to me as the nose on my face is it is as simple as the differance in the medium they are in. One holds way to much water and likely has other issues, and one doesn't. Hope that helps!
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