Don't they rebuild the engine after every run? The transmissions in these things must be BEAST!
Exactly, they legitimately grenade themselves around 1000'. Shit top fuel doesn't even run the full 1320 anymore, they only race to 1000'. Shit, most tracks in the southern half of the country only run the 1/8th..... still break hella shit each run, but way less without the extra 660'....
Soon.. soon enough I'll have me some DFG beans or clones. I'm waiting for him to successfully produce feminized Blackberry Moonshine beans or, once I feel like I've got the hang of it, I'll fork over some cash for some clones.
Spend your money on figuring out the best way to setup a little mother tent. Of course, it works best when you're doing multi plant grows. Seeds will work for your next run and when you're culling you can take fem cuts to establish your mother. There's a place out in Cali where I bought a lot of gear from that now only sells cloth pots and associated gardening stuff. They still have a bunch of little 2x2 tents they're liquidating for like $40. I house 3 mothers in one of those tents along with propagating.

224 mother tent.jpg
Exactly, they legitimately grenade themselves around 1000'. Shit top fuel doesn't even run the full 1320 anymore, they only race to 1000'. Shit, most tracks in the southern half of the country only run the 1/8th..... still break hella shit each run, but way less without the extra 660'....
When I was in Ohio I was at a car show in Columbus and we drove out to Indian Trails. I think it was an 1/8 mile track. I read they built a little 330(?) ft track in Riverside, Cali to try and cut down on the street racing.
Spend your money on figuring out the best way to setup a little mother tent. Of course, it works best when you're doing multi plant grows. Seeds will work for your next run and when you're culling you can take fem cuts to establish your mother. There's a place out in Cali where I bought a lot of gear from that now only sells cloth pots and associated gardening stuff. They still have a bunch of little 2x2 tents they're liquidating for like $40. I house 3 mothers in one of those tents along with propagating.

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Link says the 2x2 is $30.00.

Can it be any good?
My exhaust fan is set to 5 (midrange). The smell has started to seep passed the 6in inline fan in the intake and out through the filter and into my lung room. The inline fan is on low but still.. how is that even possible??

Am I gonna need a charcoal filter on my intake as well?! 🤣😂🤣
My exhaust fan is set to 5 (midrange). The smell has started to seep passed the 6in inline fan in the intake and out through the filter and into my lung room. The inline fan is on low but still.. how is that even possible??

Am I gonna need a charcoal filter on my intake as well?! 🤣😂🤣
Just line the grow room in charcoal 👍🤣
Nute change going into the 7th week after flipping. I lowered my ppms and went with about 75% of GH's light feeding recommended dosage with a little Epsom, Orca and Fulvic thrown in for good measure. And of course some CalMag. I'll let it circulate overnight and see where it's at and adjust accordingly. Muffed up the last batch and I started to get some droopy leaf tips sometime in the last couple days. Hopefully I've got the ratios in check as we're heading into the home stretch. Guy at the Farm harvested on day 64 or 68 (can't remember which) and as of right now, we're halfway through day 41.
It is incredible to watch these things swell every day. Lemon scent is fading a bit as the berry undertone is starting to take over. I can't wait because those are two of my favorite terp profiles.
Screen filled out nicely. I've got a couple leaners and there's a bit of crowding going on in a few places, but I'm ecstatic. This is so much fun!
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Hey @ninjadip, you popped a Jungle Cake X Wedding Tree bean, right? How's that thing coming along?
Hey @SweetLeafGrow, when you switched from Agsil to phUP, were your pH drops during the first couple days a lot more drastic? Seems like it with my last couple res changes. I've added 35ml today so far, after last nights change. I'm glad it's a long weekend so I can keep a much closer eye on it. If I had to leave it for 10-12 hours, I think I'd freak out when I got home. I did panic, actually, that first res change without ths Agsil. I came home to 5.4 and I was a bit flustered..

Plant's still chugging along but my game of ping-pong has been a pretty intense battle today.
Hey @SweetLeafGrow, when you switched from Agsil to phUP, were your pH drops during the first couple days a lot more drastic?
I would not say this is true in my case, but the Agsil is definitely better from what I can tell....more stable and you need less.
I would not say this is true in my case, but the Agsil is definitely better from what I can tell....more stable and you need less.
Gotcha. I could be over-analyzing it. It just seems to drop a lot more a lot quicker with my last couple changes since I left out the Agsil. The last one I muffed up, though. I didn't bring it back down after the initial dose of pH Up. With that change, there really wasn't much of a buffer, I suppose.

This morning, it seems to be settling. Only dropped .1 overnight. I just don't remember it dropping so much in a day, before. I'll go back and check my notes.
This showed up a couple days ago and I think it coorelates with the drooping leaf tips that showed up a few days prior. I performed another res change Friday night so hopefully that fixes it but I'm curious what this is. It's not as dark as the photo. I had to turn the brightness on the camera all the way down to get a good pic...
I only see it on a few leaves but the drooping is happening all around the upper canopy. My first signs of a deficiency so I'm pleased it's taken this long for something to arise.
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This showed up a couple days ago and I think it coorelates with the drooping leaf tips that showed up a few days prior. I performed another res change Friday night so hopefully that fixes it but I'm curious what this is. It's not as dark as the photo. I had to turn the brightness on the camera all the way down to get a good pic...
View attachment 19824
I only see it on a few leaves but the drooping is happening all around the upper canopy. My first signs of a deficiency so I'm pleased it's taken this long for something to arise.
Your ratios you posted the other day,

