Looks really good to me.

140PPM for a seedling is awesome. If you give it everything it wants it gets lazy and doesn't put as much effort into growing roots.

How are the roots looking?

Looking at the color difference between the cotyledons and the true leaves, it was ready for a little N. That's just being picky tho, that seedling is in perfect health. Now we just need to keep it there.
Looks really good to me.

140PPM for a seedling is awesome. If you give it everything it wants it gets lazy and doesn't put as much effort into growing roots.

How are the roots looking?

Looking at the color difference between the cotyledons and the true leaves, it was ready for a little N. That's just being picky tho, that seedling is in perfect health. Now we just need to keep it there.
Here's the one's I tossed. The one I kept had quite a bit more roots protruding from the plug when it got transplanted to the netpot. Didn't get a look at the roots before I dropped her in. Didn't wanna disturb them.
I ordered more seeds 🤣

I may have a problem. I see delicious sounding crosses on NASC's $2 menu and I can't help but buy 10 of em...

Gelonade X Blueberry Cupcake
Mountain Mint X Gazzurple

Humboldt collaborating with Blimburn this time around.

Maybe my next runs will include a larger sample set or I'll progress into a 4 site sooner than later. Either way, I'm loaded with seeds for now. I'll try to stay off their website for a while.
I guess not, But I scrolled back up and noticed you have a new seed addiction. Welcome to the club.

Just in general, I don't up the light until the roots are working. You will be OK, but more light = more respiration. If the roots are not developed, you can dry your seedling out kinda quickly.

Also I saw your chart - light feed - seedings still at 300PPM. I still think that is double where it should be, and 150 is right for this stage. Again, once the roots are in the water and we start packing on nodes, that's when we can bring it up some more. Just one man's experience. Lots of ways to grow weed.
I guess not, But I scrolled back up and noticed you have a new seed addiction. Welcome to the club.

Just in general, I don't up the light until the roots are working. You will be OK, but more light = more respiration. If the roots are not developed, you can dry your seedling out kinda quickly.

Also I saw your chart - light feed - seedings still at 300PPM. I still think that is double where it should be, and 150 is right for this stage. Again, once the roots are in the water and we start packing on nodes, that's when we can bring it up some more. Just one man's experience. Lots of ways to grow weed.
Oh for sure. I went with 1 ml/gal of the trio vs. the 1.7 recommended when I first mixed a batch for that failed seedling. Then when we started talking about feeding this seedling, you mentioned just some calmag, grow, and a little RapidStart. I also added orca and fulvic which topped it out at 150ppm. Not quite sure how exactly I nailed your recommendation, but I'm happy with the results. I had 5 gallons of the nute mix left in the top-off rez and added 15 gallons of R0 to it to keep the drip feed to a very light amount of nutes. I assume she won't be drinking much this first week or so, anyway. I'll back the light off to 10% until I see some roots, though.
It's a bit early for the Fulvic IMO. It won't hurt, just expensive.

It doesn't do much for the plant until you have a proper root structure and good respiration. You can leave that out next time and save a few pennies.
It's a bit early for the Fulvic IMO. It won't hurt, just expensive.

It doesn't do much for the plant until you have a proper root structure and good respiration. You can leave that out next time and save a few pennies.
It was only 15ml so I won't sweat it, but good to know.
It was only 15ml so I won't sweat it, but good to know.
No worries, just trying to help you see what you are adding to your res from your plant's perspective.

Right now 80% of your plant's focus is on root growth. Until that reaches more like 50%, you really don't need much to feed the plant. Give it too much and it is detrimental. There just isn't as much green being added, so the need for NPK is very limited. Fulvic is like a force multiplier for those nutrients if that makes sense.

When you look at how complex we could make this additive program, less is more in the seedling stage.
No worries, just trying to help you see what you are adding to your res from your plant's perspective.

Right now 80% of your plant's focus is on root growth. Until that reaches more like 50%, you really don't need much to feed the plant. Give it too much and it is detrimental. There just isn't as much green being added, so the need for NPK is very limited. Fulvic is like a force multiplier for those nutrients if that makes sense.

When you look at how complex we could make this additive program, less is more in the seedling stage.

Makes sense because from what I understand, the Fulvic makes it so the nutrient uptake is more efficient and seeing as how we aren't too concerned with uptake right now, it wasn't a necessary additive at this point. Perfect.

