Gassy Cream Cake Hydro scrog

This thread is a good read! Sorry to hear about the mites though 😕 What kind of live monitor were u looking at? I'd love to go that way as well,

thanks man, i've started some cleaning and hope to rid my place of all pests to start the new year. just waiting on my soil crop to finish up and i'll clean it all at once. i'll keep this thread going for the next round!!

i'm going to go with DF robot..

ph probe:
EC orobe:
temp probe :

you'll also need some sort if display and from what i understand this can be as basic or as fancy as you depending on what you want and how much you spend. i'd like to have a different display for each sensor but i haven't sorted that out yet. i was planning on getting something from amazon or ebay for the displays. Moe is helping me out with this so i don't pick the wrong ones. once i order everything i'll gladly share the links!

they provide all the coding and it's free from their site. i don't have any experience with an UNO yet but it seems pretty straight forward.
the UNO has 6 analog inputs so room for expansion of three more.

this is the code for the ph:

and they offer code and tutorials for the whole thing. i was so impressed with all the detail that i didn't even gather all the files and stuff yet. seemed so easy to get from them just following links. i have a tiny bit experience with chinese esp32's so i assume this will be very similar with loading codes. i also didn't look into adding wifi to it for broadcasting local web pages to your personal devices versus using lcd displays but i bet it could be done.

as for enclosures and mounting i was planning on winging all that. Moe Red is helping with most of it and hope to have some multiple displays to show each sensor value. i haven't placed my order yet though. all the stuff i want comes in just under the free shipping amount and i want to shop i bit before i pay $25 in shipping but honestly pretty soon i'm just gonna say fck it and order what i need and pay the shipping.

you gotta check out the badass stuff Moe uses..
it's legit if you want to monitor and control everything all in one place. he can see every value including history charts right on one screen. it's next level kind of stuff!!!!

coming back for another shot, same thread all new title!!!!!! all new bugs... J/K. i think i got em all. I bombed and sprayed with various miticides and mechanically scrubbed and cleaned and treated for prevention and feel it's the cleanest it's been in over a decade so i feel it's time to try and prove my work. time to start new plants.

most everything is the same only smaller net cups, now using 4" and filled with coco/perlite at about 70/30 ratio versus me using 6" with hydroton the first two starts.

the cultivar is Gassy Cream Cake from Captain Redbeard seeds. the seedlings are young, less than four days since dry seed. but there girls are tough, nice long tap roots and threw their helmets to the side quickly screaming they wanna grow!!! so here we go!!!! ;hd

Week 1 Day 1



have a great weekend everybody!!!!
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I am attempting my second hydro grow and this time i will be growing a feminized photo period cultivar named Candylicious by Erie Genetics

i will be using my 25 gallon DIY RDWC two site system with five gallon plant sites. the system itself performed well on it's maiden voyage and i only made two small changes for this round. first change is i added an aquarium heater to the rez because with winter coming my water temps are already around 66° so i installed that today and the second change i made was i added some weather stripping on the lip of the buckets. i had a small issue where they dripped a little if not centered correctly so i gave this a try, i smeared some permatex on the seam too... initial test was a success so i will just keep an eye on the stripping adhesive, if that holds i should be in good shape.

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Water being used is Rain water less than 10ppm

Air Pump is a ALITA little guy.

Nutrients are FloraNova series and Agsil16H as a buffer along with plant revolution Orca and King Crab>
starting solution levels are:
70 ppm of K buffer
  • 70 ppm of cal/mag
  • 100 ppm of Nova grow
=240 total ppm @ 5.5 ph

Light is a CLW solarsystem 550 gen2 with programmable spectrum.

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this will be a SCROG style grow and will be a first for me so i will be seeking guidance on that from our very own @CannaGranny !!!

things are just getting started now and showing signs of life!!!!

