Man it's getting busy in there. I was hoping to finish stretching before giving them another res change but they've drank 25 of the 30 gallons I mixed on the 24th. 25 gallons in 12 days. Thirsty girls. I guess they're ready for the next batch, which won't contain any Grow nutes.

I clipped all the ties hoping they grow a little away from each other.

I moved my oscillating fans. One is oscillating below the canopy and the other just above. It's grown so bushy in there that I'm able to find fan leaves with moisture buildup. I'll clear it out when they stop stretching.
Looking good grumpis, yea I hear you on the training deal when the flower stretch hits and growth starts happening where you don't really want it to lol, happens to me every time. This grow I got like a knot of colas that just all shot up next to each other I was fearing far so good but I've also had to leave my tent door completely open with a dehu on max turbo indefinitely just outside the open door.

Yea man, should be some nice chonky buds coming soon 🤘🏻
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Man it's getting busy in there. I was hoping to finish stretching before giving them another res change but they've drank 25 of the 30 gallons I mixed on the 24th. 25 gallons in 12 days. Thirsty girls. I guess they're ready for the next batch, which won't contain any Grow nutes.

I clipped all the ties hoping they grow a little away from each other.
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I moved my oscillating fans. One is oscillating below the canopy and the other just above. It's grown so bushy in there that I'm able to find fan leaves with moisture buildup. I'll clear it out when they stop stretching.
Hell yea

Defoliate again

Looking like a damn good run so far
Yea get that BS outta here
Lol I'm jk
Haha you watch.. she wants to check on the plants every night. As soon as I get home she's asking to "see guys." It's the cutest damn thing. Broke my heart last night after lights out. She wanted to check on everybody but we couldn't. Had to tell her they were sleeping. Thankfully, she understood.

If we can keep her damn mouth shut, she's gonna have a sticky green thumb for sure.

How old is she now
Mines 2 1/2 yr
She loves doing the plant stuff with me too.
She's 2 years and 4 months. Right behind yours. She's growing up sooo fast and smart. Me and mom are gonna have our hands full.

Hell yea
Defoliate again
I'll wait til they're done stretching. I don't wanna stall anything out and I don't think it's hurting anything. Hell.. it might even help keep the little runners in check. I'll snip off the lowest extensions when the time comes. I want ALMOST all the energy focused on those top buds.

Stoney says my light is blasting them with enough photons to penetrate. It is currently maxed out for this spectrum. Right now they're seeing 99r : 99w : 49b. I'm surprised they've been able to handle that much light considering it's twice the light my SpiderFarmer was and that one never saw 100%.
Wow.. this batch of bloom nutes smells like hot death. Like some summer roadkill. I want to assume it's the Boost since it was the new addition. I wasn't a fan of the smell before but this is a dealbreaker for me.

It's only the top-off res so I cut the bubbles in half. We'll see if that helps. It aughta fumigate the room less anyway.

The lower resevoir and plant sites smell fine. It's just up above. I can smell it when I walk in the back room where my grow closet hides.

I'll continue to use them for this run and that's it. ~Fin~
The tallest plant fell over. The netpot tilted and she leaned against the wall overnight. No big deal. She's gorgeous.

@Stoneyluv.. buds are forming. Is now the time for that defoliation? It'd help keep the humidity down and should lighten up the load so I don't get any more leaners. I feel like nows the time so I can remove budsites that I don't want, regardless of where we're at with the stretch. I flipped two weeks ago today.
The tallest plant fell over. The netpot tilted and she leaned against the wall overnight. No big deal. She's gorgeous.

