Nesta’s World

Almost one week into flower. Everything looks healthy and starting to fill in a bit. I need to get some risers, as the two sunset frosts in the back are out pacing the rest.

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For sure. On the current run I have going I had one cultivar that just didn't want to cooperate. She was healthy and green but just didn't really grow much. About 3 weeks in she just blew up like roots hitting water in RDWC.

I took a cut off of her and she's showing the same characteristics in the mom tent. Very slow growth but she's healthy.

Don't count them runts out.
My Mimosa X Orange Punch was a runt for a long time, now that she's got free reign outdoors, she's one of the bigger ladies. I think maybe some strains like to grow a crap ton of roots before really pushing the vegetation, because she had very robust roots at transplant time.
My Mimosa X Orange Punch was a runt for a long time, now that she's got free reign outdoors, she's one of the bigger ladies. I think maybe some strains like to grow a crap ton of roots before really pushing the vegetation, because she had very robust roots at transplant time.
Probably right. Could be genetically they have a time clock where it all comes together.
3 weeks in. I pulled a male White Tahoe Dragon today. The rest are all female. The Sunset Freeze, Grape Gas, and Wedding cake all stretched like crazy. The WTD and the Cuntz both stayed pretty stout. I trimmed off all lowers today and will leave these be for a while.
Got a chance to spend more time in the tent tonight. Things actually are coming along better than I thought with being out of town so much. Heres a few better pics.

Grape Gas:
Wedding Cake
3 1/2 weeks into flower. I started getting some tip burn at 1/2 strength, so I stepped it back to 1/4 strength. One downfall of the blumat line is you can only adjust the hight of each plant so far. Running multiple strains with wildly different stretch rates is challenging. Will make the best of it.

White Tahoe Dragon
Grape Gas
Wedding Cake (Jbezzy cut)

Sunset Freeze

3 1/2 weeks into flower. I started getting some tip burn at 1/2 strength, so I stepped it back to 1/4 strength. One downfall of the blumat line is you can only adjust the hight of each plant so far. Running multiple strains with wildly different stretch rates is challenging. Will make the best of it.
^^ This is good info^^(y)
3 1/2 weeks into flower. I started getting some tip burn at 1/2 strength, so I stepped it back to 1/4 strength. One downfall of the blumat line is you can only adjust the hight of each plant so far. Running multiple strains with wildly different stretch rates is challenging. Will make the best of it.

White Tahoe Dragon

Grape Gas

Wedding Cake (Jbezzy cut)


Sunset Freeze
Dayyyyyyum Nesta, nice pimp jungle ya got there. Hussies all over the place. Tall ones, short ones, and all in between. Hell yeah bud, no discrimination from here. You've got to get in where you fit in :ROFLMAO:
Keep it up man and burn one for me this weekend. Happy 4th ahead 🎆
No im using canna classic bud..I get up to 500ppm in veg and up to 610 ppm in flower around week 5 then very slowly reduce till chop.I don’t get any def or toxity‘s thank god..
A few pics before I head out of town. 4 1/2 weeks into flower. Added PK 12/14 and Boost to the res this week. Resin production continues to pick up.

White Tahoe Dragon
Grape Gas
Wedding Cake
Just got back from a week away and everything is still upright. We are in week 6 and still following the Canna Coco feeding schedule. They are fading pretty fast, but since this is my first run with a 2 part mix, Im really not sure what I would add more of to keep things green longer for future runs. Thoughts would be appreciated. The smell in the tent is fantastic and the buds are starting to swell.
White Tahoe Dragon Pheno 1
White Tahoe Dragon Pheno 2
Grape Gas
Wedding Cake
Sunset Freeze Pheno 1
Sunset Freeze Pheno 2
An interesting side project. I took cuttings at week two of flower, but I didnt have room to put them in the dome or cloner as my 2x4 is full with my DFG grow. So I took the cuttings and put them in water in solo cups in the 2x4. Three + weeks later, we have roots! I have read this works, but have never done it before. It certainly is not my preferred cloning method, but it definitely works.
Today is officially the start of week 8 since flip. Everything is looking good at the moment. The buds are swelling nicely. I do have to say that the Sunset Freeze by Tenguseedco is one the of the frostiest strains I have ever grown. I have two distinct phenos in what I popped, but the pic below is of the frostiest. Hats off to TF for creating this strain. All drama aside, its beautiful. I will say that nothing in the tent compares to the grape gas in terms of smell. I’m not sure if its the strains or the switch to coco from organic soil, but the smell has really been tamed this run. This was a concern i had when switching to coco. I hope the coco is not the culprit because i have really enjoyed the switch. Will reserve judgement until we’ve had a good cure. A side by side might be warranted in the future. Here are some pics in the meantime. Perhaps a week of two to go.
White Tahoe Dragon Pheno 1
WTD pheno 2
Grape Gas
Sunset Freeze
Wedding Cake
Im a little late for an update. Will get one up this weekend. In the meantime I have what may be a stupid question for my hydro/coco growers: @Aqua Man @smoke @Mad Max @Moe.Red and any others that see this. Since I am using blumats and feeding at 1/4 strenght (Coco A&B), should I also be 1/4 dosing all of the supplemental additives such as cannazyme/rhizotonic/PK/Boost ect? Or only 1/4 dose the A&B?
Im a little late for an update. Will get one up this weekend. In the meantime I have what may be a stupid question for my hydro/coco growers: @Aqua Man @smoke @Mad Max @Moe.Red and any others that see this. Since I am using blumats and feeding at 1/4 strenght (Coco A&B), should I also be 1/4 dosing all of the supplemental additives such as cannazyme/rhizotonic/PK/Boost ect? Or only 1/4 dose the A&B?
Any nutrients imo should be run at a similar dose… products like cannazyme can be run full strength
I don’t run 13/14. Didn’t notice any difference in performance running them.not saying they don’t work.the cannazym def does.should see the Color of the runoff ,,goes brown as ..I could not afford to run cannaboost at full strength so I thought it’s best to give them something rather than nothing.directions are normal dose 20ml a ltre and another at 40 ml .I thought 20 was too much so I give them 28 ml to 32 odd litres and only run it from week 5 or 6 for 2 to 3 weeks.I use to run the pk 13/14 just after using the boost at half strength for one week.didn’t notice any difference in size..maybe it needs to b ran at full dose..that ones cheap enough..I run go roots instead of rhizotonic .it’s dear af.has humic and fulvic old friend from the farm One Drop who was kicked out uses it and said it works very well. 2.5 ml to 10 litres .I use 5ml to 32litres..I have the approach using additives that the “less is more” works will also see the experienced grower mention running all these additives can give you an unstable ph…
Alright we are getting pretty close here. This coming Wednesday will be 63 days. This week I switched to plain water and Epsom, taking a page out of @Anthem275’s book. Will see how that goes. Most look like they will finish this week, but the Wedding Cake (which I just realized I didn’t snap a pic of) that may need another week. All in all, this has been a fairly successful first run at Coco. Here are a few pics. Will grab a shot of the WC tomorrow.

White Tahoe Dragon Pheno 1
White Tahoe Dragon Pheno 2
Grape Gas
Sunset Freeze
Day 64, some are ready and some need a few more days. The reality is based on my space end up, coming work, travel everything is coming down on Saturday. So far really happy with how this grow turned out and the switch from organic soil to Coco. Time will tell if the herb is as tasty and smells as good!
WTD Pheno 1
WTD Pheno 2
Grape Gas
Wedding Cake
Sunset Freeze
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