Cut your micro at least in half
2.5 times your calmag
I think the tips issue was potassium def (early sign of whats to come )

Edit i see n excess and calcium def
Edit i see n excess and calcium def
I don't have it in front of me but Anthem talks about nutrient conflicts/antagonists. I wonder if the N excess would lock out calcium in that manner? I don't know a lot about that other than it exists and I need to learn about it.
I don't have it in front of me but Anthem talks about nutrient conflicts/antagonists. I wonder if the N excess would lock out calcium in that manner? I don't know a lot about that other than it exists and I need to learn about it.
Yea, mulders chart, calcium basically hates everything. Definitely one of our biggest battles imo.

Yes n could lock out the calcium but imo its more then likely the other way around that the antagonistic side of calcium that locks out the others.

CALCIUM is why i mostly chase my tail.Screenshot_20230819-143724_Chrome.jpgScreenshot_20230609-211313_Google.jpg
I don't want to confuse you bro, and I could be wrong, but this photo looks to me like excess, not deficiency.

Slight leaf tip burn, dark green, and clawing down point to N excess.
It's not nearly as dark as the picture leads on. I cranked the brightness down because I couldn't get a good pic. I'm not saying you're wrong, either.

The tip burn worsened with the last change where I ran up to nearly 700ppm TDS
Your ratios you posted the other day,

Cut your micro at least in half
2.5 times your calmag
I think the tips issue was potassium def (early sign of whats to come )

Edit i see n excess and calcium def
Calcium just scares me lol. I've seen the chart Sweet mentioned and Calcium seems to fight with everything. I'll dose it with some CalMag, though, just to be on the safe side.
I don't have it in front of me but Anthem talks about nutrient conflicts/antagonists. I wonder if the N excess would lock out calcium in that manner? I don't know a lot about that other than it exists and I need to learn about it.
I've seen that chart. Smoke said half my Micro. That coincides with the N excess, right?

Here's where I got my ratios but I did 75% of this. It doesn't include CalMag though and I went with extra epsom this time cuz this plant had a slight Mg deficiency early on.
You think I can fix this with amending or should I do another change? I messed up my last res change so I'll watch this for a couple days and see if it progresses. I can hit it with more CalMag tonight, just in case, though. These spots showed up after a week into my messed up res change.
Hey @smoke, I added 25ml to my lower 15ish gallons but it seems like that chart reads like calcium decreases the uptake of all those other nutrients. Am I reading that right?
Here's a couple better pictures @smoke and @SweetLeafGrow. First one is of the same leaf as before. Nute change or ride it out a couple more days? It's the 43rd day into flower and I added 25ml of CalMag to the lower resevoirs. 20230903_222921.jpg20230903_223248.jpg
What's @Moe.Red think about all this?
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Hey @smoke, I added 25ml to my lower 15ish gallons but it seems like that chart reads like calcium decreases the uptake of all those other nutrients. Am I reading that right?
Maybe calcium does decrease the uptake of other nutrients.

Or do all the other nutrients decrease the uptake of calcium?

@Anthem275 your thoughts
Nute change or ride it out a couple more days?
Are they eating?

The way i feed, around week 5-6 i would be feeding close to 3 2 1 ratios to finish. Bloom micro groScreenshot_20230904_011639_Chrome.jpg

I find when i try to amend the nutrients on the fly by just adding extra bloom so to speak, they don't like the ratio's (imo) and will stop eating. A water change and reseting the ratio's to what I WANT will always get them eating again
Are they eating?

The way i feed, around week 5-6 i would be feeding close to 3 2 1 ratios to finish. Bloom micro groView attachment 19968

I find when i try to amend the nutrients on the fly by just adding extra bloom so to speak, they don't like the ratio's (imo) and will stop eating. A water change and reseting the ratio's to what I WANT will always get them eating again
Well I was dreaming about a pH crisis and woke up just after lights out. I went into the room and saw 5.4 so I grabbed what I thought was UP (my very dim light in the room is blue) and shot it with 15 ml. It was pH Down... dreaming of a crisis woke me up and in my slumber I created a crisis 🤣.

I'll be doing a nute change regardless now. I dumped the lower resevoirs and filled it up with top-off water so my crisis has at least been averted for now, but now I have very little water above anyway. What a freakin' bonehead move...
@smoke i doubled my CalMag dose and dropped my Micro dosage by a third. I also went with 60% of GH's feed chart this time. What a shitshow this morning was.

I didn't snap any pictures of my notes because after my hermie debacle, I hate being in the room when the plant's in there sleeping. We ended up right around 6.0 pH with 490ppms.

Gonna go swimming with the baby today so hopefully my hectic morning will coast into a lazy ass day. A doobie would really help right about now.... sober folks must be wound so tight.
Hey @ninjadip, you popped a Jungle Cake X Wedding Tree bean, right? How's that thing coming along?
Sad... My little fake aerogarden station that I used for seedlings crapped out a week or two ago. It really wasn't ready to be moved, it's struggling to bounce back and I have a feeling it won't make it, but it's not dead yet...

Been traveling a lot so haven't been able to baby it like it needs. Sad but I have a lot of other healthy plants so if it doesn't make it, c'est la vie
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