Ppms were 320 last night, 320 this morning, and 330 when I got off work.

Wassup with that? Particulates from top-feeding the hydroton?

My lady at home top fed at 4pm.
I’m sorry man I must have spaced out on reading this thread but you have my attention now.

Don’t sweat the small moves in ppm. We really do mot have the accuracy in the hardware to detect the difference between 330 and 320. Imagine if you were on the EC scale. Resolution is not that good and can be effected by temp a bubble or just electronic drift.
Tonight, I didn't really want to mix any more nutes in the top-off rez, so I just added 15 gallons of water. It's pH is sitting at 5.5 and it is currently holding 22.5 gallons with another ~15 gallons in the lower two.

I also added some bennies to the lower resevoirs. 1mL/gal of both Southern Ag's and Hygrozyme.

Unfortunately, I did this before testing my rising ppm and pH predicament. So, by adding roughly 1000 ml of diluted bennie solutions, the water level rose passed the floats limit. So when top-feeding tonight, the float never dropped enough for a trickle. The pH has been resting at 6.0 for most of the afternoon and evening so I think that's just where it wants to be. I'll be watching!

I planted the seed yesterday, the 19th, around 6:30pm. Any guesses as to when my first roots make an apperance? I'll put a dollar down for Sunday, the 23rd. Place your bets!
Hey partner I’ve got some suggestions here if you want them.

At this point we are feeding a seedling right? I’m thinking you are giving it a bit too much love. Adding the hygrozyne at this stage is not helpful is one example. I know what they tell you on the bottles but they are selling you crap. I know you haven’t added yet but liquid koolbloom I saw on your shelf is another one we need to talk about.

Gotta stop for the night but I’ll come vack in the am and read the rest of the thread and explain more.
Hey partner I’ve got some suggestions here if you want them.

At this point we are feeding a seedling right? I’m thinking you are giving it a bit too much love. Adding the hygrozyne at this stage is not helpful is one example. I know what they tell you on the bottles but they are selling you crap. I know you haven’t added yet but liquid koolbloom I saw on your shelf is another one we need to talk about.

Gotta stop for the night but I’ll come vack in the am and read the rest of the thread and explain more.
I appreciate it Moe. I bout fell asleep rocking the little one.

Yes, watering a seedling. No leaves showing yet, just a seed that had popped a nice lookin root. I threw it in the system because the ph was sitting right at 5.8 and I've been waiting for this moment for a long time 🤣

I wasn't sure when to add the bennies and may have misunderstood some info I had read. I was under the impression that it couldn't hurt.

Go get some rest. I wasn't gonna do anything tonight, anyway. I wanted to ponder on all this and formulate the right questions.
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Yeah I just posted some reading material on the question forum about using silica as a buffer. Putting the SI in first and giving it time are the right way to prepare the buffer. Then add in PH down and monosilic acid is formed. That is your plant ready for uptake benefit. Plus the ph buffering capacity.

Personally I might up the SI dose if it only took you to PH of 9. Should be higher, although I did not look up that product so it may come with some other chemistry they might have added. Using the dry stuff that's pure potassium silicate the ph should go up to mid 11s. And you let it sit there for a while running in the system before you add the ph down. That's on startup tho. If you are amending or fixing, just mix it up in a 5 gallon pail and let it sit. Don't dump in at full ph (dilute) because the PH swing is not good for your plants or the bennies.

The other stuff is spot on. We may adjust depending on what the plant gives us, but you will guarantee for now the needs are met.

I remember having this same conversation with SLG on his Mac run. First time using GH for him too. He's come a long way.
Current culture sells what they call "add back system" slowly and the mixture into the system to avoid shock vinyl tube sucks out of 5 gal bucket

It ticked up to 6.4 overnight. Now I'm feeling stuck, so here are my thoughts.

I need a new batch of nutes. My buffer failed. However, the potassium silicate won't be here til next week sometime. Can I achieve essentially the same buffering capabilities by starting with ph Up, then bring it down? I know that's a costly method but I should, in theory, only need to do this once. After the silica arrives, I can do it right and either amend my solution then, or mix another batch. I don't mind a somewhat pricey error. It helps reinforce the lesson learned. Honestly, I just don't want to wait anymore. I'm getting antsy. Waiting is no issue, however, just a little setback.

Should I also start another seed?

I've also ordered some netpot covers and was debating ordering some grow sponges. I can't remember who it was (maybe Cool_Beans), but someone on the farm suggested them to me a while back. From what I can tell, they seem pretty easy and straight-forward. Or, should I go with some rock-wool cubes? I've read that they can be finicky.
Hold up on reading it all again(unless you want to). I'll make a quick list of everything that was added and the times i've checked on it.
I read it all anyhow. I’m impressed with your build. A couple of things…

That air pump is going to be hot and noisy. If that’s a problem there are solutions.