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so with that it's time to get this journal started! :D
Sticker i need

coming back for another shot, same thread all new title!!!!!! all new bugs... J/K. i think i got em all. I bombed and sprayed with various miticides and mechanically scrubbed and cleaned and treated for prevention and feel it's the cleanest it's been in over a decade so i feel it's time to try and prove my work. time to start new plants.

most everything is the same only smaller net cups, now using 4" and filled with coco/perlite at about 70/30 ratio versus me using 6" with hydroton the first two starts.

the cultivar is Gassy Cream Cake from Captain Redbeard seeds. the seedlings are young, less than four days since dry seed. but there girls are tough, nice long tap roots and threw their helmets to the side quickly screaming they wanna grow!!! so here we go!!!! ;hd

Week 1 Day 1

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have a great weekend everybody!!!!
Coco and perlite? I've heard other ppl using that instead of hydroton. lmk how u like it vs hydroton pretty please 🙏
Sticker i need

he sent me a magnet on my first order too!!! hehe

Granny is your discount code still valid? or was that a limited time thing?

Coco and perlite? I've heard other ppl using that instead of hydroton. lmk how u like it vs hydroton pretty please 🙏

yes sir, giving the coco and perlite a try. i rinsed the coco extremely good first and made sure it was pre moistened before going into the system. i had it in there without a plant for over a week just to make sure my waterfall didn't erode any of it inside the netcup, but so far so good!! i didn't pack it in very tight either.


my goal with this is that the tap root finds some extra resistance travelling down through the coco and encourages it to side branch the roots. this is gonna be a scrog so i'm trying to force the roots to grow the way i want the top to.

I'm hoping to achieve roots like Moe Red did here in this photo bump>>>

I got a long way till i'm at that point but i gotta at least try!!!

today they're both up and growing... i'm going to top off the extra space with some more coco mix for some stem support.


and just to have a hydro versus soil race, i also have some same seedlings in my soil cabinet and using the same spectrum of lighting.... side by side!!!


he sent me a magnet on my first order too!!! hehe

Granny is your discount code still valid? or was that a limited time thing?

yes sir, giving the coco and perlite a try. i rinsed the coco extremely good first and made sure it was pre moistened before going into the system. i had it in there without a plant for over a week just to make sure my waterfall didn't erode any of it inside the netcup, but so far so good!! i didn't pack it in very tight either.

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my goal with this is that the tap root finds some extra resistance travelling down through the coco and encourages it to side branch the roots. this is gonna be a scrog so i'm trying to force the roots to grow the way i want the top to.

I'm hoping to achieve roots like Moe Red did here in this photo bump>>>

I got a long way till i'm at that point but i gotta at least try!!!

today they're both up and growing... i'm going to top off the extra space with some more coco mix for some stem support.

View attachment 88545

and just to have a hydro versus soil race, i also have some same seedlings in my soil cabinet and using the same spectrum of lighting.... side by side!!!

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Hey Stoney!
I just hit Redbeards for a code to save some money. I should have that on Monday. They are in the middle of changing servers and not sure what all has transferred over. If you do make an order using the coupon code he provides, in the comment section just type CannaGranny. We get credit for that for the forum and it provides free seeds for the forum’s monthly contests etc.
What ya got in mind?
Hey Stoney!
I just hit Redbeards for a code to save some money. I should have that on Monday. They are in the middle of changing servers and not sure what all has transferred over. If you do make an order using the coupon code he provides, in the comment section just type CannaGranny. We get credit for that for the forum and it provides free seeds for the forum’s monthly contests etc.
What ya got in mind?

three of everything!! hehehe


not set on every one of these yet but got my eye on:

Cement Shoes & Creek Walker, just because of you.
Mr. Sour Pantz
Blueberry Kool-Aid
Silly Billy Pear
Sour patch dubs
three of everything!! hehehe


not set on every one of these yet but got my eye on:

