Red's Thread ~ All things Cannabis

Why do just use those current culture plugs on top of the net pot?
I’ve been wary of crown rot after aqua’s issue. I’ve been using a fine grain coco in the netpots to allow for some breathing.

But I could leave the top inch of the coco out and use a collar and worse case take it off if I get rot where the collar is.

I’ve never taken a plant to flower with neoprene on it. But I’ve got them arriving tomorrow so I guess we will see.
I’ve been wary of crown rot after aqua’s issue. I’ve been using a fine grain coco in the netpots to allow for some breathing.

But I could leave the top inch of the coco out and use a collar and worse case take it off if I get rot where the collar is.

I’ve never taken a plant to flower with neoprene on it. But I’ve got them arriving tomorrow so I guess we will see.
I thought about it some more and I would be worried about condensation on the bottom side of the neoprene. I think I would stick to the coco or try both ways
I thought about it some more and I would be worried about condensation on the bottom side of the neoprene. I think I would stick to the coco or try both ways
Yeah it comes down to the O2 concentration I can muster. If I can keep it high like 80+ I think that would push out any anaerobic bacteria and fungi. If I just make it a swamp zone without the high O2 I’m asking for trouble.
If I just make it a swamp zone without the high O2 I’m asking for trouble.
Isn't my system a high humidity zone (swamp zone) under the lids?

Personally i don't think the inserts will have any negative affects
My concern with covering the tops is that it concentrates the humid air coming out directly around the stem. If that humid air is not blown away immediately it will soften the bark and leave it prone to infections like damping off and crown rot.

So imo if your going to try it then you absolutely must make sure you have air movement taking that humid air away
Here is my solution


I’ll be able to add or remove at any time. 4”

Also I have no issues with air movement, temp and rh. I can dial in any setpoint.

I’ll just keep a close eye on that area.
Shoot me a close up pic with a ruler on it and I'll see if I can engineer some kind of adapter for you.
Thanks, yea will do, but thinking for something down the road as the next 4 are doing well already in current cultures propriety 5" pots with clay pebbles
Just had an aha moment on the phone with Aqua about this O2 flow. Thanks bro for letting me bounce ideas off you.

This is going to be the most star trek growing sumbitch I can come up with.
Here is my solution

View attachment 26187

I’ll be able to add or remove at any time. 4”

Also I have no issues with air movement, temp and rh. I can dial in any setpoint.

I’ll just keep a close eye on that area.
When do you find time to grow? Moe? Your 3D work looks great but how time consuming? Cheers for the solution! SSgrower
May I recommend

For me I don't need a lot. It's more about the journey than the destination.

Growing the same way year after year gets boring.

I take on small pet projects every year that usually begin with "I wonder what will happen if I ____?"
Most work out well but the time I decided to try my hand at eggplant farming I was humbled to say the least 😋
Interested to see these at work. Exactly how i want to run mine

Edit; Are you going to have a substrate in the net pot?
Since I may remove them if there is trouble, I still plan to use the fine coco. It works better in my fog germinating tent anyhow. This grow system is designed to start everything in 3.75" netpots with coco. From there I can move seeds or clones anywhere with zero transplant shock because the roots never get touched. Moving plants all the way up to the flip is seconds. Sort them by height, how much light they want, air movement, whatever. It's just so easy to dial in your grow, sort thru regs, whatever. Clones, seeds (after a trip thru the vertical germinator of course) and tissue culture plugs directly in the same pots.

Here’s what it looks like before your neoprene idea


That was a clone I got from anthem. You got the same batch I believe.

I've got these same twistlocks in every growspace now. I'm sure we could retrofit yours if you want to dig in. I work for amazon shipments of PETG.
so you're gonna move those rings with plants in tact from tent to tent?, or is your point being that you never move them? i'm a little lost in the fog ponics world..

are the pieces you're holding onto in the pic for lst?

school me MoeRed!!
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