If your res temps start to creep up let’s talk.

How are you exchanging air in the lung room? I’m a little unclear on the environmental stuff.
I appreciate it Moe. I bout fell asleep rocking the little one.

Yes, watering a seedling. No leaves showing yet, just a seed that had popped a nice lookin root. I threw it in the system because the ph was sitting right at 5.8 and I've been waiting for this moment for a long time 🤣

I wasn't sure when to add the bennies and may have misunderstood some info I had read. I was under the impression that it couldn't hurt.

Go get some rest. I wasn't gonna do anything tonight, anyway. I wanted to ponder on all this and formulate the right questions.
So just to be clear hygrozyme is not bennies. Kinda the same special class but it’s enzymes. For the most part they are used to kinda exfoliate roots in laymen’s terms. You do not need to use this product often and never on seedlings.

Other bennies that are bacteria or fungi should be in place day 1. I like to really super inoculate the media in the net cup. I’ll find one of those vids and post it. Most of my stuff is over at the farm.
Yes the air pump was noisy as hell and hanging it like that was the best thing I found to control it. Not so much of an issue anymore, since my AC runs most of the time anyway. It's either on fan or cool, constantly.

I installed a window unit in that little window next to my room. Then, I hung a very heavy blanket as a makeshift door to my "lung room". My intake is located in the wall there and filters the air coming in.

Last night, res temps made it to 74 but, overnight, dropped to 70. I turned my heater a little last night and I think the heat shut itself down with it's built in thermostat.

I can grab some pictures when I get out of the shower.
It ticked up to 6.4 overnight. Now I'm feeling stuck, so here are my thoughts.

I need a new batch of nutes. My buffer failed. However, the potassium silicate won't be here til next week sometime. Can I achieve essentially the same buffering capabilities by starting with ph Up, then bring it down? I know that's a costly method but I should, in theory, only need to do this once. After the silica arrives, I can do it right and either amend my solution then, or mix another batch. I don't mind a somewhat pricey error. It helps reinforce the lesson learned. Honestly, I just don't want to wait anymore. I'm getting antsy. Waiting is no issue, however, just a little setback.

Should I also start another seed?

I've also ordered some netpot covers and was debating ordering some grow sponges. I can't remember who it was (maybe Cool_Beans), but someone on the farm suggested them to me a while back. From what I can tell, they seem pretty easy and straight-forward. Or, should I go with some rock-wool cubes? I've read that they can be finicky.
No need for worry my dude. We got you.

First off just add ph down to 5.8. Always dilute by grabbing a cup of red water adding the down to the cup and slowly dumping in the res.

You are not in emergency mode.

I really need to get to pc so I can grab your photos and edit them but for the time being please do not add anything else. Seedlings have everything they need inside to get them through to the first set of true leaves and only need water. Adding all the nutes was a bit premature. Again not an emergency.

The netpot covers can be a very simple cloth like smoke mentioned. You will only need them for a week or less.

I would not start another seed yet we can make that decision later this weekend as we work thru this.
Yes the air pump was noisy as hell and hanging it like that was the best thing I found to control it. Not so much of an issue anymore, since my AC runs most of the time anyway. It's either on fan or cool, constantly.

I installed a window unit in that little window next to my room. Then, I hung a very heavy blanket as a makeshift door to my "lung room". My intake is located in the wall there and filters the air coming in.

Last night, res temps made it to 74 but, overnight, dropped to 70. I turned my heater a little last night and I think the heat shut itself down with it's built in thermostat.

I can grab some pictures when I get out of the shower.
Dude you are posting while in the shower? Outstanding dedication!

We probably want to move the air pump in front of the ac. Maybe think about switching to a different style on a future grow.

I’d love a video of the whole space including the ac and venting of the lung room plus the plumbing when you get a minute. I think I understand it but just show me all tho he B parts and point and explain so I don’t assume something and give bad advice.

I’ll get to the shower in a bit and after I’ll start talking about all those bottles on the wall and help you formulate a game plan that makes sense. I’m not taking my phone in the shower with me. I know, slacker. But I’m not really. The slacker around here is stream roller.
I wasn't going to do anything til I had a better understanding. Those were just my inexperienced thoughts being a little intrusive.

I'll grab a video and include everything I can think of.

Those bottles on the wall weren't all guarenteed a spot in the game. Most will ride the bench while I figure this out. Nutrient research was a muthafucka and I did that very early on, so I just grabbed what's included in their 9 part mix. I've read a ton since about how the 3 part will grow fine buds.
I wasn't going to do anything til I had a better understanding. Those were just my inexperienced thoughts being a little intrusive.