@Stoneyluv.. buds are forming. Is now the time for that defoliation? It'd help keep the humidity down and should lighten up the load so I don't get any more leaners. I feel like nows the time so I can remove budsites that I don't want, regardless of where we're at with the stretch. I flipped two weeks ago today.

hell yeah trim em heavy!!! remember most of what you take out is going to grow back. my rule of thumb is not more than 40%, grab n snap handful after handful!!!! haha i like to leave the top set for some reason no science behind that just a quirk. any fan that seems thick and puffy has got to go. dark thick one are on my hit list! those big fans won't even get used anymore, the buds will use most of the sugar leaves from here on out. they won't go looking down the street for energy when they get it right next door. keep that in mind when thinning. ask yourself is leaf even going to be useful to the plant?

i like to put my light on 0-1-0 and the low light really pronounces the shade... anything shading bud sites go first!

tear some off each plant then go back over them. if i get concentrated on one at time to much i can get carried away. trim a little and move on, rinse/lather/repeat.. when you're satisfied they're done! in like five days most of them will grow back!

also time to pour on the red spectrum.. i think you said you already did that though??
also time to pour on the red spectrum.. i think you said you already did that though??

Yessir. They were at 99:99:49 for two weeks and then just the other night I dropped the blue to 45. I basically bumped the red and dropped the blue for a week or two prior, transitioning from 49:99:99 to 99:99:49.

I'll give them 99:99:45 for a week and then they get the suggested flower ratio of 99:99:40 until the last 2 or 3 weeks. I'll stay with the suggested ratios all the way through finishing them with 39:99:99. I might even try hitting them with only blue for the last day or 3.

Have you or @Bandit420 tried finishing with all blue?
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Yessir. They were at 99:99:49 for two weeks and then just the other night I dropped the blue to 45. I basically bumped the red and dropped the blue for a week or two prior, transitioning from 49:99:99 to 99:99:49.

I'll give them 99:99:45 for a week and then they get the suggested flower ratio of 99:99:40 until the last 2 or 3 weeks. I'll stay with the suggested ratios all the way through finishing them with 39:99:99. I might even try hitting them with only blue for the last day or 3.

Have you or @Bandit420 tried finishing with all blue?

Looking great Dude!
Yeah I've tried all sorts of blue driven finishing spectrums. Still a work in progress. Now I'm adding LED UV to it 😁
Res change last night after lights out. It steadily crept up 250-300 ppm in a weeks time. Part of me wants to assume it's the solubility issue. As it circulates and better dissolves, the ppm go up.

They drank 15 gallons since the last changeout, so they're still taking it in but I think it got too hot.

Last night, I made the same solution but I took a lot more care in the mixing, only dumping a small amount of nutrients into my mixing jug at a time. I mixed, then slowly poured until the sediment at the bottom started to pour out. Then I'd add more water and a little more nutes to the jug and repeat. It took a long time but there was noticeably less sediment at the bottom.

I also used less ph up and down for the intial buffer, thinking I maybe hit them too hard with potassium from the up. It amounted to roughly 100ppm of my last batch. This batch, I used half of that.

Left it last night at 6.1/1090 and it was 6.3/1130 this morning. So it's climbing again. I hope it settles out a lot lower than the 1350 it was when I changed it. Plants are burning a bit but still have great color and vigor, growing inches every day. The math's adding up to them drinking 1.25 gallons apiece, per day.
Res change last night after lights out. It steadily crept up 250-300 ppm in a weeks time. Part of me wants to assume it's the solubility issue. As it circulates and better dissolves, the ppm go up.

They drank 15 gallons since the last changeout, so they're still taking it in but I think it got too hot.

Last night, I made the same solution but I took a lot more care in the mixing, only dumping a small amount of nutrients into my mixing jug at a time. I mixed, then slowly poured until the sediment at the bottom started to pour out. Then I'd add more water and a little more nutes to the jug and repeat. It took a long time but there was noticeably less sediment at the bottom.

I also used less ph up and down for the intial buffer, thinking I maybe hit them too hard with potassium from the up. It amounted to roughly 100ppm of my last batch. This batch, I used half of that.

