Alita all the way. Best quietest pumps going. No one will ever be mad for following this advice.
Active aqua are good chiller as far as I know.
Think I have one??🥴
Yeah my ActiveAqua 1/10 chiller has been doing it's job no prob 👊
man that's sketchy. plugs melting/failing is some scary shit, and a reason we all should have some kind of fire suppression near or in our grow areas. glad you caught it before it became more than an inconvenience!
I keep a pretty watchful eye on my ACI app. No real reason inparticular, really. Just habitually pulling out the phone and instead of some stupid social media app, I check on my plant ☺️
The fan and filter are both in the tent and it ducts straight through the floor out of reach in my tiny room.

Thankfully I think I figured it out...
The little UIS plug from AC Infinty must've shorted out internally.

I went in blind and could feel the heater working. Checked my controller... that port is "off." I unplugged the control wire from the controller for that port, went back in the tent, still running. I just shut the heater off manually. What the hell? Those things only last through one grow cycle? The one running my humidifier hasn't messed up but apparently the added amperage of the heater was too much for it. Aren't they rated for 15 amps?

Thankfully I have a spare UIS plug but how long til that one shits out? I mean... it does run quite a bit while the lights are off, but damn. It's so easy to just keep the AC in the lung room running low cool all day. It stays in the mid 60's there. I don't wanna rely on the dial on the heater. I'll investigate a little closer when the lights come on in an hour and a half.

So close to finish line too... yeesh.
Thanks for the speedy reply, @tobh
New update on the UIS debacle.

I swapped out the one in question with an unused one and the heater immediately kicked on, unplugged from the controller 69. I thought that was weird. So I plugged it back intonthe 69 and it functioned properly. This had me wondering if the UIS just came unplugged from the 69. Tested out the one in question on my humidifier and it ran constant. Whether plugged into the 69 or not.

This leads me to believe the UIS controllers include a normally CLOSED contact inside. I was under the impression that they would be normally OPEN so if it were to fail, it would fail open (off). I'll test it with my meter but that seems like a design flaw to me. Like... why would you even need the UIS to function without being plugged into the controller? It would function no differently than the outlet that's aleady there.
New update on the UIS debacle.

I swapped out the one in question with an unused one and the heater immediately kicked on, unplugged from the controller 69. I thought that was weird. So I plugged it back intonthe 69 and it functioned properly. This had me wondering if the UIS just came unplugged from the 69. Tested out the one in question on my humidifier and it ran constant. Whether plugged into the 69 or not.

This leads me to believe the UIS controllers include a normally CLOSED contact inside. I was under the impression that they would be normally OPEN so if it were to fail, it would fail open (off). I'll test it with my meter but that seems like a design flaw to me. Like... why would you even need the UIS to function without being plugged into the controller? It would function no differently than the outlet that's aleady there.
fuck that's dangerous! report that to ACI man. No switch of any type should ever fail closed. That's a whole bunch of nope.
I wonder if this has been an ongoing problem with them. They were sold out for quite some time. I'm thinking they were having issues with their manufacturer and supposedly corrected it but I guess not.
I wonder if this has been an ongoing problem with them. They were sold out for quite some time. I'm thinking they were having issues with their manufacturer and supposedly corrected it but I guess not.
IME ACI is always out of stock on their more popular offerings. They're just as bad as Ubiquiti when it comes to keeping the shit that sells in stock.
Here's the email I sent and I'll make a post regarding the potential fire hazard.
I have 3 your UIS controller outlets. Well, 2 now. One failed tonight. It failing isn't the main issue. It's the fact that it failed CLOSED. I don't feel as though this is safe and it seems as though it would make more sense if the internal relay was normally OPEN.

It's never safe for a switch of any kind to fail closed. If there is a problem, the electricity should be cut, denying the device any power. Instead, this controller failed closed and kept my heater running constant. Had I not been connected to the 69 pro, I would've had no idea and my plants would have fried, let alone the potential fire hazard that an unsupervised space heater presents.

Aside from the fire hazard, the fact that the UIS controller functions at all when unplugged from the controller 69 is completely redundant as it takes up an entire duplex receptacle anyway. Why would I want to waste an entire receptacle by plugging in a UIS controller that's not being controlled? The UIS should not work without the controller telling it to.

Simply put, the way these currently function is a fire hazard. This all coming from a Master Electrician who has seen, first hand, a failed switch that caused a fire.

Please contact me and correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel as though these should be redesigned and a safety notice put out so that others are made aware.

