I am currently finishing my general ed requirements at a community college and transferring to university of Oregon this fall for my junior year. I am planning on double major in Entrepreneurship and finance. Then I may go on for a MBA in finance as well. Long term my goal is to get licensed to sell securities / provide financial services so that I can help other outlaw growers / people in general navigate retirement planning, organizing and financial planning etc, and I also want to understand how to better run my business, I've been doing this all with no formal training so think that with some education I could do an even better job at it. Seeing my in-laws getting screwed by their retirement, and getting horrible financial advice, and I seem to have a knack for playing the stock market, so yea.
Dad did that for a living. Unfortunately he’s also a gambler. Forced retirement so started a horse farm because he liked to bet at horse races. Not the best choice IMO.

Good on you sir. Heard nothing but good about you. 👍
The way I catalog things is nuts...
Whenever I see your avatar, especially out the corner of my eye, I see this first...

Probably because I’m waiting on new glasses but IDK...
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Black velvet - clearwater genetics breeder cut.


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I hated sitting at a desk day after day pushing a pencil..........my MBA was in “Finance and Investments” so of course it helped a bit. I retired at 49 (I’m 67) and have been growing professionally for income since. It helped while I was working legally a lot, moving money within 401k and Roth accounts. Now, because so much of it is under the table, not so much because it’s difficult to declare.

As most people will say, leave it to the professionals. Even with what I know, and with a better understanding than most, the pro’s have access to info laymen don’t. My dad was a multi millionaire, and I once asked him how much, over the years, has he paid his advisors in fees- and he said he had no clue but didn’t care since they were making him solid money every year.
"We don't have very many MBA stoners out there that I am aware of."

Here's 1, I have an MBA in Finance, undergraduate in Accounting. Hated the field after working in it a few years.
I have a bs in business - had the opportunity to go back when I was 40 yrs old - went 1 semester 1 class (ethics) and decided wasn’t worth it . ( lazy)
Blackberry moonshine bx1 - week 9 fully seeded by cherry pie x mod mac moonshine.

This one...this cross is gonna be some heat. The bms bx1 is an exceptional breeding mother.

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Todays installment of sexy plant photos -

been pulling the good camera out and trying to get some good photos...Today is the small mac dragon #12 - in a 1 gallon just to verify it -

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