I'll grab a video and include everything I can think of.

Those bottles on the wall weren't all guarenteed a spot in the game. Most will ride the bench while I figure this out. Nutrient research was a muthafucka and I did that very early on, so I just grabbed what's included in their 9 part mix. I've read a ton since about how the 3 part will grow fine buds.
Not just fine buds, often better ones. I’ll explain in detail later.
yeah sorry man, there is a limit to our storage, and we have to put the brakes somewhere.

Long vids can be put on youtube or vimeo and linked here.

Vids (shooting at 4K is overkill, 1080 is good) will generally be ok up to a minute or a little longer.

We are looking at moving the site to a place with unlimited disk space if the funds come in, then this will get opened up.
Bottles 2.jpg

Rapid start is on the bubble. Depends on how you use it.

Stuff with red X I'm going to ask you to set aside this grow. I know you don't know me from Adam, but trust me.

We need to consider some Fulvic Acid. You have humic from GH there, but I really don't like their formulation, and fulvic is better than humic although very similar.

Things like Klear are junk in a bottle that will only take $ out of your pocket at best.

You may want to have some H2O2 (peroxide) on the shelf for emergencies. No need to overpay on that.

This will not hurt you, but I prefer not to have a DI on my RO. Anything you strip out you have to put back in.

A set of beakers is nice, especially a 1l to help with bennies and mixing. H2O2 test strips are cheap at amazon and if you need to add H2O2 they are a benefit to have on the shelf.
Also when you run out of southern ag we should switch to a product that is more inclusive. Orca and Great White are examples.
The exhaust is sent outside.

By environmental data, do you wanna see the graph from the ACI app? Here's the last couple weeks.
Screenshot_20230422_084521_AC Infinity.jpg

Poor timing I think. You were on your way out of the farm as I was coming in, asking all my questions. Then I got going before I came over here. I stopped getting as much helpful info to my questions and just decided to run with it.

It's only slightly disappointing to have gone the wrong direction with a couple things. Otherwise, it's just another hurdle that will be overcome. Getting things figured out is equally rewarding, so thanks man.
Dude you are posting while in the shower? Outstanding dedication!

We probably want to move the air pump in front of the ac. Maybe think about switching to a different style on a future grow.

I’d love a video of the whole space including the ac and venting of the lung room plus the plumbing when you get a minute. I think I understand it but just show me all tho he B parts and point and explain so I don’t assume something and give bad advice.

I’ll get to the shower in a bit and after I’ll start talking about all those bottles on the wall and help you formulate a game plan that makes sense. I’m not taking my phone in the shower with me. I know, slacker. But I’m not really. The slacker around here is stream roller.
Idk I’m pretty fuckin lazy! Lol - mist of my career R&D work developed from laziness’s
Moe has got u- I’m a soul dude just trying to learn - y is the rh so high ? Nuttin to do with the swing but just curious ?
Moe has got u- I’m a soul dude just trying to learn - y is the rh so high ? Nuttin to do with the swing but just curious ?

I've been trying to hover around the temps that allow my fan and humidifier to work together properly. Too high of temps and the humidifier can't keep up. I've been trying to keep my VPD near .5 for germination/propagation. At 74°, the chart I'm using calls for roughly 75-80% humidity. I'm going straight from a germinated seed to the hydroton and thus trying to keep the rh in that zone. As I begin to veg, the tent won't need that high of humidity.

I'm also brand new to this so I really don't know what I'm doing 🤣. That aloe in my profile pic is literally the only plant I've ever successfully taken care of. It's been roughly 15 years since it was given to me and has gotten a little out of control over the last couple years.
I’m very unconventional I run a perpetual guess I really need to start a thread today even with bugs , anyways I’m not saying it’s right or wrong cuz as I said I’m a little unconventional- but I would freak if my humidity was that high - even in my propagation tent it may slow things down but i personally in no hurry - again im in soil and different but I run around 80/85 and 50/60 rh almost all the time ,

And may irritate some but I gave up on that chart a couple years ago - I do kinda shoot for .75-1 but not really leaf temp isthe most important to me right or wrong ?
The exhaust is sent outside.

By environmental data, do you wanna see the graph from the ACI app? Here's the last couple weeks.
View attachment 1003

Poor timing I think. You were on your way out of the farm as I was coming in, asking all my questions. Then I got going before I came over here. I stopped getting as much helpful info to my questions and just decided to run with it.

It's only slightly disappointing to have gone the wrong direction with a couple things. Otherwise, it's just another hurdle that will be overcome. Getting things figured out is equally rewarding, so thanks man.
Where is your sensor?
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