First Sativa Grow - Panama - BudBuilders

I know everyone is super busy so didn't want to bother, I think I know what to do so went for it.

Starting with 100 ppm and 7.8 pH, total water volume about 12 gallons, I ph'd down to 6.1, did not add any silica. Then I added 100 ppm cal/mag which ended up being 14 ml. Then I dosed 24 ml Hydgrozyme enzymes, then 1:1:1 GH trio, to bring the ppm up to 300, was 10 ml each brown, green, and pink. Finally, 24 ml Hydroguard, set the light height and ppfd to 175. Temp around 74F and RH 60% but climbing.IMG_2973.jpegIMG_2976.jpegIMG_2974.jpegIMG_2975.jpeg
I know everyone is super busy so didn't want to bother, I think I know what to do so went for it.

Starting with 100 ppm and 7.8 pH, total water volume about 12 gallons, I ph'd down to 6.1, did not add any silica. Then I added 100 ppm cal/mag which ended up being 14 ml. Then I dosed 24 ml Hydgrozyme enzymes, then 1:1:1 GH trio, to bring the ppm up to 300, was 10 ml each brown, green, and pink. Finally, 24 ml Hydroguard, set the light height and ppfd to 175. Temp around 74F and RH 60% but climbing.View attachment 8712View attachment 8714View attachment 8713View attachment 8715
i like your set up sweet leaf. I'm a soil guy but looking at different ways to grow.
i like your set up sweet leaf. I'm a soil guy but looking at different ways to grow.
Thanks! Yea, I started in soil but needed to step up my production so I went RDWC. It's a great setup, bit of an investment but worth it IMO.

Now if I can just learn how to drive this thing! 🤷‍♂️

I'm getting better and hoping this grow is a tipping point for me in the right direction.
Thanks Anthem, gotta be the light. They were curly before I put them in the system with no nutes at all in the tray. Must have been a bit too much for it when I turned it up to stop it from stretching.

Will dial that light back some and keep a good eye on her.
Getting updates today and this plant is chugging along, albeit disappointingly slow. I know they are always slow as seedlings but this one seems a bit slower than I remember for a hydro start. Roots have been touched down for a couple of days at this point but up top she still seems to be struggling.....twisted leaves and a bit of brown here and there. I have dialed the light back as far as it will go in intensity and sitting about 20-24" above....just waiting for the roots to get a bit more established and to take off up top a bit better. The res has been fairly stable, a very slight rise in pH and no change in ppms.IMG_3004.jpegIMG_3005.jpegIMG_3006.jpeg
Getting an update on this grow today. This plant is chugging along without a chiller and I have noticed the plants just don't do as well. Is what it is at this time, I don't have the cash to throw down for a new chiller, may have to go sterile if the res temps keep staying so high.

Growth up top and in the root zone has been somewhat lethargic but seems to be picking up. One thing of note to me is the fat fans, this is supposed to be a Sativa so that was a bit of a surprise. I have never grown a Sativa so perhaps this is how they are in the beginning, I dunno, time will tell.

The other thing I have never seen before is two consecutive sets of 3 leaflet fans. I'm guessing this plant has been stressed, perhaps because of the res temps being too high.

Other than that, not much to report on this grow, still way early.

Not sure how I missed this journal , good luck on this grow. I'm growing a sativa for the first time on my current run and what I've been noticing is that they like to be fed lighter than the indicas and like it a little cooler. I noticed tip burn on mine sooner than the hybrids and Indicas and they seem to be a little pickier.
Never thought a Sativa would start out looking like this!View attachment 11689
That does have wider leaves than id expect for a 100% sativa.
I have a Girl Scout Cookie thats a 60/40 indica dominant and has super narrow sativa like leaves. Its thrown me off since it started
I'm growing a sativa for the first time on my current run and what I've been noticing is that they like to be fed lighter than the indicas and like it a little cooler.

Thanks for this bit of info rocj. I'm currently running about 350 ppm (I'm in hydro) and she seems to me to be a bit hungry. I know it's a fine line and I am learning when things need to be stepped up from seedling to veg numbers. Thinking it might be time to step it up with this gal but will probably wait a bit longer. She seems to be finally taking off a bit after a slow start.
This gal is chugging along, making an entry for @MrsSweetLeaf, this is her girl. We've topped the main stem above the 5th node, side branching is catching up but there has been a bit of stretching that I would not like to see. We raised the intensity of the light slightly to hopefully get her the ppfd she wants. I am thinking I will top a few more of these taller branches to let the rest catch up and do a bit of LST in the next few days.

Running low ppms with early veg ratios from the GH chart, cal/mag and agsil 16, and hydroguard, no chiller, water temps hitting 80F+ during warm days, some slight discoloration on some of the upper roots but the lower stuff is nice and pearly white. Roots are not as vigorous as I am used to seeing but something I have noticed when not using a chiller in this system.