Left it last night at 6.1/1090 and it was 6.3/1130 this morning. So it's climbing again. I hope it settles out a lot lower than the 1350 it was when I changed it. Plants are burning a bit but still have great color and vigor, growing inches every day. The math's adding up to them drinking 1.25 gallons apiece, per day.
Ppm will almost always climb, Its not a bad thing. Just top up with water in between. Sounds like you could daily at this point then measure ppm and you will see its falling. You can adjust the amount of water added back to keep a stable ppm. No need to add buffer with top ups as it will remain from the initial res fill.

if they are burning just means nitrogen is a bit high for the amount they are up taking.

Its not the ppm that matters its the makeup of that ppm.
Res change last night after lights out. It steadily crept up 250-300 ppm in a weeks time. Part of me wants to assume it's the solubility issue. As it circulates and better dissolves, the ppm go up.

They drank 15 gallons since the last changeout, so they're still taking it in but I think it got too hot.

Last night, I made the same solution but I took a lot more care in the mixing, only dumping a small amount of nutrients into my mixing jug at a time. I mixed, then slowly poured until the sediment at the bottom started to pour out. Then I'd add more water and a little more nutes to the jug and repeat. It took a long time but there was noticeably less sediment at the bottom.

I also used less ph up and down for the intial buffer, thinking I maybe hit them too hard with potassium from the up. It amounted to roughly 100ppm of my last batch. This batch, I used half of that.

Left it last night at 6.1/1090 and it was 6.3/1130 this morning. So it's climbing again. I hope it settles out a lot lower than the 1350 it was when I changed it. Plants are burning a bit but still have great color and vigor, growing inches every day. The math's adding up to them drinking 1.25 gallons apiece, per day.
What nutrients are you running again? If they are liquid there should not be sediment. If there is then you may have a mixing issue
What nutrients are you running again? If they are liquid there should not be sediment. If there is then you may have a mixing issue
Lotus Nutrients measured by grams. The plants loved it during veg but these bloom nutes take forever, it seems, to fully dissolve.

Everything is chugging along, but I wasn't comfortable giving them 1300+ just yet. I wasn't sure where it would stop at so I just changed it to drop it back down. They drank half of what was in top-off, anyway.

I top off with the same solution, just diluted down to about 3/4 of the concentration. It's on a drip feed from the top-off res. As much as they're drinking, I'm looking at a res change nearly every week, so I should be able to stay on top of it.
@Aqua Man.. I just followed this chart and lowered the EC back to where I wanted it, hoping it stays. The chart might be telling me to lower it even more. If it continues that same steady climb through this next week, I'll lower my EC to about 800 vs the 1000 I've been aiming for.
@Aqua Man.. I just followed this chart and lowered the EC back to where I wanted it, hoping it stays. The chart might be telling me to lower it even more. If it continues that same steady climb through this next week, I'll lower my EC to about 800 vs the 1000 I've been aiming for.
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Thats a decent beginner chart to get an idea but it’s so vague it honestly should not be relied on.

Eg it doesn’t give parameters or time frames at all so basically all the measurements it gives are moot. Take the PH rising for example normal unless over 0.5 in how long?

Its good as a tool to understand what reaction may be required but far from definitive.

IMO that chart will have you chasing your tail endlessly.
@Aqua Man.. I just followed this chart and lowered the EC back to where I wanted it, hoping it stays. The chart might be telling me to lower it even more. If it continues that same steady climb through this next week, I'll lower my EC to about 800 vs the 1000 I've been aiming for.
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If you PPM is staying with 20% you are good. Beyond that you may meed to adjust your ppm.

But here is the problem. You can have N tox at 300ppm or at 1000ppm. It all depends what n the ratio of N that makes up the ppm.

The most accurate way is to actually make sure you have a balanced nutrient for the stage of growth and then base the ppm off the plants response to nitrogen.

Ppm should only really be used a means to replicate things. Like in flower we actually run similar maybe slightly lower N levels to Veg but the ppm is much higher because we change the ratios.

Hope im not confusing you. I always hated ppm being used but it has its place.
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