Res change tonight. There was only 5 gallons left so I figured I'd change it on a night that's not a work-night. They drank 16 gallons in the first 7 days of 12/12. Ppms in the plant sites outran the top-off ppms leading me to believe the last mix was too hot, so i dropped it this time.
Still getting really light colored new growth so I doubled the calmag intake hoping for an N boost. They need the extra calmag now anyway.
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The light colored new growth
There are a whopping 2 whole leaves that have this going on. Same plant. Windiest corner. I messed with that a bit.
Tent: 84°/50% rh
Leaf temp: 75-77°
Water temp: 72°
Plants: 1090/5.7
Top-off: 740/5.9
1480 at the plants before the change. I only emptied the control res completely which left a gallon or so at each plant. Dropped 1050 down and the final mix ended there at 1090. I expect that to climb as it circulates for a day or two. I'll adjust the pH up to 6.0 if it doesn't do that on it's own by then.
I added the rest of my RO to the top-off to make this batch last as long as possible. Next changeout, I'll likely just mix a slightly hotter batch and not do a full change. Just let it slowly rise over time.
The most vigorous plant has grown an inch per day reaching 16" now. I pulled the Velcro tie-downs because they are starting to grow together. Lettin' em run.
Thinking if dropping the rH to 45%. Up that VPD a bit. Hammer down!
I pulled a stem rub from 2 of them. I've got 2 that are runty and bushy and 2 that are looking pretty damn good. I rubbed 1 of each structure. Bushy runts smelled of orange citrus. The other was harder to pin down. Maybe Lime with a spicy/herbal overtone.