Red's Thread ~ All things Cannabis

I'm not saying do it I was just thinking about the days when DEA was spraying fields with Paraquat. Instead of poisoning people they could have done it much safer by releasing hemp pollen.

I know a few of those "Murder Mountain" growers and, yeah, they've used trespassers for fertilizer.
SO doing a little math, these are 40 gallon totes.

I expect them to be about 1/2 full when they are beyond the seedling stage. So 20 gal +/- of air space.

The Concentrator does 3l/m

80 gallons (20x4) = 302 L of air space.

In a lossless perfect system, it would take 100 minutes to get the air space to 90% O2. It will most likely be 10X that to get to some kind of equilibrium with O2 in the water and air. So I need to pump for about 16 hours into a sealed space to approach equilibrium.

That means daily it should refresh and keep up as long as I leave it sealed. I think. We will see. Looking forward to this. I'll measure atmospheric and dissolved O2 and plot a chart to show what happens in reality.
Looking forward to the Data.
Now I gotta go fix a leak :poop:

If there is a worst part of hydro, leaks are it. Bulkheads and dickheads sound so similar they must be cousins.
Whew i just read the first sentence and thought…. Oh no @Moe.Red has a leaky bum lol.

I cheap”d out on bulkheads my first time using them in aquatics and never will again.
Also may be starting a grow elsewhere in the coming month. I have a buddy looking to start and prob just set him up with my gear for now. Maybe run the o2 concentrator and document here and there or get him to join here and post. Complete noob but he is having a hard time finding good indica and refuses to buy dispensary weed. Be a good to show what a new grower can do with a good start.

If he will because he likes to keep these kinds of things stuff on the DL even though its legal
Also may be starting a grow elsewhere in the coming month. I have a buddy looking to start and prob just set him up with my gear for now. Maybe run the o2 concentrator and document here and there or get him to join here and post. Complete noob but he is having a hard time finding good indica and refuses to buy dispensary weed. Be a good to show what a new grower can do with a good start.

If he will because he likes to keep these kinds of things stuff on the DL even though its legal
We won’t tell anyone.

Maybe he can at least be a lurker while we build this hydro how to thread. I need to get that started over in the staff section so you can help me build it. This would be a good thread for your forum once we get it done. I’ve got all the water chemistry stuff to write and video. Lots to cover.
Now I gotta go fix a leak :poop:

If there is a worst part of hydro, leaks are it. Bulkheads and dickheads sound so similar they must be cousins.
Was going to comment when I saw you use the silicone on the outside when using current culture bulk heads.

The rubber washer on the inside is all I've ever done
This project will be done tomorrow. Then it’s time to grow.

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View attachment 25606
Gees man, pretty spiffy digs and stuff you got going there I expect to see robotic arms testing soil,watering plants, trimming leaves and such on your next run. Do you wear a white coat around the house? Not your typical stoners crash pad, no ash trays or roaches around either. Nice stuff, on with the show........
Was going to comment when I saw you use the silicone on the outside when using current culture bulk heads.

The rubber washer on the inside is all I've ever done
I've used them for years. This is probably the 10th version of rdwc i've built.

You can get away with that when using the square buckets, and sometimes on HD totes, but not all of the time. I put it on because taking the system back apart is a huge PITA.

In this case it's my fault. I had trouble with the 3" PVC T. I tried one of those slip no-glue style dudes and it did not slide in. I was stressing the crap out of the bulkhead trying to get it in. I ended up going with glued PVC, but the damage was done. I learned not to use shark bite fittings for this application at least.
Gees man, pretty spiffy digs and stuff you got going there I expect to see robotic arms testing soil,watering plants, trimming leaves and such on your next run. Do you wear a white coat around the house? Not your typical stoners crash pad, no ash trays or roaches around either. Nice stuff, on with the show........
I very seldom smoke in the house. I got a little spot in the garage set up real nice. I'm on Grape Runtz at the moment, and it is a speedy kinda high. Good for working in the basement on a Friday nite. I wish yours had germed, but I'll still fix you up. I have a couple seeds left and I'm going to make more of that particular strain...

Speaking of which, I gotta figure out which 12 to run in this robotic side show.

So on rubber petroleum will cause it to swell. A bit of petroleum jelly can aid in making a rubber seal a bit better. Much like you lightly coat an oil filter seal with oil before tightening.

no bonding so easier to remove than other methods and aids in sealing.

The one thing i have worked with extensively is hydraulics and pneumatics and this is common practice for this reason
The silicone was on the plastic side, not the rubber seal.

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View attachment 25613

Normally this would make the joint a bit more flexible.
Moe, i got seals like that on my new pond filter. i found that when i got them tight enough to not leak the thin gasket was actually buckling when it got too tight. i played around with silicon and grease but what ended up working for me was just printing thicker ones from TPU. all my headaches went away on the first connection and haven't leaked since and i've had to remove them at least ten times now and seals every time.
Moe, i got seals like that on my new pond filter. i found that when i got them tight enough to not leak the thin gasket was actually buckling when it got too tight. i played around with silicon and grease but what ended up working for me was just printing thicker ones from TPU. all my headaches went away on the first connection and haven't leaked since and i've had to remove them at least ten times now and seals every time.
I have not tried tpu before. I’ll look into that.
Was going to comment when I saw you use the silicone on the outside when using current culture bulk heads.

The rubber washer on the inside is all I've ever done
Damn my gaskets are on the outside... maybe that's why they've leaked every time I've started up the system. I had to go back in and tighten the crap out of 'em this run too.
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Moe, i got seals like that on my new pond filter. i found that when i got them tight enough to not leak the thin gasket was actually buckling when it got too tight. i played around with silicon and grease but what ended up working for me was just printing thicker ones from TPU. all my headaches went away on the first connection and haven't leaked since and i've had to remove them at least ten times now and seals every time.
Looks like I’ll be printing new gaskets tomorrow. What did we do before Amazon overnight?
Damn my gaskets are on the outside... maybe that's why they've leaked every time I've started up the system. I had to go back in and tighten the crap out of 'em this run too.
Mine were recommended to be on the outside, which is where I put them and have never leaked a drop from one of those bulkheads.

Of course, I just jinxed myself :LOL:
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