It's been drifting up. When I see 6.2 I drop it down to 5.8. Takes a few days to drift back up.
25th day from sprout

Res change last night brought the ppm up to 420. I was finally able to see them just before lights out and they were all perky, so I bumped it up to 20:40:40.

Tied down 2 and stripped the other 2 just now. Accidentally split one of the tops but after my last plant destroyed itself and still performed flawlessly, I left it and won't fret.
Looking awesome.
I love how these plants can look so weak and on the edge one day and ready to rule the world the next!

I’m missing growing indoors this year, but PG&E has made it cheaper to buy weed than grow it.
I’m an outdoor farmer until I perfect that cold fusion generator! ;)
Day 27
Adjusted everyone's ties tonight. Cracked a couple more stems... No tip burn so they may get another res change in a few days.20240813_213833.jpg20240813_213840.jpg20240813_213846.jpg20240813_213854.jpg20240813_213917.jpg

root porn..20240813_214041.jpg
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Adjusted everyone's ties tonight. Cracked a couple more stems... No tip burn so they may get another res change in a few days.View attachment 68841View attachment 68842View attachment 68843View attachment 68844View attachment 68845

root porn..View attachment 68846

those eye bolts you put in are working awesome!!!!

i've cracked some too man, it didn't seem to phase them much and grew right past it and in a few weeks i couldn't even tell which ones i broke.

it looks like you're only days away from cutting the tips off!!! really nice work on the lst man!!!!!
those eye bolts you put in are working awesome!!!!
Yeah the dowel rods were an afterthought but they're just wedged in there so they're mobile.

i've cracked some too man, it didn't seem to phase them much and grew right past it and in a few weeks i couldn't even tell which ones i broke.
Well 2 are still looking good. The back 2 in the picture. The first picture is of the better one and I snapped it's whole stem. It's apparent by the slowed growth on that lower set in the pic.

The other one is the 3rd Pic and you can see the 2 little splits.

it looks like you're only days away from cutting the tips off!!! really nice work on the lst man!!!!!
Dude I think so too!!

That means I'll be flipping in a couple weeks!!

Fasted veg cycle for me yet.
Yeah the dowel rods were an afterthought but they're just wedged in there so they're mobile.

haha if you wouldn't have said anything i would have thought it was your plan all along! i remember looking at the eyehooks all this time wondering how you're gonna use them then i see the dowels. i was oh wow that;s brilliant!!! guess it doesn't matter how ya came up with the plan, you're on it now man!!!!

Well 2 are still looking good. The back 2 in the picture. The first picture is of the better one and I snapped it's whole stem. It's apparent by the slowed growth on that lower set in the pic.

The other one is the 3rd Pic and you can see the 2 little splits.

they really don't look bad at all from the pics, nothing that won't heal anyway. you can glob a little honey in the gap and it will help heal faster.

i know this sounds weird but if you kinda massage the stems a few minutes before you bend it helps with snapping man. kinda roll it gently between your fingers, not so much that you crush them or anything but just the warmth from you fingers after a few minutes will soften them up and make bending them a little more flexible.

when i first started heavy LST i practiced on house plants and weeds outside. i'll tell ya man if you can learn to lst a tomato plant you can tie knots in ganja stems!!! tomato stems snap twice as easy so it's great training or practice!!

Fasted veg cycle for me yet.

i vegged my mainline for a full eight weeks, partly because i wanted the tops for clones so i waited so long to start topping and shaping.

how far are you now? just a couple weeks right?

i feel mainline is less veg time than scrog.
how far are you now? just a couple weeks right?
Today will be the 28th day from seed

i feel mainline is less veg time than scrog.
Absolutely. These plants would be another month out before they filled a scrog screen and I'm looking at flipping in a week or so. It'd be sweet if I can get a similar harvest while shaving off a month or more. I'm not expecting a pound, but boy would that be sweet.
These things are getting big, fast. Tied them all down again and snipped some lower stuff.
Gonna try to give them a res change tomorrow night moving towards a transition to bloom nutes and aiming for 600ppm. Maybe 700. I don't know. These plants seem hungry as they show no signs of burn at 450.

