From what I heard from bugbee - organic nutrients break down into the same thing synthetic nutrients - are, so that would tell me maybe us in hydro aren't offering the full nutritional line up one would encounter out in
From what I heard from bugbee - organic nutrients break down into the same thing synthetic nutrients - are, so that would tell me maybe us in hydro aren't offering the full nutritional line up one would encounter out in
It is a lot more complex than just the source of NP and K. I'm not expecting macro nutrients to play a role other than being a healthy plant. Interactions on the root zone are complex.
It is a lot more complex than just the source of NP and K. I'm not expecting macro nutrients to play a role other than being a healthy plant.
As the different sources are slightly different compounds?
Interactions on the root zone are complex. much to learn.
A couple things here @Moe.Red ,

1. My pH probe had a ton of gunk built up around it. Dark brown booger looking stuff. I rinsed it with tapwater and scrubbed it with a toothbrush. I put it in some 7.0 and it read 6.9 so I'll call that good for now. I didn't use the cleaning solution for the probe because I didn't really wanna wait to rehydrate the probe, as per instructions. Is rehydration necessary after cleaning?

2. The solution I let set overnight and added almost 15 gallons to only had a pH of 6.2 and ppm reading of 30 so I added another couple grams of Agsil. Is there a minimum time the new Agsil will take to set up/activate? I was gonna give til this afternoon, around 6 hours or so. Is that enough time to rehydrate the probe? I can clean and hydrate the probe if the Agsil needs more time.

3. I'm gonna give the lower two resevoirs a good scrubbing after finding that gunk on the pH probe. I need to see the extant of the build-up on the rest of the system. It wasn't on the EC probe. I'll check back in later. Gonna be a little more involved today than I anticipated so hopefully the miss doesn't lose patience with me.
It is a lot more complex than just the source of NP and K. I'm not expecting macro nutrients to play a role other than being a healthy plant. Interactions on the root zone are complex.
Yes enzymes, metabolites and compounds produced that act as PGRs. I feel thats where the difference may lay… how much of a difference thats what id like to know
A couple things here @Moe.Red ,

1. My pH probe had a ton of gunk built up around it. Dark brown booger looking stuff. I rinsed it with tapwater and scrubbed it with a toothbrush. I put it in some 7.0 and it read 6.9 so I'll call that good for now. I didn't use the cleaning solution for the probe because I didn't really wanna wait to rehydrate the probe, as per instructions. Is rehydration necessary after cleaning?

2. The solution I let set overnight and added almost 15 gallons to only had a pH of 6.2 and ppm reading of 30 so I added another couple grams of Agsil. Is there a minimum time the new Agsil will take to set up/activate? I was gonna give til this afternoon, around 6 hours or so. Is that enough time to rehydrate the probe? I can clean and hydrate the probe if the Agsil needs more time.

3. I'm gonna give the lower two resevoirs a good scrubbing after finding that gunk on the pH probe. I need to see the extant of the build-up on the rest of the system. It wasn't on the EC probe. I'll check back in later. Gonna be a little more involved today than I anticipated so hopefully the miss doesn't lose patience with me.
Rehydration is not necessary if it has been wet and reading correctly. You are fine.

I'd say you are fine on the timing, no need to do anything drastic here.
I'll be out this afternoon, but I'll check in with you tonight.

My only caution - a trap I fell into - don't love them to death. You got this.
Yeah for sure. I haven't intervened in the tent aside from a little but of top watering after they moved into the netpots. Still looking great in there. I was just caught off guard with the gunk on the probe and am slightly deviating from the previous routine. I overthink rather than overact lol. So many variables and with it being my medium, getting my water just right weighs heavy on my mind lol.
I'm glad you had me start a couple extra seeds @Moe.Red . Had I not, the better of the 3 would've been my first run (it was the first seed into a plug) and the other two would've been ran through on the next harvests. Might've been a frustrating start with the two that shall not be named.

Cannabis Morissette is pumped and ready for a little bit of food!
Yes enzymes, metabolites and compounds produced that act as PGRs. I feel thats where the difference may lay… how much of a difference thats what id like to know
Glad to see you in here Aqua! You and Moe were top of my list of guys from the Farm I had hoped would oversee my first grow. Moe's been awfully busy answering all my questions and setting me straight. I feel blessed to have your brains so easily accessible for knowledge. Your willingness to help is what's gained you guys so much respect, I can only assume.
Sick grow! Will you be using that GH Resin? Also I cant find if you mentioned using any microbial supplements to your res? Or are you going the sterile route? I started using Great White with my GH flora trio and so far haven't had any root issues.

As far as I understand it, the reason Organic bud might be better than non-organic is because of the enzymes the plant has to excrete to digest its food. Something about these enzymes is adding to the final bud quality somehow. Maybe increased enzymatic activity of organic soil makes the plant produce more flavonoids/thc/terpenes? Hopefully I've confused you enough to do your own research lol.
Happy growing and welcome to the forum!
Sick grow! Will you be using that GH Resin? Also I cant find if you mentioned using any microbial supplements to your res? Or are you going the sterile route? I started using Great White with my GH flora trio and so far haven't had any root issues.

