It just so happens that when I open the door to the tent room, indirect sunlight pierces through the hinge side and beams straight at the intake. Maybe it was the UV? I did go in there for a dab or two here and there during my week off which coincides with the sacs showing up.

Either way.. I planned on a different strain this next round. Hopefully I'll land this powerplant job cuz I have a couple Power Plant beans I got as freebies. They'll be my next grow if all goes to plan. Purely for the irony.
Do you run your lights at night? If you run them same as daytime I would not expect the sun to be the source of light leaks that would cause any issue.

Funny thing about UV - it will absolutely not make it thru that bent tube. full absorption across the spectrum on virtually any surface it touches and almost no reflections. Hell you can't even get UVB to go thru a pane of glass.

But even if it did - UV does not cause hermies or outdoor gardens would not be a thing ;) Some of us even run UVA and UVB on purpose.

Good luck on the job. I'd like to find a new gig too, something like retirement sounds good.
Do you run your lights at night? If you run them same as daytime I would not expect the sun to be the source of light leaks that would cause any issue.
During veg I ran lights on at 430 am and off at 1030pm. Switched to flower with lights on at 6pm and off at 6am. Helps control the temps and allowed me to check the plant before and after work. So to answer your question; No. It's dark in the tent during the day.
Funny thing about UV - it will absolutely not make it thru that bent tube. full absorption across the spectrum on virtually any surface it touches and almost no reflections. Hell you can't even get UVB to go thru a pane of glass.
very interesting info. I haven't done any research on UV but I knew some add it to their spectrum.
But even if it did - UV does not cause hermies or outdoor gardens would not be a thing ;) Some of us even run UVA and UVB on purpose.

Good luck on the job. I'd like to find a new gig too, something like retirement sounds good.
Thanks man. I'm only 34 but I'm over this manual labor crap. We're stretched so thin that most of us running jobs are working harder than our helpers. My body is just getting beat up much sooner than I'd have expected. This place offers retirement AND a pension. I'm just the right age to put in 30 years there and retire with a hell of a salary. I'm serious enough about it that I'm expecting to go from a daily smoker of the last 16 years to possibly giving it up altogether. Random swabs scare me when we're talking pension.
Man, Hydro is great. Mixing a batch of nutes every couple weeks and watching the pH/ppms seems a lot easier than mixing and checking all that plus runoff however many times a week. Factor in however many times a day soil growers gotta water and it seems like a no-brainer for me, especially with having a 16 month old to look after. I don't know how they have the time.

I supposed it's a higher startup cost but dang... ease and peace of mind has made up for the dollars in the beginning. Get the pH to stabilize and it's smooth sailing.

Hopefully Moe's hydro vs soil grow shows a minimal difference in terps. If that's the case, like I said, no-brainer.
Man, Hydro is great. Mixing a batch of nutes every couple weeks and watching the pH/ppms seems a lot easier than mixing and checking all that plus runoff however many times a week. Factor in however many times a day soil growers gotta water and it seems like a no-brainer for me, especially with having a 16 month old to look after. I don't know how they have the time.

I supposed it's a higher startup cost but dang... ease and peace of mind has made up for the dollars in the beginning. Get the pH to stabilize and it's smooth sailing.

Hopefully Moe's hydro vs soil grow shows a minimal difference in terps. If that's the case, like I said, no-brainer.

Funny thing is as an organic soil grower I look at those 2 pages of notes & think "holy cow that looks like a lot of work". Meanwhile I mix like 3 ingredients into water at fixed ratios CannaGranny told me to use & feed/water them about every 4-5 days. The only thing I track is when I feed vs just water. Now watering does take entirely too long (like 2 hours to water 6 plants) & that's the one thing I would like to improve eventually is a way to automate that process, but otherwise I feel like organic soil growing is about as "hands off" as it gets.
Funny thing is as an organic soil grower I look at those 2 pages of notes & think "holy cow that looks like a lot of work". Meanwhile I mix like 3 ingredients into water at fixed ratios CannaGranny told me to use & feed/water them about every 4-5 days. The only thing I track is when I feed vs just water. Now watering does take entirely too long (like 2 hours to water 6 plants) & that's the one thing I would like to improve eventually is a way to automate that process, but otherwise I feel like organic soil growing is about as "hands off" as it gets.
Those two pages were a couple weeks of me tracking pH and ppm movements. It's my first grow so I'm hoping to just build a record to look back on for reference. I just transpose from meter to paper twice a day while I'm already in the room anyway. The notes are mostly for when I encounter an issue and one of the pros asks me about recent changes. That way I can give them whatever info they'd need to give me an informed answer.