If anyone has experience with a 100% Sativa and have advice, I am all ears. I don't want to run out of head room here if this gal decides she wants to stretch big. I am thinking that perhaps I may need to flip this way sooner than I would normally? I can definitely do a bunch more LST and keep her short for the time being if needed.IMG_3097.jpegIMG_3098.jpegIMG_3099.jpegIMG_3101.jpegIMG_3103.jpeg
This gal is chugging along, making an entry for @MrsSweetLeaf, this is her girl. We've topped the main stem above the 5th node, side branching is catching up but there has been a bit of stretching that I would not like to see. We raised the intensity of the light slightly to hopefully get her the ppfd she wants. I am thinking I will top a few more of these taller branches to let the rest catch up and do a bit of LST in the next few days.

Running low ppms with early veg ratios from the GH chart, cal/mag and agsil 16, and hydroguard, no chiller, water temps hitting 80F+ during warm days, some slight discoloration on some of the upper roots but the lower stuff is nice and pearly white. Roots are not as vigorous as I am used to seeing but something I have noticed when not using a chiller in this system.

If anyone has experience with a 100% Sativa and have advice, I am all ears. I don't want to run out of head room here if this gal decides she wants to stretch big. I am thinking that perhaps I may need to flip this way sooner than I would normally? I can definitely do a bunch more LST and keep her short for the time being if needed.View attachment 13619View attachment 13620View attachment 13621View attachment 13622View attachment 13623
Next time I do a Sativa, I think I will do a 16 top mainline. I think it might be the way to go.
No, I mean top 4 times to make 16 equal colas. i might have the terms wrong idk.
I've noticed you seem to flip these Sativas way earlier than I would have guessed. Is this a common thing when growing Sativa's? Does one have to think differently and not try to grow them like an Indica when growing indoors?
I've noticed you seem to flip these Sativas way earlier than I would have guessed. Is this a common thing when growing Sativa's? Does one have to think differently and not try to grow them like an Indica when growing indoors?
It depends. A equatorial Sativa never gets much more than 12 hour days. A northern Mexican Sativa gets longer days and won't stretch as much after the flip. I would think a landrace Panama Red would be about like Colombian. Once they breed it indoors a couple times, it not landrace and might be a lot different. IDK the history on yours, but it sure didn't take long to get alternating nodes.
I couldn't find any landrace panama red on the Ace site, they do have an acclimatized hybrid.
These are the seeds I bought.

I did not notice but they have been "adapted" for indoor conditions. Excellent. Thanks bro for all the knowledge đź‘Š
These are the seeds I bought.

I did not notice but they have been "adapted" for indoor conditions. Excellent. Thanks bro for all the knowledge đź‘Š
They probably bred the fastest and best structured plants, so you can actually grow it to maturity indoors.
IDK the history on yours, but it sure didn't take long to get alternating nodes.
I agree here, something I noticed as well. Would you take that as a sign that would be ready to flip at any time? I would say yes, off the top of my head she seems like a mature plant at this point, most of the fans are 7 leaflets as well.

We want to get her spread out a bit more and normally do that a lot more before the flip on the Indicas and hybrids but perhaps I can do that after the flip with a Sativa because of head room issues? Perhaps I let her go a bit wild and then scrog her down @CannaGranny style, which I am going to learn asap? Not sure how to handle this and just looking for others experiences with a Sativa. Not going to stress it though, this is @MrsSweetLeaf's grow and for fun so we're gonna keep it fun.

Here is the growing tips from the Ace Seeds website-

Excellent adaptability to indoor growing.
Very suitable for SOG crops due to its great yield in the main cola, or for SCROG, horizontal or network growing due to its excellent yield in the lateral branches and its vigorous reaction to pruning.

Outdoors, it is a very adaptable plant that has been grown for years in hot climates, and in climates with a mild start of autumn.

Genetic analyses show that Panama has a unique and uncommon genotype, of moderate genetic variability. Panama is one of the best pure sativas available for the development of very powerful, aromatic, resinous and high yielding hybrids, with moderate flowering time and with excellent adaptability to indoor growing.

It accepts high levels of nutrients, producing an enormous harvest when the conditions are adequate.

I had forgotten about this, I'm going to start to bring that ppm level up tomorrow and see how she responds. I had been thinking she looked a bit hungry but I'm majorly gun shy about over feeding at the moment so I've resisted giving this plant anything except a bit of cal/mag the other day, but, thinking it might be time to go into early veg with the nutrients and bump that number up.
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I got in and did the first low stress training on this plant today. Pulled a couple of the larger fans, and some lower branching as well. I bumped the PPMs up to 500, going to see how it takes that the breeder says that it’s a heavy feeder, so I’m going to experiment with that

My thoughts are that once I have a fairly decent canopy I’m gonna flip this one fairly soon.

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