First Sativa Grow - Panama - BudBuilders


Student of Hydroponics
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Apr 1, 2023
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Greetings Fellow Bud Builders!

Super stoked about my next upcoming grow, gonna give a go at a 100% Sativa for the first time. Not sure if I am getting in over my head but doing this as much for the fun of it as I am doing it for meds.

As soon as the Mrs. finishes up in the 3x3 with the single site RDWC and the Mendel's Tropic of Censor, I plan to have this girl ready to go in that system at the earliest possible date. Decided to go with some beans I got from Ace Seeds and the strain is an old school landrace called Panama Red. I know next to nothing about the strain other than it's a pretty famous landrace that will go 11 -12 weeks in flower. I will most likely have to work hard at getting this one trained low to avoid running out of headroom with a stretchy Sativa.

The plan is to germinate one seed in 1:1 solution of H2O2 and RO water for 14-16 hours, then transfer to a paper towel. Once I've got a tap root, I will put it in a rapid rooter and into my veg hydro system I recently built where it will stay until the Mendel ToC finishes.

And.....Here we go!IMG_2893.jpeg
Man im gonna watch this one for sure, im really curios about the outcome.
I have strawberry cough, an 80% sativa and the last one took just iver 16 weeks to finish. Really really enjoyable smoke, just not sure i enjoy a flowering period that's the same as an indica seed to harvest lol.

Best of luck tho brother
Greetings Fellow Bud Builders!

Super stoked about my next upcoming grow, gonna give a go at a 100% Sativa for the first time. Not sure if I am getting in over my head but doing this as much for the fun of it as I am doing it for meds.

As soon as the Mrs. finishes up in the 3x3 with the single site RDWC and the Mendel's Tropic of Censor, I plan to have this girl ready to go in that system at the earliest possible date. Decided to go with some beans I got from Ace Seeds and the strain is an old school landrace called Panama Red. I know next to nothing about the strain other than it's a pretty famous landrace that will go 11 -12 weeks in flower. I will most likely have to work hard at getting this one trained low to avoid running out of headroom with a stretchy Sativa.

The plan is to germinate one seed in 1:1 solution of H2O2 and RO water for 14-16 hours, then transfer to a paper towel. Once I've got a tap root, I will put it in a rapid rooter and into my veg hydro system I recently built where it will stay until the Mendel ToC finishes.

And.....Here we go!View attachment 4659
GL man, can't wait to see what they do.
Greetings Fellow Bud Builders!

Super stoked about my next upcoming grow, gonna give a go at a 100% Sativa for the first time. Not sure if I am getting in over my head but doing this as much for the fun of it as I am doing it for meds.

As soon as the Mrs. finishes up in the 3x3 with the single site RDWC and the Mendel's Tropic of Censor, I plan to have this girl ready to go in that system at the earliest possible date. Decided to go with some beans I got from Ace Seeds and the strain is an old school landrace called Panama Red. I know next to nothing about the strain other than it's a pretty famous landrace that will go 11 -12 weeks in flower. I will most likely have to work hard at getting this one trained low to avoid running out of headroom with a stretchy Sativa.

The plan is to germinate one seed in 1:1 solution of H2O2 and RO water for 14-16 hours, then transfer to a paper towel. Once I've got a tap root, I will put it in a rapid rooter and into my veg hydro system I recently built where it will stay until the Mendel ToC finishes.

And.....Here we go!View attachment 4659
I smoked what was called panama red back 72 73

Thinking your going to need a taller tent
So this seed popped the day after it was put in the paper towel and then just died, finally just tossed it today. I think it was my fault because I forgot to put it some place dark after I put it in the paper towel, dumb ass mistake.