Not trying to discredit or disagree. I'm just thinking after a few grows, the notes will be less of a necessity.

Realistically, when I understand the ratios, I won't need to write anything down. I log what goes into the res and how it affects pH and ppms so I can do the same thing each time instead of trying to remember how many mL of what was added when and in what order.

Knowing the ppm bump from each nutes will help when I see a deficiency. A pro may say something like "looks like you need so many ppms of such and such nute." Then it's an easy equation to to figure out.

I wasn't trying to knock soil growers and I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I'm mostly just surprised at how smoothly this has all gone for my first ever attempt at growing weed. (Besides her deciding to hermie)
Funny thing is as an organic soil grower I look at those 2 pages of notes & think "holy cow that looks like a lot of work". Meanwhile I mix like 3 ingredients into water at fixed ratios CannaGranny told me to use & feed/water them about every 4-5 days. The only thing I track is when I feed vs just water. Now watering does take entirely too long (like 2 hours to water 6 plants) & that's the one thing I would like to improve eventually is a way to automate that process, but otherwise I feel like organic soil growing is about as "hands off" as it gets.
I really think it comes down to what your goals are.

I'm doing a soil vs hydro side by side right now. Just started flower. There is really no comparison to the 2. Soil is a fraction of the plant hydro is. Every other setpoint is identical, and the clones were the same size going in off the same mom.

Hydro has a steeper learning curve. More setup time. Less flexibility once set up. Other than that, IMHO it is better in every other way including ease and maintenance. The only thing that remains is the smoke test once the grow is finished. Since you are local here, you are invited to participate in the blind taste test. If soil grows better weed, that is something I want to know and it will factor in to my "no comparison" statements. I reserve the right to completely change my mind if the weed in dirt is better!
Those two pages were a couple weeks of me tracking pH and ppm movements. It's my first grow so I'm hoping to just build a record to look back on for reference. I just transpose from meter to paper twice a day while I'm already in the room anyway. The notes are mostly for when I encounter an issue and one of the pros asks me about recent changes. That way I can give them whatever info they'd need to give me an informed answer.

Not trying to discredit or disagree. I'm just thinking after a few grows, the notes will be less of a necessity.

Realistically, when I understand the ratios, I won't need to write anything down. I log what goes into the res and how it affects pH and ppms so I can do the same thing each time instead of trying to remember how many mL of what was added when and in what order.

Knowing the ppm bump from each nutes will help when I see a deficiency. A pro may say something like "looks like you need so many ppms of such and such nute." Then it's an easy equation to to figure out.

I wasn't trying to knock soil growers and I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I'm mostly just surprised at how smoothly this has all gone for my first ever attempt at growing weed. (Besides her deciding to hermie)
Oh no offense taken at all, just pointing out that soil grows can be pretty easy as well. You don't have to get into runoff testing & multiple daily waterings.
Man, Hydro is great. Mixing a batch of nutes every couple weeks and watching the pH/ppms seems a lot easier than mixing and checking all that plus runoff however many times a week. Factor in however many times a day soil growers gotta water and it seems like a no-brainer for me, especially with having a 16 month old to look after. I don't know how they have the time.

I supposed it's a higher startup cost but dang... ease and peace of mind has made up for the dollars in the beginning. Get the pH to stabilize and it's smooth sailing.

Hopefully Moe's hydro vs soil grow shows a minimal difference in terps. If that's the case, like I said, no-brainer.