I've got alternating nodes so I think I'm gonna aim to flip next Wednesday. That'll be 5 weeks from seed.
These things are chugging along. I have slowly accidently bumped up the ppm to 480. The top-off has gotten more concentrated as more of the nutes dissolved. Lights at 35:70:70 and I'll likely bump it up tonight.
70!!! 80!! whew,, thats a lot of photons my man. i like your style though, you're gonna find out if your new light has any limits right now.

they look awesome!!!! growing very fast!!
70!!! 80!! whew,, thats a lot of photons my man. i like your style though, you're gonna find out if your new light has any limits right now.
They don't seem to be afraid of it so I'll crank it up in the morning. Res and spectrum change whenever I find time. These babies wanna flip!

they look awesome!!!! growing very fast!!
35 days from seed today. Tomorrow starts the 7th week. These are the biggest fans I've ever seen. I'm impressed. Light, nutes or genetics...? 🤔
These are the biggest fans I've ever seen. I'm impressed. Light, nutes or genetics...? 🤔

all three!! i like how white the leaf veins are. and the stems too, nice n green no red!! they're lovin life thats for sure!!!

hydro question.. so if everything is gravy right now and you're on point and nothing is wrong, why would you want to do a rez change? why not keep topping off?
hydro question.. so if everything is gravy right now and you're on point and nothing is wrong, why would you want to do a rez change? why not keep topping off?
I want to transition to bloom nutes and there's a couple weeks where they'll still want a bit of the Grow blend. I'll move to a transition solution and a preflower light spectrum for the stretch. After they're done stretching, I'll change over to full on bloom nutes and a flower spectrum.
Gave them all a serious trim job. I topped the runners and removed some pesky fans. Friday they'll get the res change and will probably get flipped. I've been busy and sick so I haven't done a very good job training my colas but I think it'll be fine. Today is the 2nd day of the 6th week.
Looks great to these beginner eyes. Especially impressive for you having been busy and ill. Hope you've recovered well.
Looks great to these beginner eyes. Especially impressive for you having been busy and ill. Hope you've recovered well.
Hey thanks a lot. I'd still consider myself a beginner, also. Working towards my 3rd harvest. It's been a lot of fun and I learn a little bit every round. My last harvest was delicious so I'm hoping to do even better this time. Little improvements every grow is my goal.

Busy is an understatement... we're on an indefinite 12hr shift schedule. Days off are hard to come by. Probably why I caught some kind of bug.

Checkin in on your grow, looking good boss
Thanks buddy. Lots of upgrades went into this round and everything is going well so far. I don't really like these Lotus nutes but the plants seem to love them.

It's totally different trying to grow 4 plants instead of one but I think I've handled it so far. Thanks for checking in 👊
Im not going to be able to grow for a bit and that's also killing me as I fucking love doing it

So I'ma have to live it out through y'all for a little
The hydro systems, if not automatic already, really help keep healthy plants and a decent growth rate up when you're busy with life.

I can't water my small pots as optimally needed for instance.
hope ya can get some rest and feel better soon man!!
Looking great man.
Thanks growmie. I can't wait to sample the stink off these ladies when they start making buds.

hope ya can get some rest and feel better soon man!!
Rest is pretty much out of the question but I got over that bug. I wanna say it was Covid because I had a lot of weird symptoms. Achey joints and a fucked up tongue. Like.. my tongue was awfully sensitive for about a week and I hated it. It messed up my appetite and sleep. Then some respiratory crud on top of all that. Thankfully no fever though.

I got almost two weeks of day shift and that's helped alot with family time but I'm headed back to nights tomorrow. Res change in the morning while I'm home alone.


We're going to view a house out in the country this evening. It's in a great spot, close to town and I think it is being sold by flippers. The last purchase price was half of what they're asking for it, so I'm pretty sure I'll be able to talk 'em down 30-40k. Maybe even more. Either way, we're excited.
Rest is pretty much out of the question but I got over that bug. I wanna say it was Covid because I had a lot of weird symptoms. Achey joints and a fucked up tongue. Like.. my tongue was awfully sensitive for about a week and I hated it. It messed up my appetite and sleep. Then some respiratory crud on top of all that. Thankfully no fever though.

I got almost two weeks of day shift and that's helped alot with family time but I'm headed back to nights tomorrow. Res change in the morning while I'm home alone.

yeah i kinda figured about the no rest for the wicked! i actually typed that the day before and forgot to hit post... reason i forgot was i had originally wrote "get some rest" then i was like no, that;s like an insult to the guy!! haha changed it to hope... thing about hope is, like my dad used to say "you can wish in one hand and shit in the other"... you know the rest!!! :LOL:

glad to hear your feeling better now with no lasting affects.

We're going to view a house out in the country this evening. It's in a great spot, close to town and I think it is being sold by flippers. The last purchase price was half of what they're asking for it, so I'm pretty sure I'll be able to talk 'em down 30-40k. Maybe even more. Either way, we're excited.

YES!!!! you know if you become a country boy we'll become goombas!!!!
YES!!!! you know if you become a country boy we'll become goombas!!!!
We saw it tonight and man... I can't wait to move forward on it. I just need a little more cash for the down payment and we're there. All that overtime is welcomed again. Dodged some burnout by thaaat much 🤏
We saw it tonight and man... I can't wait to move forward on it. I just need a little more cash for the down payment and we're there. All that overtime is welcomed again. Dodged some burnout by thaaat much 🤏

full speed ahead!!!!!!! chugga chugga!!!
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