Red's Thread ~ All things Cannabis

Yes, RDWC is my next Canna Journey. JJ used hydroton in his grows and his garden was always full. This is why I am here, to learn from you guys so I can achieve the yields I desire. Beautiful foliage color. This is why I am here, to learn. JJ actually used a "Cattle Trough" for a reservois. SSgrower
Plastic not metal I assume? I thought metal ones leached?

Just thought this was cool

Has 16 different sensors, some relevant some not.


@Franksta , moe

Just thought this was cool

Has 16 different sensors, some relevant some not.


@Franksta , moe
The databot website clearly states "For Grades 4 and Up".
That's way above this old farmers comprehension level. 👨‍🌾:geek:;)
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Cloner upgrades. Playing with spectrum and a few other things. Also took some woody clones and some new growth to show the differences in root establishment.
I've read that the part of the plant you choose to take the clone makes a difference in how quickly roots appear. Have you looked into that?

Surprisingly, what I read was that the side branches root faster than tops. I find that hard to believe, but I haven't tested it yet.
I've read that the part of the plant you choose to take the clone makes a difference in how quickly roots appear. Have you looked into that?

Surprisingly, what I read was that the side branches root faster than tops. I find that hard to believe, but I haven't tested it yet.
THat's one experment I've done dozens of times and yes, the beautiful big 'top' always takes longer to root than lateral branches taken from the same plant at the same time. As I recall, (LOL) it's got something to do with the harmones inside the plant for rooting being stronger in the older growth.
Note the root bulbs/bumps that develope at the base of the plant. Seems the lower on the plant, the more of that harmone there is already in the cutting.
THat's one experment I've done dozens of times and yes, the beautiful big 'top' always takes longer to root than lateral branches taken from the same plant at the same time. As I recall, (LOL) it's got something to do with the harmones inside the plant for rooting being stronger in the older growth.
Note the root bulbs/bumps that develope at the base of the plant. Seems the lower on the plant, the more of that harmone there is already in the cutting.
I’ve experienced this to be true as well
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Cloner upgrades. Playing with spectrum and a few other things. Also took some woody clones and some new growth to show the differences in root establishment.
Hey Moe, you grew plants in auto pots for a while didn't you? I'll assume for the sake of this question you did.................

Did you go through a lot of nutrients? In soil I use 3 gal per plant per week + 3 gal of water.... with 6 plants in the AP I go through 3 gal+ per day of feed in my reservoirs...

No water cycle.....all food all the time....plants seem to like it.........well 5 do the other I think I over I feed each time as much as I did in soil just 7 days a week at this that normal? or....?

I'm at about 1200 ppm because of all my additives & very healthy plants lights on full power with plants within 8" of light at some points others ph around 6
Hey Moe, you grew plants in auto pots for a while didn't you? I'll assume for the sake of this question you did.................

Did you go through a lot of nutrients? In soil I use 3 gal per plant per week + 3 gal of water.... with 6 plants in the AP I go through 3 gal+ per day of feed in my reservoirs...

No water cycle.....all food all the time....plants seem to like it.........well 5 do the other I think I over I feed each time as much as I did in soil just 7 days a week at this that normal? or....?

I'm at about 1200 ppm because of all my additives & very healthy plants lights on full power with plants within 8" of light at some points others ph around 6
Hiya pipe.

I did grow with autopots and coco over a decade ago. I did what you did and constantly fed nutes in the water.

At the dr office in the waiting room right now. I’ll see if I can dig out that old data when I get home tonight.

I do remember over feeding but beyond that my memory fails me.

I also remember a salty crust on the coco at the end of the run.
Hiya pipe.

I did grow with autopots and coco over a decade ago. I did what you did and constantly fed nutes in the water.

At the dr office in the waiting room right now. I’ll see if I can dig out that old data when I get home tonight.

I do remember over feeding but beyond that my memory fails me.

I also remember a salty crust on the coco at the end of the run.
It just seems like a lot of feed but everything is healthy so wtf...I'm using a salt cleaning product with my feeds's supposed to help keep salt build up down. I flushed 2 litres from the lines yesterday and it looked clear, there wasn't much of a silt build up to begin with but they recommend flushing the lines every 2 weeks........

I know Coco is a choice medium but with promix I don't need to worry so much about the ph...
Hope everything is OK.
All good bro, thanks. Clocked in at down 127# down since all this health bs started. It's like they are treating a different human now.