Cement Shoes & Creek Walker, just because of you.
Mr. Sour Pantz
Blueberry Kool-Aid
Silly Billy Pear
Sour patch dubs
Captainsfamily for 15% off. It’s working now. Remember to write CannaGranny in the comments.
CreekWalker is great! I love the Cement Shoes, but would chose The Shine Or Biscotti Blond over that. Also hearing that the Gassy Cream Cake is fire.
I’ve got the Silly Billy Pear going this round.
Captainsfamily for 15% off. It’s working now. Remember to write CannaGranny in the comments.
CreekWalker is great! I love the Cement Shoes, but would chose The Shine Or Biscotti Blond over that. Also hearing that the Gassy Cream Cake is fire.
I’ve got the Silly Billy Pear going this round.

yea you got the shine on my radar for sure now. i have some time to shop so i'm gonna look over his site a few more times before i order anything.


and BTW Granny those other two Gassy Cream cake seeds sprouted too so i put hose in soil and they will join the race and be mainlined like the others in soil. so between last round and now i have gone 10/10 with the Captain's seeds. he made good on his side of the bargain, so now it's time for me to make it happin,, captain!!!!!! :D

i had a slight issue tonight, i noticed that my waterfalls were in fact too strong and eroding some of the coco mix from the bottom of the netcups. to fix this i put my elbows back on, only this time i drilled a small weep hole in the elbow so it lets a little water stream hit the netcups but not enough to cause erosion.. ..i hope!!

left bucket shows before the elbow and right side shows the fix..


i did the best i could to repack some coco back in the corner without disturbing any small roots...

but yeah, we got small roots on both... game on now!!!


so my weep holes i drilled in the waterfall elbows still eroded the coco a little so i turned the elbows around and just let the waterfall go down. it turns out there is plenty of splashing at the level it's at so it keeps the coco damp, and thats all i really wanted in the first place.

yesterday was the left side, here's the right..


so i was recently informed by OLDCRO that the newer gh flouralicious does not contain any fulvic acid anymore, and since i stopped using it anyway because i think thats what was messing with my ph before i bought a bottle of mr fulvic based on hearing a few of you guys talk about it and well here i messed up and bought mr humic instead but it turns out they're the same product so i lucked out!!!

i have no idea what it will do to ppm or ph so i snapped a photo.. adding 1ml/gallon ratio.



they're gonna need a little extra help because right now the soil plants are looking bigger...

I have been having trouble keeping up my humidity with my dinky mister..


it's been keeping it up to like 45% and when i open the door it's right down in the 20's. i've been trying to keep the entire lung room up but it's been tough this winter for some reason.

so i upgraded to a mars hydro humidifier.


it's a lot more convenient to fill and holds five times more and has it's own built in controller and probe. it's now part of command central...


i mounted the probe in between the plants for now, i'll move this as needed..


hopefully i can get the numbers where i need them... came with accessories...


soil growing doesn't have nearly the issue with all the moisture coming from underneath the plants. close to a 40% rh difference between the soil cabinet and the hydro one.

i'll check it in a few hours and see whats up.

C'Mon #5!!!!!
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Is that glow off tha cali light?

That's a nice hummffer

I may have to finally break out my drand nue dehummffer with this setup I'm working on
Is that glow off tha cali light?

yeah, it's at 20% r-w-b equal but i use my camera flash to show some natural close up color. i can set it to white but i'm lazy!! haha

That's a nice hummffer

so far i like it!!! if it works for what i need i'll really like it!!! it was a toss up between this one and the ACI cloud but according to the specs ths one is more than twice the vapor at 560ml/hour. according to the specs anyway...

may have to finally break out my drand nue dehummffer with this setup I'm working on

in a couple months i should be good to go till December again. might put the dinky one in the soil cabinet.


fired up and ready to go green... lets go racin!!!!!! ;lar;lar;lar
yeah, it's at 20% r-w-b equal but i use my camera flash to show some natural close up color. i can set it to white but i'm lazy!! haha

so far i like it!!! if it works for what i need i'll really like it!!! it was a toss up between this one and the ACI cloud but according to the specs ths one is more than twice the vapor at 560ml/hour. according to the specs anyway...