Hey, I just got in on this last page but "
Mixing a batch of nutes every couple weeks and watching the pH/ppms seems a lot easier than mixing and checking all that plus runoff however many times a week.
How do you do that? don't your plants go through water? I'm adding 3+ gal of food per day for my 5 plants in flower.....My 47 L reservoir will run dry in 3 days when full so I keep it half full and add daily.........

How can I just add water and not drop my ppm's drastically?....... I'm not in a true hydro set up with auto pots but its the same idea of adding liquid to your system somehow and maintaining ppm.

In soil once you've gone through a few cycles of checking ph & ppm run off daily and you know what your nutes do the numbers then checking runoff isn't needed as often...I rarely check mine now but when I do I guess at the numbers first and I'm always pretty dam close.....

I'm on my 3rd grow with the new auto pots and my plants are healthier, prettier & bigger faster than anything I've grown over 20+ years of indoor growing so I've tossed my dirt grows but I'm going through 4 - 5 times the nutes so I'm trying to understand how you're all doing it.... maybe save me some cash....
I really think it comes down to what your goals are.

I'm doing a soil vs hydro side by side right now. Just started flower. There is really no comparison to the 2. Soil is a fraction of the plant hydro is. Every other setpoint is identical, and the clones were the same size going in off the same mom.

Hydro has a steeper learning curve. More setup time. Less flexibility once set up. Other than that, IMHO it is better in every other way including ease and maintenance. The only thing that remains is the smoke test once the grow is finished. Since you are local here, you are invited to participate in the blind taste test. If soil grows better weed, that is something I want to know and it will factor in to my "no comparison" statements. I reserve the right to completely change my mind if the weed in dirt is better!
I think that's a good way to describe it, "steep learning curve" I look at some of the conversations you guys have & my head starts spinning. I'm sure if I got into it I could get it figured out, but it feels like a daunting task to set it all up & figure it out. I may try it out at some point I have the know-how & access to all types of plumbing supplies from work, but I'm trying to crawl before I walk so to speak (lol if I ever walk, I may just keep crawling)

I've been pretty impressed the way @GrumpAzz just jumped into the deep end of the pool straight to hydro.
How do you do that? don't your plants go through water? I'm adding 3+ gal of food per day for my 5 plants in flower.....My 47 L reservoir will run dry in 3 days when full so I keep it half full and add daily.........
I'm running an RWDC. I'll mix 25 gallons of nutes and drop 15 or so into the lower rez. Then, I'll add RO to my top-off res and bring it back up to 20 gallons. I do it a little differently than most, but it keeps some nutes coming in with the water. As the plant drinks, I have a float valve that drips the top solution down so my water level stays the same. I'll watch the ppms and after a drop of 75-100, if the top-off rez isn't empty, I'll amend the lower res with the same ratio I started with. 20 gallons at 1¼ gallons a day gives me about two weeks before the top-off is empty.

Hope that answers your question.
I think that's a good way to describe it, "steep learning curve" I look at some of the conversations you guys have & my head starts spinning. I'm sure if I got into it I could get it figured out, but it feels like a daunting task to set it all up & figure it out. I may try it out at some point I have the know-how & access to all types of plumbing supplies from work, but I'm trying to crawl before I walk so to speak (lol if I ever walk, I may just keep crawling)
It was a steep learning curve but I began asking questions before I started the build. I like to have somewhat of an understanding before starting anything because I don't like feeling lost.
I've been pretty impressed the way @GrumpAzz just jumped into the deep end of the pool straight to hydro.
I appreciate it. I've lived my life with a weird since of confidence that's worked out so far. I always carry on as though I know what I'm doing or where I'm going. Hasn't failed me yet. I think it has to do with hands on experience being how I learn the best. If I don't know something, I'm under the impression that I'll figure it out 🤣.
I think that's a good way to describe it, "steep learning curve" I look at some of the conversations you guys have & my head starts spinning. I'm sure if I got into it I could get it figured out, but it feels like a daunting task to set it all up & figure it out. I may try it out at some point I have the know-how & access to all types of plumbing supplies from work, but I'm trying to crawl before I walk so to speak (lol if I ever walk, I may just keep crawling)

I've been pretty impressed the way @GrumpAzz just jumped into the deep end of the pool straight to hydro.
Imo if you only care to know the how, it's really not bad. If you want to understand the why, things can get complicated.
Imo if you only care to know the how, it's really not bad. If you want to understand the why, things can get complicated.
LOL, I am one who doesn't like to overcomplicate things. I don't need to know why it works, just that it does actually work. At one point in my grow journal someone asked why I was doing something & my basic answer was "cause that's what CannGranny said to do" 🤣
I spoke too soon @Scotty 420. Hopefully @Moe.Red can get me calmed down.