Here's the email I sent and I'll make a post regarding the potential fire hazard.
I have 3 your UIS controller outlets. Well, 2 now. One failed tonight. It failing isn't the main issue. It's the fact that it failed CLOSED. I don't feel as though this is safe and it seems as though it would make more sense if the internal relay was normally OPEN.

It's never safe for a switch of any kind to fail closed. If there is a problem, the electricity should be cut, denying the device any power. Instead, this controller failed closed and kept my heater running constant. Had I not been connected to the 69 pro, I would've had no idea and my plants would have fried, let alone the potential fire hazard that an unsupervised space heater presents.

Aside from the fire hazard, the fact that the UIS controller functions at all when unplugged from the controller 69 is completely redundant as it takes up an entire duplex receptacle anyway. Why would I want to waste an entire receptacle by plugging in a UIS controller that's not being controlled? The UIS should not work without the controller telling it to.

Simply put, the way these currently function is a fire hazard. This all coming from a Master Electrician who has seen, first hand, a failed switch that caused a fire.

Please contact me and correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel as though these should be redesigned and a safety notice put out so that others are made aware.

Killed it dude. Hopefully this is just a fluke and you caught one in a million that were missed in QA, but I think it's probably a design flaw like you said. if they're relying on a relay in that unit, they should probably switch to a circuit breaker instead given the damn near fool-proof nature of how circuit breakers work. i've seen several relays weld themselves in the closed position in cars, and it never turns out good for whatever load is down line, not to mention the wire feeding that load.
Killed it dude. Hopefully this is just a fluke and you caught one in a million that were missed in QA, but I think it's probably a design flaw like you said. if they're relying on a relay in that unit, they should probably switch to a circuit breaker instead given the damn near fool-proof nature of how circuit breakers work. i've seen several relays weld themselves in the closed position in cars, and it never turns out good for whatever load is down line, not to mention the wire feeding that load.
No doubt. PSA has been posted.
Man.. I have to assume we're very near to the end here. Seems like I'm battling everything. PH swings, faulty components, and now my own damned ignorance.

In fiddling with my controls last night, my dumbass never kicked back on the automations. Tent reached 87 degrees and 67% rh.

If it ain't one thing it's a-muhfuckin-nother. Thankfully at least my pH seems to have stabilized and I got some coffee in me now.

Y'all have a good day now 🤣
Man.. I have to assume we're very near to the end here. Seems like I'm battling everything. PH swings, faulty components, and now my own damned ignorance.

In fiddling with my controls last night, my dumbass never kicked back on the automations. Tent reached 87 degrees and 67% rh.

If it ain't one thing it's a-muhfuckin-nother. Thankfully at least my pH seems to have stabilized and I got some coffee in me now.

Y'all have a good day now 🤣
Ive read that stress in the last 2 weeks really brings out the terps. Talking stressing the plant here, not the farmer.
Ive read that stress in the last 2 weeks really brings out the terps. Talking stressing the plant here, not the farmer.
Let's hope. I was afraid the heat might diminish the terps.

I'm mostly concerned about the near 70% rh, though. I'm sure one night of it won't hurt things but I'm terrified of mold and budrot. Seems like those are the only things that could render the plant unsmokable at this point.
I keep a pretty watchful eye on my ACI app. No real reason inparticular, really. Just habitually pulling out the phone and instead of some stupid social media app, I check on my plant ☺️
It comes and goes for me. But the distance is good. Tents are in basement and I can connect on the second floor. Great for checking at lights on/off or making quick changes before bed or just waking up. 👍
New update on the UIS debacle.

I swapped out the one in question with an unused one and the heater immediately kicked on, unplugged from the controller 69. I thought that was weird. So I plugged it back intonthe 69 and it functioned properly. This had me wondering if the UIS just came unplugged from the 69. Tested out the one in question on my humidifier and it ran constant. Whether plugged into the 69 or not.

This leads me to believe the UIS controllers include a normally CLOSED contact inside. I was under the impression that they would be normally OPEN so if it were to fail, it would fail open (off). I'll test it with my meter but that seems like a design flaw to me. Like... why would you even need the UIS to function without being plugged into the controller? It would function no differently than the outlet that's aleady there.
I’ve noticed that ACI, like most, have cut back on extras and quality. I’ve had to return two new 6” booster fans in half a year due to failing and squeaking bearings. They no longer come with detachable power/dimming switch cord either.

Yet anything I’ve bought prior to 2023 is still going fine with just regular cleaning.

