Red's Thread ~ All things Cannabis

Hell yeah working my way up to the gateway. Next purchase I think. Nice nice you are the only other person I've seen using them here....I like mine

Once my fil service is finished up may be looking to link up if possible, get that light back in the mix and square up for the services rendered....what ya got goin on over the next couple weekends?
Hell yeah working my way up to the gateway. Next purchase I think. Nice nice you are the only other person I've seen using them here....I like mine

Once my fil service is finished up may be looking to link up if possible, get that light back in the mix and square up for the services rendered....what ya got goin on over the next couple weekends?
I'm always busy with something, but we will make it work. LMK.
Have not measured, it is pretty low overall.

Seedlings don't need much.
No, they do not.

I ask because.

Percentage in a light spectrum: Studies suggest that exceeding 20% blue light in a complete light spectrum can trigger morphological changes like compactness.
PPFD for solely blue light: Optimal values vary by strain and growth stage, but research indicates a range of 200-300 µmol/m²/s can be effective for manipulating morphology.
Blue Light Wavelength:

Peak emission: Different wavelengths within the blue spectrum (400-500 nm) can have slightly different effects. Research suggests wavelengths around 440-450 nm might be most effective for influencing stem elongation and branching

No, they do not.

I ask because.

Percentage in a light spectrum: Studies suggest that exceeding 20% blue light in a complete light spectrum can trigger morphological changes like compactness.
PPFD for solely blue light: Optimal values vary by strain and growth stage, but research indicates a range of 200-300 µmol/m²/s can be effective for manipulating morphology

Blue Light Wavelength:

Peak emission: Different wavelengths within the blue spectrum (400-500 nm) can have slightly different effects. Research suggests wavelengths around 440-450 nm might be most effective for influencing stem elongation and branching
did not mean to link the 3rd one, idk where the fuck that came from lol
The effects are a shorter seedling. I'm trying to keep them similar in size. Once I see all the cotyledons the blue turns off and they get transplanted into coco and into the fog cloner to develop roots.

It is RO water with a little cal-mag just to set the PH at 5.8. Seedlings do not need external food yet.

I could put in there hormones or bennies, but I'm a bit too sterile here. Used H2O2 to clean everything, got new parts and stuff in there. In the fog cloner too, hasn't been used in a while and needed cleaning as a start up. Hormones are not needed here, this is a casual grow for me.

No control. They are all there together. Just that the first ones that pop up get hit with blue to try to slow them down so the others can catch up.
I've been going ham with the 34% H2O2 lol oh btw, I straight up gave a 0.1ml drop of 34% to one of m kratky cups, bubbled to hell around the roots but did not seem to harm her at all

I've gone up to 8mL so far
Moe, you gotta love this guy Observer, R&D is everyday occurance,huh. SS Cheers the Vert. germ. works great, what Rh & Temp?
Man I got yours on the seat of my truck have not been back to usps since the last attempt
This guy B@ACG has nice looking seedlings, I want to run other breeders work than just Pena & Mosca. He looks like a good candidate for my purchase with Dragon's Flame. I've just never heard of the guy, one of us I guess, Cheers SS
This guy B@ACG has nice looking seedlings, I want to run other breeders work than just Pena & Mosca. He looks like a good candidate for my purchase with Dragon's Flame. I've just never heard of the guy, one of us I guess, Cheers SS
Well, I don’t know him personally. Cannagranny introduced him to BB.

I’ve ordered twice now. Both times got my stuff within 3 days.

I think CG has been growing his stuff for years and speaks very highly of the results. That certainly holds some weight with me.

I’ll let you know in 3 months. This is my first grow with B2 s stuff. So far so good.
Well, I don’t know him personally. Cannagranny introduced him to BB.

I’ve ordered twice now. Both times got my stuff within 3 days.

I think CG has been growing his stuff for years and speaks very highly of the results. That certainly holds some weight with me.

I’ll let you know in 3 months. This is my first grow with B2 s stuff. So far so good.
She grew our Future #1 and had it test.. 37% thc.
@Moe.Red got my gateway for the sensor push today. I figured you may be the person to ask. I seen your raspberry pi controller you made, does it work in conjunction with the sensor push? Like is there a way you've found to use the sensor push parameters as triggers to turn on a huey/dehu/heater/ac etc? Or do those still have to be controlled by separate controllers?