in a couple months i should be good to go till December again. might put the dinky one in the soil cabinet.


fired up and ready to go green... lets go racin!!!!!! ;lar;lar;lar
I've got it on...
i pulled a YOLO and bought an aci controller for the hydro cabinet..


there was nothing wrong with the digital controller i had in there but it's nice to be able to see and control both cabinets from one screen..


the new humidifier is kicking ass!! pumped a full gallon of water into there the first 24hrs!! now that everything is saturated better it should be able to maintain with ease. but damn a gallon!!!

i pulled a YOLO and bought an aci controller for the hydro cabinet..

View attachment 89910

there was nothing wrong with the digital controller i had in there but it's nice to be able to see and control both cabinets from one screen..

View attachment 89911

the new humidifier is kicking ass!! pumped a full gallon of water into there the first 24hrs!! now that everything is saturated better it should be able to maintain with ease. but damn a gallon!!!

That humidifier sounds pretty decent, im in the market for one so I'll check back in with you to see how you like it still in a week or two.
i pulled a YOLO and bought an aci controller for the hydro cabinet..

View attachment 89910

there was nothing wrong with the digital controller i had in there but it's nice to be able to see and control both cabinets from one screen..

View attachment 89911

the new humidifier is kicking ass!! pumped a full gallon of water into there the first 24hrs!! now that everything is saturated better it should be able to maintain with ease. but damn a gallon!!!

Star wars fan huh..
I recently(2 weeks ago?) got a t-7 aci which holds about 2+ gal. Initially I had to fill it every 40 hrs or so to keep rh at 60%. My apartment though is normally like 12%, so it was constantly going. I believe you bought a vivosun product if I remember correctly? I went aci just for ease of tying it into my controller. I will b watching ur grow for sure!

edit: marshydro, not vivosun...
That humidifier sounds pretty decent, im in the market for one so I'll check back in with you to see how you like it still in a week or two.

if anything comes up i'll raise a red flag for sure!!

Star wars fan huh..

hell yeah!!!!

I recently(2 weeks ago?) got a t-7 aci which holds about 2+ gal. Initially I had to fill it every 40 hrs or so to keep rh at 60%. My apartment though is normally like 12%, so it was constantly going. I believe you bought a vivosun product if I remember correctly? I went aci just for ease of tying it into my controller. I will b watching ur grow for sure!

edit: marshydro, not vivosun...

the T7 was just out of my impulse buy price range and i didn't think the T3 was enough horsepower for what i needed. i've grown to like ACI a lot and they were my first choice but the T3 listed as 240ml/hour max and the mars hydro is 580ml/hour max. the T7 is more than twice that at a whopping 1300 ml/hour max!!

this is the worst time of the year for me so if it can keep up now i should be fine with it.

i will say though this is the first time ever where i get to say exactly what my environment is and not just settle for the best i can get. i'm hoping it translates into better growth and bigger yields.
“i will say though this is the first time ever where i get to say exactly what my environment is and not just settle for the best i can get. i'm hoping it translates into better growth and bigger yields.”

View attachment 90149


i yell this to my chickens most days when i let them out of the cage!! hahaha


ya know man the pressure is all on me now, i have nothing i can blame anything on now!!! cool thing is i can see on a graph already how much more steady the vpd had been since i hooked it all up over the weekend..

I could use some help please..

i thought my leaf edges were curling because of low/unsteady humidity but last week i fixed that issue but i'm still seeing the curling and it seems to be getting worse.

the pics.. left side-left plant..



the stats...

just starting week four since seed.
water temp 70°F
air temp 74°F
RH 61%
100watts led about 18" above.
70ppm K buffer
80ppm cal/mag
130ppm floranova grow
20ppm mr humic

anyone have any ideas what i'm doing wrong?
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