Last night around midnight is when I finished my rez change. 6.2 pH. 530 this morning it was 6.0 and I thought "nailed it."

Well... just got home and glanced in at the meter and OH SHIT!! 5.0!! I shot it with 30ml of UP and brought it to 6.2. I'll be checking again here in 15 minutes or so when I get cleaned up from work.

Did I kill her?
Do I need to do another change?

Ppms only dropped 10 or 20. I expected a little bit of drop but 5.0? Fug me, eh?
I spoke too soon @Scotty 420. Hopefully @Moe.Red can get me calmed down.

Last night around midnight is when I finished my rez change. 6.2 pH. 530 this morning it was 6.0 and I thought "nailed it."

Well... just got home and glanced in at the meter and OH SHIT!! 5.0!! I shot it with 30ml of UP and brought it to 6.2. I'll be checking again here in 15 minutes or so when I get cleaned up from work.

Did I kill her?
Do I need to do another change?

Ppms only dropped 10 or 20. I expected a little bit of drop but 5.0? Fug me, eh?
Holy shit call the bambalance!!

Can you point me to the appropriate post to read about what is in the res right now? Any silica products?

When you do a res change, is the water pre--mixed and you dump it in or are you putting RO in the res and mixing in there?
Did I kill her?
Do I need to do another change?

Ppms only dropped 10 or 20. I expected a little bit of drop but 5.0? Fug me, eh?
You will be fine I believe. Not sure on all your specifics, had not kept up but it's not going to do long term damage if it was out of range for that short period. I have found it fairly normal to have the ph dive for the first few days after a res change.

How are the ppms now compared to what you had before the change out? I have found that if your ppms are too high, it will cause an imbalance between the ppms and the pH will dive downward in that case. What I have done in this instance is use some silica or ph up to get things in the right range, and then lower the ppms by about 50-75 and see how everything behaves. Since being introduced to this metric, I have been able to fairly effectively dial things in and have 3 stable grows going on now for the first time ever,
Holy shit call the bambalance!!

Can you point me to the appropriate post to read about what is in the res right now? Any silica products?

When you do a res change, is the water pre--mixed and you dump it in or are you putting RO in the res and mixing in there?
Here's what went in. I mix it in the top-off, dump the plant res, then add it all at once.20230822_181040.jpg
You will be fine I believe. Not sure on all your specifics, had not kept up but it's not going to do long term damage if it was out of range for that short period. I have found it fairly normal to have the ph dive for the first few days after a res change.

How are the ppms now compared to what you had before the change out? I have found that if your ppms are too high, it will cause an imbalance between the ppms and the pH will dive downward in that case. What I have done in this instance is use some silica or ph up to get things in the right range, and then lower the ppms by about 50-75 and see how everything behaves. Since being introduced to this metric, I have been able to fairly effectively dial things in and have 3 stable grows going on now for the first time ever,
600 before to 680 with the new batch. Last batch was 630 and we were at 590-600 when I did the change.
Yeah well enough. I had it at 700 for a week or so and noticed some tip burn so I changed the res to reset my ratios and drop the ppms. That's the mix I dumped last night. Only upped the ppms with this change. GH suggests 700-850 at this stage for light feeding. I went with a little under that.
I agree. It's usually a day or two of bringing it up but I've never seen it get below 5.4 let alone drop a whole digit in 12 hours.

6 days sober, to boot. Hence the panic 🤣
Ok man we gotta catch up. What’s going on in your life with the sobriety? Congrats if you are trying to clean up for the power plant job. You have to give up completely?