My stuff may be about as automated as I can go for my pea brain lol, I'm sure something will mess up and mold if I don't check in on my humidifiers and shit often...but one day it may I guess be worth trying to do? Right now my sensor push alerts me and I can trigger a power strip to turn on what I need, I got everything dialed in so I can leave it all day and it all stays in range, i can pretty much just water/feed plants and clean my humidifier and fill it up....may be about as good as it gets for me....I know ya got something tho! What kinda genius stuff have you paired it with?IMG_20240109_201856366.jpg
These things are real dope for anyone looking for a good wifi hygrometer, little pricey but work like a dream. My local buddy put me onto them as they used them at a grow facility he was working at. I'd hate to pay for 50 of them lol
@Moe.Red got my gateway for the sensor push today. I figured you may be the person to ask. I seen your raspberry pi controller you made, does it work in conjunction with the sensor push? Like is there a way you've found to use the sensor push parameters as triggers to turn on a huey/dehu/heater/ac etc? Or do those still have to be controlled by separate controllers?

My stuff may be about as automated as I can go for my pea brain lol, I'm sure something will mess up and mold if I don't check in on my humidifiers and shit often...but one day it may I guess be worth trying to do? Right now my sensor push alerts me and I can trigger a power strip to turn on what I need, I got everything dialed in so I can leave it all day and it all stays in range, i can pretty much just water/feed plants and clean my humidifier and fill it up....may be about as good as it gets for me....I know ya got something tho! What kinda genius stuff have you paired it with?View attachment 38117
These things are real dope for anyone looking for a good wifi hygrometer, little pricey but work like a dream. My local buddy put me onto them as they used them at a grow facility he was working at. I'd hate to pay for 50 of them lol
i don't think there is an easy way to do what you are talking about. But I'll think on it.
i don't think there is an easy way to do what you are talking about. But I'll think on it.
I don't think so either, no worry man, I know you probably got a lot of gears turning on your own stuff. Just kinda a quick question, you gave me the quick answer. That works for me 😃. Thanks boss
I don't think so either, no worry man, I know you probably got a lot of gears turning on your own stuff. Just kinda a quick question, you gave me the quick answer. That works for me 😃. Thanks boss
would have to code a program to "handshake" between the 2 devices, perhaps

out of my realm currently.
@MDK what you would need to do is employ some sort of micro controller. For example, Arduino is a platform that has a huge online repository of code and tons of people to answer questions. ESP32 is another good one. Raspberry Pi would work as well. Bottom line is you need something with GPIO pins to interact with the real world.

You would need to have a bluetooth radio on the microcontroller.

You would write the software to communicate with the sensorpush and read the reply and react. So in pseudocode

(On microcontroller)

Initialize Bluetooth Comms
set bt receiver address (sensorpush device)
Send read byte
grab response, assign to variable
Call processing subroutine
Sleep for X minutes and check again

Processing Sub()
Compare new reading with last reading
Is stable? - quit sub
Is different?
compare new value to set value
Is temp higher than set value? Yes = turn on exhaust fan
bla bla bla

To turn on a fan for example, you would take something like this


and wire the GPIO pin to the IN1 pin on the relay board. When you set the GPIO pin to LOW at the microcontroller, the relay turns on supplying AC to the blower.

Then continue to monitor the bluetooth, and when it gets too cold, shut it off.

It is actually a lot easier than you might think, and pretty damn cheap if you are handy. You could do the whole thing for $20.
That is really impressive. It'd take me quite a bit to fully understand and put that plan into action but knowing it's possible I may take a stab at it sometime.

Followed tutorials to set up my r-pi like an arcade, which was simple enough, even customized it by adding in a bunch of other code and stuff I found around the web...that said it was mostly copy and paste, most I had to do was enter commands here and there during set up.

I sort of get it but I can't write code at all...entering values I can do lol, but code, best I can do is view source and copy paste 😂
That is really impressive. It'd take me quite a bit to fully understand and put that plan into action but knowing it's possible I may take a stab at it sometime.

Followed tutorials to set up my r-pi like an arcade, which was simple enough, even customized it by adding in a bunch of other code and stuff I found around the web...that said it was mostly copy and paste, most I had to do was enter commands here and there during set up.

I sort of get it but I can't write code at all...entering values I can do lol, but code, best I can do is view source and copy paste 😂
I have a full plate at the moment, or I would bang this out for you.

I think my sensors are too old, I bought these a long time ago and I think are HT1, so no access or I'd play around with it.
No worries good sir. I actually bought my second sensor a month of two ago and both mine now that I look at them are HT1 as well. If ever down the road I decide to upgrade to the HT.w model or better I may revisit this. Thanks boss, great info.
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