I'm afraid to grow any of these $2 seeds now. Gonna have to get me some @dragonsflamegenetics

Jokes aside, I want to try growing power plant next, especially if I land this power plant job. Makes sense.
Yeah dude probably near the time to think about getting the next one started if you're growing back to back.(Binky Bucket!) I'm sure I can speak for everyone when I say we're rooting for you on the new job and on your grow buddy.
Yeah dude probably near the time to think about getting the next one started if you're growing back to back.(Binky Bucket!) I'm sure I can speak for everyone when I say we're rooting for you on the new job and on your grow buddy.
Thanks man. I really appreciate that.

This first run, i'll probably dry in the tent. I've got roughly 40 more days til chop if it behaves like the only other example I'm aware of. Peat_Phreak from the farm chopped on day 64 or 68. Can't remember. He didn't mention a hermie though.

I'll get another one started here in the next month or so. I'm just very limited on space so for these first few attempts, I'll be keeping my focus on one plant at a time. Without getting high, my focus is a little fuzzy and I can't envision how I'd go about starting one while this one finishes. It's on my mind, though. I saw your binky bucket but I don't have another light or veg area yet.
Just to add to the stress.. I'm pretty sure my heater failed again. It's been "on" for 2 hours and the tent sits at 70. Doesn't need heat since its lights off, but if it's truly "on", it's not working... that's the 4th heater I've been through and this one was a vornado. Pricey turd that's for sure.

Things really wanted to wait for me to sober up to hit the fan, I guess. I blame sobriety.
No no no no no.
Its your first plant bro, youve done so well with her from the beginning dont toss in the towel now. Just keep checking every day or 2 and keep chuggin.
Youve learned a lot your first grow, some things you prolly didnt wanna learn lol.
Yeah I meant to say I'm totally jealous with how successful your first grow is... Damn jealous lol
Hey I've never had an issue with NASC $2 seeds, could just be that strain or a freak
There was ONE day a week or so ago that I left the light on in the room outside the tent. I was kicking myself. All that kind of coincides with the timing of the ballsacks. I was off all week last week and didn't wake up before lights on like I normally do. The light was only on outside the tent for a couple hours but that's what I'm blaming this on...

I'd like to blame genetics but my growing won't benefit from placing the blame elsewhere.
There was ONE day a week or so ago that I left the light on in the room outside the tent. I was kicking myself. All that kind of coincides with the timing of the ballsacks. I was off all week last week and didn't wake up before lights on like I normally do. The light was only on outside the tent for a couple hours but that's what I'm blaming this on...

I'd like to blame genetics but my growing won't benefit from placing the blame elsewhere.
Yeah I had a hermie situation two grows ago. I use my lung room daily and then I realized I had light leaks through seams in tent when I stood inside with lights off. I summoned a force field last grow to stop the outside light from penetrating, it's nice to have weed without seeds again... Lol but it was still good weed
Yeah I had a hermie situation two grows ago. I use my lung room daily and then I realized I had light leaks through seams in tent when I stood inside with lights off. I summoned a force field last grow to stop the outside light from penetrating, it's nice to have weed without seeds again... Lol but it was still good weed
I'm a believer in forcefield spells as well. We put one on a daisy and then hacked the sack around it with 6 dudes... hack never hit the flower. We obviously assumed that we're now sorcerers.
I'm a believer in forcefield spells as well. We put one on a daisy and then hacked the sack around it with 6 dudes... hack never hit the flower. We obviously assumed that we're now sorcerers.
Sometimes I like to be random

I did dabble in some occult practices in high school... Was able to change direction of the wind when I would go into the forest alone and meditate, or so I believed... Did a 'spell' once to a bully of mine, he went to juvi that week and was out of my life. But now I regret my short sightedness, probably didn't help his life out, if one believes I had any impact over that.

Now I sound like a crazy person I bet, but I'm just an open minded tree hugger
Sometimes I like to be random

I did dabble in some occult practices in high school... Was able to change direction of the wind when I would go into the forest alone and meditate, or so I believed... Did a 'spell' once to a bully of mine, he went to juvi that week and was out of my life. But now I regret my short sightedness, probably didn't help his life out, if one believes I had any impact over that.

Now I sound like a crazy person I bet, but I'm just an open minded tree hugger
Dude I'm with ya. I'm a firm believer in the unknown. Of fucking course you couldn't control the wind AND be closed minded. However, fuckin believe, fuckin achieve.

I had an insane experience with the wind and a butterfly immediately following a meditative conversation with the sun.

Opening my eyes, sitting in my driveway, a butterfly floated by. I thought "man it'd be cool if he came and landed on me" as he slowly kept his course. He turned, crossed the road, and up over a house he went. I thought to myself "damn, the wind won't let him make it back".

It appeared between the houses across the street and then seemed to stop moving. Well it was headed directly for me. I kept watching with what I call "my shroom eyes", beckoning it back to me as it fluttered into my yard. As soon as I thought "this isn't fucking possible", it fluttered to the ground. I immediately paniced, thinking I lost the connection. I put my shroom eyes back on and summoned it again. It lifted up, floated down my driveway, and made a b-line for my face when it drew near.

