Red's Thread ~ All things Cannabis

There is a reason why people who medically need 02 concentrators rent them.
That was my conclusion when I initially investigated and that was buying a $1,000 unit.
24/7 high volume is a lot to ask.
There is a reason why people who medically need 02 concentrators rent them.
That was my conclusion when I initially investigated and that was buying a $1,000 unit.
24/7 high volume is a lot to ask.
I did not know the limits on this until I found it. Part of living on the bleeding edge.

I gotta say tho, when it works it's worth it. Lemme dig up those fog root pics, brb.
Looks good .has anyone ever used the water chillers for buble hash.
Not me. I've also got a serious chiller for the rotovap that would do a pretty good job I would imagine. Never thought to try it.
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Not me. I've also got a serious chiller for the rotovap that would do a pretty good job I would imagine. Never thought to try it.
Ya I'm not saying get rid of the Ice completely. But i bet it would work great im not real familiar with the chillers.we used to go through so much ice running the washing machines at the farm I used to work at.
Nope. They were trying to do everything in house and solventless for last long.i have seen people make some nice stuff but it wasn't me. We would smash the buble hash for rosin and use it for edibles.
All 12 plants have recovered nicely and are putting out healthy new growth.

I learned quite a bit with this little accident. Lack of O2 in the root zone can throw out a lot of completely different symptoms based on genetics. For the most part the symptoms were the same within a strain group, but each strain presented a different symptom.

Something for the old memory banks there.
Plants have recovered enough that I do not feel a need to start over. I have my eye on the best 8.


Now it's time to harden them a bit and see who stands out. Lighting going from 20% to 50%. I'm leaving the spectrum alone for now these are shaped pretty well on average.


Tomorrow I'll compare. By Monday I'll have the 8 finalists in their final spots, crank up the CO2, lower the RH a touch. and let them get bush shaped. Once I have 75% of the canopy I want defoliate and I'll flip to flower. Probably 8 - 10 days or so is all I'll need from here.

BTW @smoke - still running neither. There is clearly a colony of something there, but it does not seem to be causing any trouble. As long as I keep parameters correct from here on out I'm not expecting trouble. Pythium(s) grow faster than this lot in my experience.
Geez, been over a month since I posted.

Doing the behind the scenes on the forum move has taken all the time I would normally spend in the growspace and posting.

Life is very full but good rn. I'm officially down in the 170s again, first time since my teens I guess. If you believe BMI I'm a few pounds from normal weight. Wish I had done this weight loss 10 years ago. Still angling towards back surgery to fix spinal stenosis tho pretty soon.

Looking forward to going to the motocross with mosh end of the month downtown in the dome. Time to be a kid again for a minute. Son is coming with, should be fun.

Plants are flowering. Grapefruit Diesel - only one of 4 germed, but the one that grew is quite the plant. I've been running low on Gusher Runtz, and those plants are doing well too. Imperium X is in the middle, and Mac Dragon just never recovered as well from the low O2 mishap as seedlings, but they will still produce bud. Those 2 are the smallest. But sometimes the runts turn out to be the best smoke, so 🤞 I couldn't care less about yield, just want quality.

Tomorrow AM is vinyl and gardening. I'll post some updates. Tonight it is Han Solo Death Cookies and cooking with the better half. Then watch something in 3D on the porn couch I think. Happy Friday BB. Smoke 'em if ya got em'. 🥴

Geez, been over a month since I posted.

Doing the behind the scenes on the forum move has taken all the time I would normally spend in the growspace and posting.

Life is very full but good rn. I'm officially down in the 170s again, first time since my teens I guess. If you believe BMI I'm a few pounds from normal weight. Wish I had done this weight loss 10 years ago. Still angling towards back surgery to fix spinal stenosis tho pretty soon.

Looking forward to going to the motocross with mosh end of the month downtown in the dome. Time to be a kid again for a minute. Son is coming with, should be fun.

Plants are flowering. Grapefruit Diesel - only one of 4 germed, but the one that grew is quite the plant. I've been running low on Gusher Runtz, and those plants are doing well too. Imperium X is in the middle, and Mac Dragon just never recovered as well from the low O2 mishap as seedlings, but they will still produce bud. Those 2 are the smallest. But sometimes the runts turn out to be the best smoke, so 🤞 I couldn't care less about yield, just want quality.

Tomorrow AM is vinyl and gardening. I'll post some updates. Tonight it is Han Solo Death Cookies and cooking with the better half. Then watch something in 3D on the porn couch I think. Happy Friday BB. Smoke 'em if ya got em'. 🥴

Awesome man, love hearing it. Must feel like a new man! I bet the fam is proud of you as well. Nothing wrong with feeling your oats a little, you definitely deserve it. Much respect.
Geez, been over a month since I posted.

Doing the behind the scenes on the forum move has taken all the time I would normally spend in the growspace and posting.

Life is very full but good rn. I'm officially down in the 170s again, first time since my teens I guess. If you believe BMI I'm a few pounds from normal weight. Wish I had done this weight loss 10 years ago. Still angling towards back surgery to fix spinal stenosis tho pretty soon.

Looking forward to going to the motocross with mosh end of the month downtown in the dome. Time to be a kid again for a minute. Son is coming with, should be fun.

Plants are flowering. Grapefruit Diesel - only one of 4 germed, but the one that grew is quite the plant. I've been running low on Gusher Runtz, and those plants are doing well too. Imperium X is in the middle, and Mac Dragon just never recovered as well from the low O2 mishap as seedlings, but they will still produce bud. Those 2 are the smallest. But sometimes the runts turn out to be the best smoke, so 🤞 I couldn't care less about yield, just want quality.