I bet the UIS is being outsourced to a cheap overseas company and they screwed up. Contact and see what they say. Nothing to lose and you might get good results.
Man.. I have to assume we're very near to the end here. Seems like I'm battling everything. PH swings, faulty components, and now my own damned ignorance.

In fiddling with my controls last night, my dumbass never kicked back on the automations. Tent reached 87 degrees and 67% rh.

If it ain't one thing it's a-muhfuckin-nother. Thankfully at least my pH seems to have stabilized and I got some coffee in me now.

Y'all have a good day now 🤣
Wife leaves at 5am for work. Tent goes dark at 7am. I usually leave the tent door open half way, even in flower.

For some reason she keeps mucking with things when we are in flower.

Today, with all the heat and humidity she closed the tent at 5am, with lights still on and 30c & 60RH. Lucky she woke me to say goodbye and told me. I had her open the door again which she did. But she left the grow room lights on with the tent door open. 🤦

I caught it by 7:45am, we have green light bulbs I put in just in case, but I hope we don’t get any surprises.
Let's hope. I was afraid the heat might diminish the terps.

I'm mostly concerned about the near 70% rh, though. I'm sure one night of it won't hurt things but I'm terrified of mold and budrot. Seems like those are the only things that could render the plant unsmokable at this point.
Happens here off/on. I get leaves that look like they have nitrogen toxicity right beside perfectly fine leaves. I’ve considered taking grow breaks between July to September but so far it works out okay.

I’m sure strain and duration come into play but here it’s fine if less than a week. If we know a heatwave is coming and will last longer than a few days we’ll hook up a portable AC. Just a PITA as grow room has no windows and is in middle of the basement.
Let's hope. I was afraid the heat might diminish the terps.

I'm mostly concerned about the near 70% rh, though. I'm sure one night of it won't hurt things but I'm terrified of mold and budrot. Seems like those are the only things that could render the plant unsmokable at this point.
Yer fine......a few days in high humidity shouldn't be an issue as long as you have good airflow.
I’ve noticed that ACI, like most, have cut back on extras and quality. I’ve had to return two new 6” booster fans in half a year due to failing and squeaking bearings. They no longer come with detachable power/dimming switch cord either.

Yet anything I’ve bought prior to 2023 is still going fine with just regular cleaning.

I bet the UIS is being outsourced to a cheap overseas company and they screwed up. Contact and see what they say. Nothing to lose and you might get good results.
When I was doing China biz I ran into a similar issue. I had contracted a factory to manufacture product that I was selling. In the beginning, they were shipping me great product. My clients loved it and I was getting repeat orders. After the 3rd shipment I started getting complaints from a few of my customers but no biggie. The complaints started to become more numerous until I decided to go see what was going on for myself.

When I got to the factory none of my product was being produced and, in fact, they had something else going on their production line. I complained to my rep and she admitted that they had to farm out my order to another factory to be able to fulfill both.
Drying sesh is getting closer every day. What is your idea of the perfect environment to hang some plants? I'll be drying in my tent that is pretty damn stable so shoot me your opinions on perfect temperature and humidity.

Aaaannd GO
Drying sesh is getting closer every day. What is your idea of the perfect environment to hang some plants? I'll be drying in my tent that is pretty damn stable so shoot me your opinions on perfect temperature and humidity.

Aaaannd GO
A basic start point is 65-70F and 50-55%

If you are concerned with mold lower rh as low as you can get it for 24 hours then ramp up to 55. Sometimes have to do that if you have huge intact buds. They have a lot of water in them.
i shoot for the 60-60 rule if I can achieve it. getting the RH to 60% is easy, maintaining 60F is a whole other challenge outside of harvesting in the winter.
60 60 is perfect for me to actually achieve 10 days drytime. Another reason i like to fall winter months to grow my 2 crops
60 60 is perfect for me to actually achieve 10 days drytime. Another reason i like to fall winter months to grow my 2 crops
same. tends to get me within 10-14 days before i shuck and put buds in paper bags for moisture equalization before jars. also why i try to start a run so that it'll wrap up between November and March. that's the only time of year i can economically get the temperature within that optimal range.
i shoot for the 60-60 rule if I can achieve it. getting the RH to 60% is easy, maintaining 60F is a whole other challenge outside of harvesting in the winter.
Agreed man. Im usually 65-68° and 55-62% humidity in the summer. In the winter i dry in the back of my water heater closet near the floor where its about 55-58° because i have a huge 8"x8" hole in the floor cause apparently the idiots that put the last water heater in couldn't get a 3/4" water line through a 2" hole so they cut a square out with a circular saw.....
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