I need to get to a pc to read the notes. I was just curious why you mixed the new tank at 6.3. Sorry I’ve seen too many grows is this RO?

I agree you are on the high side ppms. Is that 500 or 700 scale? I should remember this from before but I smoke weed. Not rubbing it in your face tho. Well I guess I kinda am.
Ok man we gotta catch up. What’s going on in your life with the sobriety? Congrats if you are trying to clean up for the power plant job. You have to give up completely?
Ok so I'm getting clean for the job, yes. It's an opportunity I don't want to pass up. Chance at some amazing benefits and pay, plus a pension. Much less manual labor, also.

I have some stuff called OralClear if I choose to go back to my stonerisms. It's got mixed reviews, however. I'm hoping to be clean by the time they test me but they also do random swabs. An old coworker of mine works there now and says he's been swabbed 5 times in the last 3 years. So giving up completely is unlikely. I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up my daily 2-3 joint habit plus dabs before and during work, though.
I need to get to a pc to read the notes. I was just curious why you mixed the new tank at 6.3. Sorry I’ve seen too many grows is this RO?
I left it at 6.3, expecting a slight drift down and yes, it's RO/DI.
I agree you are on the high side ppms. Is that 500 or 700 scale? I should remember this from before but I smoke weed. Not rubbing it in your face tho. Well I guess I kinda am.
Haha. That's on the 500 scale. I just went a little less than the GH chart suggested for light feeding.


So after an hour or so, it seems to have settled around 6.4 and I'm afraid to add any down, expecting it to drift down again on it's own. I'll keep watching and add some down if it doesn't change by the time I call it a night.

I've been fine with 6.0 knowing the plant will be taking in more P and K as I'm about halfway through flower. I'm open to suggestions, though. I'm still kind of wingin' it.

This plant ran into some mag deficiency early on. That's why I've added the epsom in addition to the calmag. I'll have to find where, but Aqua had me bump up the ppms earlier. That was when we went to 700 and got the tip burn. I brought her down some and she's seemed pretty happy since. I bumped her up again this time around as we moved from early to mid bloom ratios.

Man I appreciate your attention. I've since left panic mode. It just takes me a little longer to get thoughts under control being sober.

Night sweats are friggin' terrible 🤣
Ok so I'm getting clean for the job, yes. It's an opportunity I don't want to pass up. Chance at some amazing benefits and pay, plus a pension. Much less manual labor, also.

I have some stuff called OralClear if I choose to go back to my stonerisms. It's got mixed reviews, however. I'm hoping to be clean by the time they test me but they also do random swabs. An old coworker of mine works there now and says he's been swabbed 5 times in the last 3 years. So giving up completely is unlikely. I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up my daily 2-3 joint habit plus dabs before and during work, though.

I left it at 6.3, expecting a slight drift down and yes, it's RO/DI.

Haha. That's on the 500 scale. I just went a little less than the GH chart suggested for light feeding.


So after an hour or so, it seems to have settled around 6.4 and I'm afraid to add any down, expecting it to drift down again on it's own. I'll keep watching and add some down if it doesn't change by the time I call it a night.

I've been fine with 6.0 knowing the plant will be taking in more P and K as I'm about halfway through flower. I'm open to suggestions, though. I'm still kind of wingin' it.

This plant ran into some mag deficiency early on. That's why I've added the epsom in addition to the calmag. I'll have to find where, but Aqua had me bump up the ppms earlier. That was when we went to 700 and got the tip burn. I brought her down some and she's seemed pretty happy since. I bumped her up again this time around as we moved from early to mid bloom ratios.

Man I appreciate your attention. I've since left panic mode. It just takes me a little longer to get thoughts under control being sober.

Night sweats are friggin' terrible 🤣
You are fine. Let me dig a little deeper back in the thread tomorrow am. I’d rather give you a real answer but I need to get up to speed.

Sux on the forced sobriety
Here you go @Moe.Red. I was running high ppms at the end of veg. Noticed some burn on my first buds and backed it off about 100ppms.
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