Been a little absent lately, just family drama, Dad won't be around forever, and he is really showing his 87 years. How's things? I gotta go check out your grow!
It just seems like a lot of feed but everything is healthy so wtf...I'm using a salt cleaning product with my feeds's supposed to help keep salt build up down. I flushed 2 litres from the lines yesterday and it looked clear, there wasn't much of a silt build up to begin with but they recommend flushing the lines every 2 weeks........

I know Coco is a choice medium but with promix I don't need to worry so much about the ph...
You are using air domes in the bottom too, right? I never tried that.
All good bro, thanks. Clocked in at down 127# down since all this health bs started. It's like they are treating a different human now.

Been a little absent lately, just family drama, Dad won't be around forever, and he is really showing his 87 years. How's things? I gotta go check out your grow!
Take care of him dude, my wife is going through the same with her dad 74 year old nam vet and my parents aren't far off. How you liking the soil so far?
Take care of him dude, my wife is going through the same with her dad 74 year old nam vet and my parents aren't far off. How you liking the soil so far?
Honestly, not a fan.

Plant is loving it, just so sloooooooow. It's a weird grow trying to do this side by side.

Unless the soil weed is better in some way, I'm going back to hydro.
All good bro, thanks. Clocked in at down 127# down since all this health bs started. It's like they are treating a different human now.

Been a little absent lately, just family drama, Dad won't be around forever, and he is really showing his 87 years. How's things? I gotta go check out your grow!
Your down 127 pounds? Willingly? If so congratulations friend, that is no small feat. Sometimes its like, "life sucks and then you die...smoke weed in the meantime" :D. Hope all is well with your fam, my Dad is going through/went through heart issues this year and its a wakeup call for sure.
☝️ thats my fear in reverse! Switched to coco this run. Love the growth and health but 🤞my weed doesn’t suck!
thanks for doing this so I don't have to test grow the difference between soil and hydro. If both weed is similar to soil and hydro, then all were really dealing with here is genetics and keeping the plant happy...and drying and curing of course.
Honestly, not a fan.

Plant is loving it, just so sloooooooow. It's a weird grow trying to do this side by side.

Unless the soil weed is better in some way, I'm going back to hydro.
Def will be wanting a smoke report after this grow! I assume flowering in soil will be just as fast as hydro, but its the veg that takes a lot longer?

Just thought this was cool

Has 16 different sensors, some relevant some not.


@Franksta , moe
Sorry I missed this. Yes, hacker's toolbox there. I'm doing something along the same lines
if i may, what brand is that o2 concentrator
Dunno, got it for my CPap machine years ago from Ali Express. Like right around the time covid started, probably just before so maybe 2019? I think it was $500 or so? Can't find it now.

After covid hit when Aqua and I were getting into the O2 thing, I tried to find another one a little spicier, and the prices were stupid high and no stock anywhere. I guess the medical industry took them all.

So about $600 now, and looks like they have stock. I think with @Aqua Man design we could get it down to half that and fit our needs perfectly.
Def will be wanting a smoke report after this grow! I assume flowering in soil will be just as fast as hydro, but its the veg that takes a lot longer?
I’ll go back down and take pics of the soil tomorrow I was working on hydro today. Did a res change cleaned up som lower brush adjusted lights and changed the lst around. Took these pics.




The difference in the grow style results are beyond what I expected. I must be doing something wrong on soil. It's 1/3 the size and volume. Flowers are about the same size tho just a lot less of them and a lot less branch to fill out.
I’ll go back down and take pics of the soil tomorrow I was working on hydro today. Did a res change cleaned up som lower brush adjusted lights and changed the lst around. Took these pics.

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The difference in the grow style results are beyond what I expected. I must be doing something wrong on soil. It's 1/3 the size and volume. Flowers are about the same size tho just a lot less of them and a lot less branch to fill out.

Whoa, that girl is crazy wild. What are you doing for support?
Whoa, that girl is crazy wild. What are you doing for support?
Feeding it. And tying it back, not holding it up. She's a stout girl. This is a watermelon gelato clone from @Anthem275

I gave up trying to hold it back to stay on par with the soil grow. I would have needed something closer to a chain saw. This plant loves it's roots wet is all I can say. I've heard she can be a finnicky strain, but in hydro I haven't done anything but supercrop it and hack it back. Not a single issue with her once I got her past the shipping stress.

I think if I grew her right from day one, she would have been a serious contender for one of my best structured plants grown so far. But I have clones, so I'm going to run her again in fog and pamper it this time.
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