Anyhow, got another one started and also popping a seed from Ethos called Mandarin Sunset that will be grown by the mrs., her Tropic of Censor is almost finished.
View attachment 7017View attachment 7018This is Panama Red in bloom. Tiny tiny leaves. Pistils are bright red too. I grew this a few years back. Was pretty, but I really did not like the buzz.
Was it not potent? I always wonder about these old strains that were fire back in the day. Were they fire because we didn't have any tolerance to the "stronger" weed of today? I remember smoking stuff that literally made me hallucinate back in the day. "Super strong weed" that actually probably was the equivalent to hemp lol. But once in a while I would get that one hit shit that sure seemed stronger than anything I smoke today.
Was it not potent? I always wonder about these old strains that were fire back in the day. Were they fire because we didn't have any tolerance to the "stronger" weed of today? I remember smoking stuff that literally made me hallucinate back in the day. "Super strong weed" that actually probably was the equivalent to hemp lol. But once in a while I would get that one hit shit that sure seemed stronger than anything I smoke today.
Not what I expected. Like you, I smoked some of this years ago that would literally twilight you. Thinking it was just me with a high tolerance, I gave it all away, no one else cared for it either.
Pretty plant, unusual and very colorful, but that’s where it stopped for me.
Not what I expected. Like you, I smoked some of this years ago that would literally twilight you. Thinking it was just me with a high tolerance, I gave it all away, no one else cared for it either.
Pretty plant, unusual and very colorful, but that’s where it stopped for me

Maybe someone needs to take these legacy strains and re work them to the standard of todays weed.
Maybe someone needs to take these legacy strains and re work them to the standard of todays weed.
A lot of folks think THAT is the problem and all these old school landrace strains have all but disappeared because of today's breeding practices.

I'm not sure I would argue with that.
A lot of folks think THAT is the problem and all these old school landrace strains have all but disappeared because of today's breeding practices.

I'm not sure I would argue with tha
There's plenty of landrace strains, its just that most people don't want to or can't grow them. Even if you are successful, they probably won't be as good as if they were grown in the natural habitat. Once you breed it outside the natural environment, it's no longer landrace- the new seeds will not be the same as the ones made in the natural habitat.
Seriously, who wants to wait 20 weeks for light airy mediocre buds? I do it for fun, but when I need to fill the jars, I grow strains made for indoors.
Maybe someone needs to take these legacy strains and re work them to the standard of todays weed.
Yeah well I have one of those experiments going right now. It’s quite laughable.
I had some full on African Durban. She was a bigggg girl. A friend sent a clone of her to the West coast for a breeding project. The idea was to make her shorter and bushier as well as tighten the bud a bit. She was crossed with a heavy indica called White Ice.
Shes in my veg room, standing at 5’9”. The change? She has huge indica leaves!
So I think I posted previously that the first try at this failed. Got another seed started and this one is a success! Going to get another diary for her companion which is the Mandarin Sunset by Ethos.

They started to stretch a bit and @MrsSweetLeaf boosted em up a bit for me while I am out of town, not sure what the PPFD is atm but was around 100 when I left them yesterday after they had popped the surface.

So far, so good.
So I think I posted previously that the first try at this failed. Got another seed started and this one is a success! Going to get another diary for her companion which is the Mandarin Sunset by Ethos.

They started to stretch a bit and @MrsSweetLeaf boosted em up a bit for me while I am out of town, not sure what the PPFD is atm but was around 100 when I left them yesterday after they had popped the surface.

So far, so good.
Pulling up a chair. Good luck SLG!
OK, so I got the Mendel grow finished up and got that system all cleaned and ready to go. Getting ready to load the res but could use a bit of guidance to get this seedling dialed in. I'm thinking 250 ppm of 1:1:1 GH ratios. I know I should be better at this but I have a few questions before I move forward building this res.

First, my RO tank has been getting contaminated from somewhere, not sure where but fresh RO out of the tank is >40 but after it sits for some time, it's sitting at about 100. Best I can do at this time so I am also concerned about cal/mag and how much to add. I was looking over a chart for nutrient uptake at various times.


According to this chart, cal/mag is not needed much until week 2-3 flower? I assume I cannot eliminate cal/mag from this res but if I give 5 ml per gallon, I won't have any room for nutrients. So my question is how much cal/mag for this seedlng? Also, should I build the res with AgSil as I normally would?

Here is a photo of the seedling. She stretched a bit that first night she popped, I lowered the light and raised the intensity and stopped the stretch. Will bury that stem in hydroton once I get the system prepared.

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