Tomorrow AM is vinyl and gardening. I'll post some updates. Tonight it is Han Solo Death Cookies and cooking with the better half. Then watch something in 3D on the porn couch I think. Happy Friday BB. Smoke 'em if ya got em'. 🥴

great work on the weight lose Moe!!! i wanted to lose 20lbs for the new year, only lost 12 so far.. i bought a sous vide cooker, what a mistake that was trying to lose a few pounds! :D

how big are your imperium X? i have three young ones in training right now.. two look similar and one is a red headed step child. if you get a chance i'd love to see a pic of yours!!


do you ride dirt bikes Moe?
great work on the weight lose Moe!!! i wanted to lose 20lbs for the new year, only lost 12 so far.. i bought a sous vide cooker, what a mistake that was trying to lose a few pounds! :D

how big are your imperium X? i have three young ones in training right now.. two look similar and one is a red headed step child. if you get a chance i'd love to see a pic of yours!!

View attachment 48464

do you ride dirt bikes Moe?
When I was a kid. I was probably about 25 when I switched to street bikes. First was crotch rockets then cruisers now I’m into touring.

Pics coming.
Sweet, and I know about "Behind the Scenes" work, I just gave up 3 days work for the medical crew I have worked for 13 years or so. I am trying to germinate Purple Dragon Rider today I should see tails. Cheers Moe and post pics.
2 of my DFG seeds "jumped out of my verti germinator" I inspected them this morning and only 2 seeds in the verti? Man, I can't catch a break. Well, popping the last 3 this morning.
That is quite the accomplishment. I've been starting to pay more attention to what I've been eating and moving around more now that the hand has healed up. I need to lose around 20lbs to catch up with you.
great work on the weight lose Moe!!! i wanted to lose 20lbs for the new year, only lost 12 so far.. i bought a sous vide cooker, what a mistake that was trying to lose a few pounds! :D

how big are your imperium X? i have three young ones in training right now.. two look similar and one is a red headed step child. if you get a chance i'd love to see a pic of yours!!

View attachment 48464

do you ride dirt bikes Moe?
Part of the problem is the company ya keep ! Lmao every time I drop by bandits or your thread I end up cooking/eating something ! U guys need to write a cookbook
2 of my DFG seeds "jumped out of my verti germinator" I inspected them this morning and only 2 seeds in the verti? Man, I can't catch a break. Well, popping the last 3 this morning.
WTF Doc? The seeds popped out of the germinator? Like they grew a root and the root pushed them out the top? Or are you growing mexican jumping beans?
Part of the problem is the company ya keep ! Lmao every time I drop by bandits or your thread I end up cooking/eating something ! U guys need to write a cookbook
The one that really scares me is Beans. I smoked a shoulder last weekend for the crew and was able to sidestep that pretty easy. Some of the stuff in the cooking thread feels like crack to me. Good thing I have no chance of duplicating it myself lol.
170s? Congrats dude that really is something idk where ya started out but I've seen many people never move the needle. Back issues suck ass
I think I was still in the 190s when you stopped by. I started getting serious at 280. My high was 333 :eek:

Humans were not engineered to have limitless high calorie food available with no work to get it. Capitalism at work there to bring us the Standard American Diet (SAD).

I'll never be as skinny as you, but I'm good with what I got to work with.

Smoked the last of my Gusher Runtz just now, gotta go work on these plants and get some more in the jar!
I think I was still in the 190s when you stopped by. I started getting serious at 280. My high was 333 :eek:

Humans were not engineered to have limitless high calorie food available with no work to get it. Capitalism at work there to bring us the Standard American Diet (SAD).

I'll never be as skinny as you, but I'm good with what I got to work with.

Smoked the last of my Gusher Runtz just now, gotta go work on these plants and get some more in the jar!
On the other side of the spectrum I think veganism is also unsustainable. I think most things in life end up in the middle when it comes to proper balance after all the screaming and hollering about how their side is right dies down and the facts make themselves obvious.

One of my cousins was a vegan for around 10 yrs. He looked emaciated, his skin looked unhealthy, and he had generally poor energy. He was very deep into the culture, which I respect as I do see temporary benefits of being vegan, but I think, long term, the human diet was meant to eat meat. He started eating meat and dairy products again. He looks much better. He says he feels better and has adjusted his diet to be, mostly, vegan but includes meat in his diet. Dairy wasn't something his body when he got back into so he still eats it but also limits his intake.

Balance, IMO, is key to most things.
Yes shit don't wanna be this skinny, it's kind of tough when you can't gain a pound, limits the fight career and most athletic things. Don't have the ass to do things without a cheater of some sorts

That gusher runtz sounds tasty my buddy is growing this hi-c strain that has gushers in it...tasty stuff
WTF Doc? The seeds popped out of the germinator? Like they grew a root and the root pushed them out the top? Or are you growing mexican jumping beans?
It's funny as heck, you see I am also running two mexican growers work. Jeffs beans somehow got away from the verti? Anyway I am still workin on his beans, ny bad luck. Cheers
Yes shit don't wanna be this skinny, it's kind of tough when you can't gain a pound, limits the fight career and most athletic things. Don't have the ass to do things without a cheater of some sorts

That gusher runtz sounds tasty my buddy is growing this hi-c strain that has gushers in it...tasty stuff
This gruntz from @Oldsog is up up up. I love it for a wake and bake when I got shit to do. Last I checked he still has some.

I'll let you know when this lot is cured and you can check it out for yourself.
The one that really scares me is Beans. I smoked a shoulder last weekend for the crew and was able to sidestep that pretty easy. Some of the stuff in the cooking thread feels like crack to me. Good thing I have no chance of duplicating it myself lol.
Savory is cool, but dessert/pastry is all flushed cheeks and flying panties. Way more fun imo.
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