We're getting there, brother, and I appreciate your patience.
Roots are the goal right now. The sprout looks healthy so I wouldn't worry much but roots for sure are what you really want to establish early.

@Moe.Red - would light spectrum manipulation help in faster root formation? I remember @Bandit420 mentioning far red for rapid root growth.
Roots are the goal right now. The sprout looks healthy so I wouldn't worry much but roots for sure are what you really want to establish early.

@Moe.Red - would light spectrum manipulation help in faster root formation? I remember @Bandit420 mentioning far red for rapid root growth.
Not just far red, the complete red spectrum from 625 -740nm
I start at germination. 1st ten days of life is all about growing the tap and it fishboning feeders. Once that happens then growth up top can proceed
I understand the application but I'm wondering if switching up your spectrum, say in early to late veg for example, would slow down top growth and expand the root structure. Essentially wondering if you can steer root production in whatever stage of growth you want if that is your goal.
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Not just far red, the complete red spectrum from 625 -740nm
My SF5000 has some red but I don't remember which. I've left her alone all day, went out to lunch with a close friend. That was fun. I still have some weedeating to do outside but I'll be checking her undercarriage this evening, for sure.
My SF5000 has some red but I don't remember which. I've left her alone all day, went out to lunch with a close friend. That was fun. I still have some weedeating to do outside but I'll be checking her undercarriage this evening, for sure.
She had the most roots coming laterally out of the plug, compared to the other two.
Traditional T5HO 4200 kelvin veg light on the right vs LED veg spectrum with a customized 30% increase in red on the left


Increase of red produced more roots and combined with the veg blue spectra resulted in a less stretched out plant.
Both lights work. One just works better than the other.
This is the only test I did. I saw enough to convince myself there was no need to go further. Red has been in my veggy tool box ever since ;)
Traditional T5HO 4200 kelvin veg light on the right vs LED veg spectrum with a customized 30% increase in red

View attachment 3532

Increase of red produced more roots and combined with the veg blue spectra resulted in a less stretched out plant.
Both lights work. One just works better than the other.
This is the only test I did. I saw enough to convince myself there was no need to go further. Red has been in my veggy tool box ever since ;)
Yes red is more root and shoot and blue more vegetative you can clearly see that in your pics.

Red is also more efficient conversion from electricity to light spectrum… plus the plants are more efficient at absorbing the red spectrum.

But all spectrums are important and each play a big role in being able to manipulate the plant.

Reason being plants have receptors for each spectral range. Only by maximizing each do we gain the most possible photosynthesis. Lots more to it but yeah thats the short gist of it
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Clones? Typically clones will do that and seeds out the bottom as they have a tap root
These were from seed. The ones I culled are shown on the previous page. The one I kept had nearly twice the shoots coming out of the sides of the plug and less of a taproot. I didn't snap pictures because I was paranoid about getting careless during the transfrer and tried to make it as quick and painless as possible.
These were from seed. The ones I culled are shown on the previous page. The one I kept had nearly twice the shoots coming out of the sides of the plug and less of a taproot. I didn't snap pictures because I was paranoid about getting careless during the transfrer and tried to make it as quick and painless as possible.
Ahhh tap root may have air pruned… roots also respond to light.. give root exposure to blue light and they literally go into hyper mode in the opposite direction. Growth is accelerated big time in the opposite direction. Often thought of trying to manipulate that for better colonization of the interior of the media and speed up root growth. But haven’t tried anything yet
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. It wasn't too bright in my little operating room and they've stayed moist as far as I can tell, so hopefully we're still on the right track.
Traditional T5HO 4200 kelvin veg light on the right vs LED veg spectrum with a customized 30% increase in red on the left

View attachment 3532

Increase of red produced more roots and combined with the veg blue spectra resulted in a less stretched out plant.
Both lights work. One just works better than the other.
This is the only test I did. I saw enough to convince myself there was no need to go further. Red has been in my veggy tool box ever since ;)
Excellent visual.

Along with revamping my nutrient scheme I need to go through my spectrum makeup throughout the life of my plant.

@Bandit420 - any chance we could get a write up on spectrum throughout the cycle for steering purposes?
Post which topics you would like to see covered the most. Please keep in mind that i am only able to do one at a time with an expectation of about 2 weeks per article.

First i will be breaking down spectrum and its impacts on cannabis plants.
aquas bud building clinic subforum, he should have a spectrum topic soon.

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