i was wondering if you were supposed to shake em around now and then in the racks. i do this when i have the extras in a cardboard box. just shake em once a day.
I figured it couldn't hurt.
i was surprised all the misc. buds a trimmed wet added up to 36 grams so far!! i haven't weighed a harvest in a long time. in fact i've grown perpetual for so long i only really understand single plant weights and averages.. i never harvested my cabinet full of buds like this so i'm gonna be meticulous and get an accurate count so i have something to compare to if i'm gonna grow mono crops like this in the future.
I hope to reach a point where the final weight is unimportant. I just had to beat my last grow. Needed to see some sort of improvement on this round. So far, lots of improvements this round.

hopefully your new ACI gear lasts a long long time and at some point you'll have forgotten all about those hours, if not already!! 😆

i never had luck trying to look at trics. it always seemed like i could just move the scope around the bud until i found one leaf that had colors i was looking for. i ended up with better buds once i ditched those things. never really saw cloudy so they say, always seemed clear or amber.. i just use pistil receding along with overall bud look, uptake in water, and smell. so maybe i missed something way back then and didn't have the right lighting or something.. curios to hear what you have to say, i still have them.. loupes, magnifiers w/lights, and a usb digital one. all just taking up space.
They've been great with warranties so far. Free replacements and apparently they retooled these new plugs, too. Was it from what I said to them in my emails? Man I'd like to think so.

The loupe.. I couldn't hold it steady enough to check on a wispy plant trembling in the breeze.
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next run when?

trying to get my DWC buckets up and running, waiting on seeds to germ

the first bucket i filled up, checked last night, water pump clogged with white fuzz like mold, need to get those h2o2 test strips @Moe.Red was saying so i can actually check my peroxide ppms

rinsed the bucket and pump like 10 times

and u werent kidding that pump is noisy but ill have a use for it
thanks bro u no idea how much i appreciate you for the packages
my first DWC attempt was pretty good with no chiller, around 80f in the water, trying to get a second run under DWC in.

working with what i got

if only i had all the right tools and parts for the job....priorities.....this kid is expensive lol
Almost bought a cannatrol last night.
I am weak.
Just need to install the AC in upstairs room.🥴
My plants say when. I have loupe and goggles but behavior and overall growth, appearance say when I chop.
Almost bought a cannatrol last night.
I am weak.
Just need to install the AC in upstairs room.🥴
My plants say when. I have loupe and goggles but behavior and overall growth, appearance say when I chop.
Those are neat just damn pricey.

now im patient enough to let em proper fade and ripen.

Maximum potential.
Almost bought a cannatrol last night.
I am weak.
Just need to install the AC in upstairs room.🥴
My plants say when. I have loupe and goggles but behavior and overall growth, appearance say when I chop.
Man... this'll be my next purchase in the weed realm of things. I just want full control over the cure. It would EVENTUALLY pay for itself in grove bags 🤣
Man... this'll be my next purchase in the weed realm of things. I just want full control over the cure. It would EVENTUALLY pay for itself in grove bags 🤣
Haha good point.

I hate it man, I hate not being able to dry even close to 60/60, from everything I've read 68F+ terpenes can start to evaporate, if you're smelling it, that's the terps evaporating away off the buds we just spent 8+ weeks growing.

I want all of those % points

And proper dry/cure, a variable for smooth smoke.
Deal. Just finished this print head recovery jig so ready for the next project. Got a bum leg so now’s a good time to get busy on designing something.

View attachment 61491
Man I like your style. Knowing you, it'll be a killer project too.

I use jars too, not tried the groves yet.
They worked alright last run but it dried too fast and hit pretty harsh. Killer terps though.
I will just set up my AC this time but if things stay the same for me I am willing to invest in the cannatrol at 1600+.
@GrumpAzz that is how slackers do it. Set it and forget it~!
Time will get you money but your money won't buy you time~ James Taylor. :sneaky:
How would you use it? Seems small for you.
I thought the same but if it dries in 4 days and my room never finishes all at once I think I could make it work.
I also think running my AC for over 1 month in the dry room will cost 1/10 of the cannatrol.
It would spend most of its life like my press, tumbler, distiller in its box.
But it would be a useful tool also IMO.
I thought the same but if it dries in 4 days and my room never finishes all at once I think I could make it work.
I also think running my AC for over 1 month in the dry room will cost 1/10 of the cannatrol.
It would spend most of its life like my press, tumbler, distiller in its box.
But it would be a useful tool also IMO.
you had me at useful tool.

Would a full size refrigerator or a chest freezer be a good doner? The electronics are easy.

This guy did a much larger wine cooler with glass door for $200

you had me at useful tool.

Would a full size refrigerator or a chest freezer be a good doner? The electronics are easy.

This guy did a much larger wine cooler with glass door for $200

Alright. I'll have to think about this some more. Don't get too involved just yet. I'm gonna look at this again. If you build one, I'll buy it. Just wait a bit before you start. Not sure if my old ranger could make it that far to haul a full sized fridge back.
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