I 100% believe it would've landed on my third eye, were it not for my reaction. As it came within a foot of my face, I turned in disbelief. Seeing me turn towards it sent it on it's merry way.

Mind Fuckin Blown

To me, I made that butterfly come to me and in doing so, I stopped the wind.

That was my butterfly effect moment that drastically changed my perspective. Just coincidence that it was an actual butterfly.
Sometimes I like to be random

I did dabble in some occult practices in high school... Was able to change direction of the wind when I would go into the forest alone and meditate, or so I believed... Did a 'spell' once to a bully of mine, he went to juvi that week and was out of my life. But now I regret my short sightedness, probably didn't help his life out, if one believes I had any impact over that.

Now I sound like a crazy person I bet, but I'm just an open minded tree hugger
You gotta be careful wishing ill will onto others. The universe follows the rule of threes. What you put out will return threefold.

Him being your bully may very well have been your saving grace. That was his threefold return.
You gotta be careful wishing ill will onto others. The universe follows the rule of threes. What you put out will return threefold.

Him being your bully may very well have been your saving grace. That was his threefold return.
Yes you are right. I did not wish him harm but that he could not harm others, a binding.

I was a shortsighted kid then.

Later in life I became Buddhist, and I'll never forget one exercise that really sunk in. To meditate on sending love to everyone in the world, friends, strangers, enemies, everyone. To visualize the love coming from within and going out to all reaches of the world. This changed me profoundly... Once this becomes natural and not forced, life is truly different.

This is from the author of the books I read, this quote is what started my path towards enlightenment. I think it is easy to gloss over it without seeing the depth behind it.

Happiness is a state of mind, so the real source of happiness must lie within the mind, not in external conditions.

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
My heater might be ok. I taped the little button on the bottom so I could raise it up off the floor. Tent got to 81 last night with the cool weather hindering the AC's performance. I'm hoping the tape slipped and allowed the button to reset. Fingers crossed, growbros.

Edit: took sober me a few hours of stressing on it to come to this conclusion. Stay tuned!
Yes you are right. I did not wish him harm but that he could not harm others, a binding.

I was a shortsighted kid then.

Later in life I became Buddhist, and I'll never forget one exercise that really sunk in. To meditate on sending love to everyone in the world, friends, strangers, enemies, everyone. To visualize the love coming from within and going out to all reaches of the world. This changed me profoundly... Once this becomes natural and not forced, life is truly different.

This is from the author of the books I read, this quote is what started my path towards enlightenment. I think it is easy to gloss over it without seeing the depth behind it.
Not a Buddhist, but that's my general philosophy on cooking for people. Connects all of humanity in the best possible ways. Cheers.
After work update:

Heater works. I was right. The tape came undone. Check that one off the list.

Light leaks... my fault. I don't know how I completely overlooked this mess. I got in the tent 5 minutes before lights on. A faint glow crept it's way in through... you guessed it... the intake. I used regular old flexible duct. See below. Conclusion? I'm a dufus.
I knew this was happening. I assumed it was ok. It was not ok.
So tonight I found several pollen sacs  almost open. When does the pollen become airborne?
If you want to finish the plant would suggest the following. Stay looking for bananas, that is what you have. Grt them off when you find them. Secondly, spay the plant with water 20 minutes before lights out and a couple hours before lights on. Water destroys the pollen.
If you want to finish the plant would suggest the following. Stay looking for bananas, that is what you have. Grt them off when you find them. Secondly, spay the plant with water 20 minutes before lights out and a couple hours before lights on. Water destroys the pollen.
So just a light spritz? Or a decent soaking?
Here we are on the 26th day since the flip. Nugs are frosting up nicely and there's a lemony smell that overtakes another I can't put my finger on.

Pulling of all the sacs has taught me one thing; I severely underestimated the stickiness. The hair on my fingers and wrist kept sticking to the hair on my face and leg as I tried to fall asleep last night. Hand still stunk in the morning, after a deep scrubbing before bed. I was a little paranoid headed into work this morning 😳20230817_181735.jpg20230817_181833.jpg
Here we are on the 26th day since the flip. Nugs are frosting up nicely and there's a lemony smell that overtakes another I can't put my finger on.

Pulling of all the sacs has taught me one thing; I severely underestimated the stickiness. The hair on my fingers and wrist kept sticking to the hair on my face and leg as I tried to fall asleep last night. Hand still stunk in the morning, after a deep scrubbing before bed. I was a little paranoid headed into work this morning 😳View attachment 17797View attachment 17798
Smells good from here...nice clean grow work. HEY always use rubber gloves or some kind of gloves....right? Gotta have protection...
Here we are on the 26th day since the flip. Nugs are frosting up nicely and there's a lemony smell that overtakes another I can't put my finger on.

Pulling of all the sacs has taught me one thing; I severely underestimated the stickiness. The hair on my fingers and wrist kept sticking to the hair on my face and leg as I tried to fall asleep last night. Hand still stunk in the morning, after a deep scrubbing before bed. I was a little paranoid headed into work this morning 😳View attachment 17797View attachment 17798
You are killin it bro 👊🏼
Frosty as fk in there too 🤩
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