As far as I understand it, the reason Organic bud might be better than non-organic is because of the enzymes the plant has to excrete to digest its food. Something about these enzymes is adding to the final bud quality somehow. Maybe increased enzymatic activity of organic soil makes the plant produce more flavonoids/thc/terpenes? Hopefully I've confused you enough to do your own research lol.
Happy growing and welcome to the forum!
I'm not using Resin. Just the trio and some RapidStart. Other than that, I'm going to run a live system with Orca as the primary benny. I'll also have Mr. Fulvic and some Hygrozyme on hand. I'm not quite sure on Hygrozymes usage yet, though.

I'll be mixing a batch of nutes here in a bit. I'll post back with actual amounts of what was added and a pic or two of the lovely lady in her new home.
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Help me understand something..

PH was 7.4 so I added 15ml of Down. 20 minutes later and it sits at 5.8 unless I stir it with my mixer, in which it drops down to 5.4. Stop stirring, back up to 5.8. Wassup with that? @Moe.Red or @Aqua Man, any explanation? I'm not concerned, just trying to understand the chemistry behind agitation and pH drop. Seems weird lol.
Help me understand something..

PH was 7.4 so I added 15ml of Down. 20 minutes later and it sits at 5.8 unless I stir it with my mixer, in which it drops down to 5.4. Stop stirring, back up to 5.8. Wassup with that? @Moe.Red or @Aqua Man, any explanation? I'm not concerned, just trying to understand the chemistry behind agitation and pH drop. Seems weird lol.
Seen that with cheapo meters before… what is your source water, nutrients, additives, band name of ph down?
Seen that with cheapo meters before… it what is your aource water, nutrients, additives, band name of ph down?
if youre pH meter is under 20$ i would not even bother with those if thats the case.

i just use phenol red to get in the 5.5-6 range.

till i can afford a bluelab pen or apera seems second choice for price/quality

id rather a ph probe to a controller though.
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Seen that with cheapo meters before… what is your source water, nutrients, additives, band name of ph down?
Source water - 5.4 pH RO/DI
Nutrients - at the moment only Agsil16(KSiO)
Down - General Hydroponics pH Down
Meter - BlueLab Guardian pH/EC
you can start now but keep it very low ppm - like 150.

Your cotyledons are still doing great. If the plant needs nutes (mostly N at this point) it will start to steal from them. If they start to brown up, you waited a day too long for perfection. Perfection is not needed.

A dash of cal-mag, some grow, and that's about it for now. Growth is currently focused more on roots, they will stretch looking for food and water, that is a good thing. Too much nutes and you can do more harm than good.
You say it could maybe use some nitrogen, yet you say to add Grow. With the added K from the KSiO, should I add Micro instead? Grow has a lot of K and less N than the Brown. Just me overthinking again.
Source water - 5.4 pH RO/DI
Nutrients - at the moment only Agsil16(KSiO)
Down - General Hydroponics pH Down
Meter - BlueLab Guardian pH/EC
Mix slower… give the silica time. Then PH down and mix well. Don’t be concerned over your reading until you dinish the process.

With a low nutrient solution things just aren’t as stable.
Mix slower… give the silica time. Then PH down and mix well. Don’t be concerned over your reading until you dinish the process
I gave the silica around 7 hours but I gotta admit to not necessarily mixing slow 🤣. Got my paint mixer chucked into my Hilti drill and run it just slow enough to keep the funnel at bay. I'll tone it down a notch.

I checked the reading before adding the nutes to ensure I had it at the right level before proceeding.

Thanks for the speedy replies man. You rock!
I gave the silica around 7 hours but I gotta admit to not necessarily mixing slow 🤣. Got my paint mixer chucked into my Hilti drill and run it just slow enough to keep the funnel at bay. I'll tone it down a notch.

I checked the reading before adding the nutes to ensure I had it at the right level before proceeding.

Thanks for the speedy replies man. You rock!
P i know @Moe.Red is super busy today. Always best to listen to 1 person imo. So check with him when he gets back as he will have more insight into your grow than i do
Stirring with the meter could induce a bubble. or pass thru one causing an instrumentation shift in PH, not a real one. Use the steady state number.

Here is the GH feed chart. This is a starting point for discussion. You are currently to the left of Early Growth in Seedling mode.


Also please note how they say "Aggressive Feed" I would actually start the middle of the road at 1/2 their recommendations in this chart. So in about 2 weeks you will be targeting 1/2 doses of the first column. So about 350 PPM. We will move that up closer to 500PPM as the nodes start to add on.

We had talked just briefly on the bottle of Rapid Start. Should I avoid this for now? It's 1-.5-1 I believe.

I was under the impression you added seedling nutes?
I found this feed chart for flora series that has optional dosing for cal mag if its helpful.


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Sorry for any confusion or miscommunication @Moe.Red.

i went ahead and mixed new batch of nutes for the system. The seedlings were in strictly RO until now. Cannabis Morissette was the clear winner and I made her a new batch of food because the last batch was around 280ppm and you were suggesting a light feed around 150. Here's what was added.20230520_160351.jpg
PH rose to 6.1 after running it into ths lower resevoirs so I hit it with 2 more mL of Down. Here's where it's sitting ATM.
And here she is in her new bed getting her first batch of nutes. I top-fed with the new res water and brought the light down bit. It's currently sitting 32" above her little canopy. Here she is in the system and I'm about as excited as I could be.
I'll try to dig up the GH feed shart I went with. I went off the light feeding chart on the last batch of nutes and it turned out around 270. This time I went with what you had suggested and kept it down around 140ppm.

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